And Never Again.

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  Frank Iero's Point Of View

   '' So what do they want? '' I ask leaning back on the couch with my cup of coffee firmly in my hands. At least it seems normal until I see Gerard's face drown in pure worry. I put the cup on the table and slowly walk over, not sure if my presence is wanted at that moment. If it wasn't for the stamp of the goddamn wolf's council on the envelope.. I would think it's just a joke.

    He stands up running his hand through his hair.
   '' Get a bag and pack yourself and Jaspar. You're gonna stay at Mikey's for a.. a couple of days,'' he instructs throwing the letter onto the table and heading upstairs. I take the letter in my trembling hands and read out loud.
   '' Dear Mr Way.. Gerard Arthur Way to be executed by..'' I freeze and stare at the piece of paper. Slowly I force my legs to carry me upstairs and into our bedroom where Gerard is getting his guns ready.
   '' G-Gerard baby,'' I speak with tears in my eyes.
   '' Frank go pack, '' He orders coldly. 
   '' What are you going to do? ''
   '' Kill 'em all. ''

   '' Let me go with you, '' I plead dropping the letter.
   '' Frank it's not your fight,'' He murmurs. I stand in front of him stopping him in his hurried tracks. My hands holding his beautiful face I look into his angelic eyes and whisper, '' It's our war. You're not going alone.''  A smile lights up his face, oh what smile..
   '' I'm gonna go and get Jaspar to the base along with Emily and Ryan. I'll be back in about half an hour so please don't start the game without me, '' I smile and leave. I grab the keys to the car and rush out the front door. 

   10 minutes pass and I'm at Ryan's front door, stood there awkwardly once again waiting for someone to answer. I am let inside by Ryan's mother although I prefer it to be quick she leads me to the living room where the 3 are sat on the couch waiting.
   '' Come on, we've got little time,'' I say and they get up, '' Thank you Mrs Sollitt.'' She smiles warmly as we leave through the front door of the warm and cosy house and into the cold. Time runs fast yet the car seems to move so slow, stuck in the traffic amongst hundreds of other people just casually minding their own business. I tap nervously and glare at the red light angrily glaring back at me. Time passes and passes and it's already half past 1. What time was written on that piece of paper Frank? Think! Too shocked by a word I couldn't even process the rest of the information which were probably more valuable than 'executed'. My English teacher wouldn't be too proud at that moment. As if I even dare to think about old and stupid Mrs Crigley.

   '' Hey Frank! '' Mikey smiles as I lead the 3 inside.
   '' Hey, Mikey take care of them for a few hours will you? '' I say pleadingly. 
   '' Erm.. here? ''
   '' Yeah. '' He smiles again and leads the trio into another room. Ryan being amazed at all the things he sees. What normal kid wouldn't be? I rush outside and back into the car before Mikey returns and Bob even bothers to look up.

   After multiple minutes of adoring the magnificent traffic I finally arrive back at home. A home which just 6 months ago was occupied by a single vampire hunter.. the demon in disguise who was to be killed tonight. I rush inside not sure if the front door has even closed behind me.
   '' G, I'm back, '' I yell throwing the keys onto the counter. I hear them slide across the marble and hit the black tiles on the wall. No answer is ever given. I freeze and listen in. Nothing. Deafening silence cushions the house like a bubble. A bubble which is broken, popped by a piercing sound of.. a shot. I run upstairs towards the source of the sound only to find the room empty. A laugh from behind me. I spin around expecting to find a member of the black wolf's council, a man dressed in black and green yet.. I find the handsome devil I spent the best time of my life with. Gerard.
   '' GERARD WHY?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT?! '' I yell at the top of my lungs. In return only receiving an evil smirk. He grabs my hair and pulls me into a kiss. His raven locks falling onto his face as he spins taking me with him. He pulls away still smirking,'' Now.. It's going to be a really fucked up night. Keep close-'' He stops when he sees me cross my arms and raise my eyebrow.
   '' Or maybe do whatever you like.. '' he laughs. I have put my weapon belt on before I left.. which turned out to be a very good choice now, as we hear a knock on the door and silence grabs the house in its rough and sharp claws once again.

   Slowly he makes his way to the rail and looks down. The door is visible. A great spot to watch. No wonder Gerard insisited we lived here. Another knock on the door and I join Gerard staring down.
   '' How many do you think there are? '' I whisper. He puts his finger to his lips giving me the last look of his glistening eyes before the men outside give up on knocking politely. The door is knocked off of its hinges and a while passes before the first man steps in. Identical, the four of them. Black cloaks with green belts around their waists. A black bowler hat covering each man's jet black curly hair. They step in, one at a time. Then they divide, two of them enter the living room while the other two make their way upstairs. Gerard dashes into the bathroom while I decide to stain the carpet blood red in our bedroom. Blood red it is stained as the man starts falling to the floor. His heart no longer beating. I am there to catch him, making only a swoosh of air brush the floor. Carefully I lay him down and stay there until I hear footsteps approaching. Weren't I quiet enough? Did they hear me? The door slowly opens to reveal Gerard once again.
   '' Now the two downstairs, '' He mouths not making a sound while creeping down the hallway and down the stairs.

   This time I lead the way into the living room while Gerard takes my back. We separate as I continue to the kitchen and he goes the other way through the living room and the dining room. I stop and stare as the man in the black cloak turns around and yells, '' ICI! ICI! '' Before I realise, my flesh is burning and blood drips onto the floor. I shoot the man and.. fall to the floor along with him.

   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   I see my sweetheart on the floor in a pool of his own blood. My heart stops beating for a second as I rush over to him and lift his sweet head.
   '' Frankie, baby stay with me, '' I say nervously taking his hand in mine. I stand up taking his small body in my arms. I walk to the door as his hazel half lidded eyes look up at me.
   '' We'll get you to hospital.. stay with me, Frankie, please stay,'' I say not fighting tears any longer, '' Frankie, look at me. Frankie look at me! ''

His angelic eyes close and my heart stops beating. Because the only reason it ever did, was for him. My Frankie.

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