World's Best 6

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  Frank Iero's Point Of View

   Gerard sat on the counter and sat me on his knees. Our noses brushed together. He smiled as I blushed slightly. His hands slid onto my back pockets. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He started kissing my neck passionately. I threw my head back. He grinned at my annoyance. He would have been annoyed as much if I teased him like that.
   '' Gerard stop, '' I laughed. He moved from my neck to my ear in one swift move. Jaspar walked in casually.
  '' Frank it's- '' He started. He turned his back on us as fast as he could. Gerard took his hands away and put me down.
   '' You said you'll drive him to school today... '' I laughed blushing. 
   '' Yeah, I-I'm coming Jaspar, ''  He said and stormed out of the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile. Jaspar followed slowly trying desperately to avoid eye contact. Gerard sat down on the steps and put his shoes on. 

   '' Got everything? '' I asked.
   '' Yeah, '' Jaspar smiled.
   '' You'll be fine.. ''
   '' I know. ''
   '' And Jaspar- ''
   '' I know, I know, I have to watch my teeth. ''
   I smiled as they walked to the car and waved as they left. I walked to the kitchen wondering what I should make for dinner today. I turned on the laptop and started browsing through the cooking websites. Pasta in chili sauce sounds nice... A phone rang. Gerard left his phone at home again. I sighed and picked up.

   '' Hello? ''
   '' Is this Mr. Way? '' the voice asked. I laughed to myself a little. Not right now but in the near future, yes.
   '' What are you after? '' I asked.
   '' I've got a job- ''
   '' He doesn't take care of things like that anymore. ''
   '' It's urgent. ''
   '' I told you he is not- ''
   '' Can I talk to him? ''
   I sighed with annoyance.
   '' He's not here right now. Can you call later? '' I explained leaning against the table.
   '' What's the earliest time? I need to speak to him asap. ''
   '' Call back at 9 and he should be back at home. ''
   '' Great. Thank you. ''
   '' Yea, bye. ''
   He ended the call. He seemed pretty desperate. I continued to read the recipe.

   Jaspar Varn's Point Of View

   We got to sit where we want so I kept close to my new friend, Ryan. There were 6 places at 1 table. Some boys filled in the other 4. Ryan sighed loudly obviously annoyed.

   '' Great, '' he muttered.
   '' What's your name? '' One of the boys asked.
   '' Jaspar, '' I told him.
   '' I'm Jack- ''
   '' And I'm Dec, '' Another interupted, '' Are you an emo freak like he is? '' He nodded at Ryan.
   '' He's not a freak! '' I protested.
   '' Woah, calm down! Fine then, do you listen to the same shit as him? '' he laughed.
   '' What if I do? ''
   '' That's gay that.. '' he commented. 
   '' You like gay things don't you? You should buy their album, it will match your pink room, '' I smiled. In the corner of my eye I saw Ryan giggle.
   '' What the fuck are you laughing at weirdo? '' he looked at Ryan.
   '' Your face, '' Ryan replied and kept laughing. 
   '' I'll be laughing at yours after school, '' he smiled.

   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   I took my shoes off and entered the kitchen. Frank leaned against the counter with the frying pan's handle in one hand and the other shoved in his pocket while whatever he was burning, stood in flames.
   '' Wh- What is that? '' I laughed. He looked up and answered casually, '' Cajun. '' He smiled and went over to the cupboard under the sink and quickly took out the lid for the pan. He put it on the pan and the fire died away quickly due to lack of air. He looked at his hands then turned the stove off completely. I walked up to him from behind and put my arms around him, swinging a little. I rested my head on his shoulder and whispered into his ear, '' Frankie... '' He smiled and looked at me for a while before planting a quick kiss on my lips. 
   '' You left your phone at home... Someone called about a job, '' he told me.
   '' What did you tell him? '' I asked starting to swing from side to side gently.
   '' To call around 9 so he should call soon. '' 
   '' Did he say anything else? ''
   '' Nope. ''

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