Chapter 16

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Paige's POV
I was on my way to Becky's house because she said she needed to tell me something important. I didn't feel so good about this. I walked up to her door and knocked on it. She opened the door and it seemed as she wasn't happy to see me What did I do? She let me in and told me to sit down "Paige.... we have to talk about stuff" Becky said is a low voice "Like what kind of stuff...?" I looked down my smiled went away. "Paige.... we're over.." She said. I was still looking down "are you being serious...?" I couldn't speak. Becky keep looking at me then spoke "Paige Yes... I'm being ser-" I cut her off "After all that... Wh-Why? What did I do... Huh?" I looked in her eyes and stood up "9 months and there that's it.... We're Done?.." Becky keep her head down "Paige... I like someone else...." I couldn't believe this "Ohh.... and I'm not good enough... Huh? You know what... Forget it I'm leaving..." I opened the door and looked back at her "...And don't come back to me... if they don't treat you Right.." I finally said and slammed the door.

On my way home I was crying... I been through a lot I even stop cutting for her.... and I guess that's going to come back. I saw Seth's house not far from here so I ran to it. I went to the door and knocked. Seth opened the Door and asked what happen. "Becky just broke up with me..." I said sobbing. He brought me inside and hugged me "its going to be okay..." He said in a soft voice. I cried on his shoulder. Everything me and Becky been through and all that wasted.....

*a bit of self harm Sorry..*
I got home and throw my self on the bed and my face was buried in the pillow. I let out all my tears.... I went in the bathroom to clean them off I grabbed a towel and wiped them off.... I looked over at the bathtub. "One little thing can make all the pain go all away" I said. I grabbed the razor and took off its blade. I pressed it against my skin and closed my eyes. I felt the blood go down the side of my arms. I opened my eyes and I felt relaxed.
*sorry about that*

Brie's POV
Dean and I went to my house to face Nikki and ask her did she care so much. We got to my house and I opened the door and let him in. I went upstairs and to Nikki's room. I knocked but no one answered. I opened the door and saw Nikki on her bed with her earphones on. "Nikki...." I said she rolled her eyes at me and took them off. "What do you wan-" she said them stopped when she saw Dean. "Nikki.. why do you care if I'm Gay?" Dean said.

Nikki laughed "I don't care I'm with John and..." She was thinking of what to say "and he makes me happy..." She said looking down "Nikki say the truth.." I said "I am saying the truth!" Nikki said. Dean and I didn't believe her... Dean knew she had a crush on him but never said anything "Dean... like Come on You don't really like boys Right..?" Nikki said "Nikki I'm happy with Seth and I make him happy.... why can't you accept that?" Dean said in a low voice "Because..... I just can't!! Okay.... I like you!!" Nikki yelled Dean smiled "Well guess what.... I'm in love with Seth... So please Accept that" Dean said "Ima go Brie" and Dean left.

Nikki sat on her bed thinking of what Dean said. I think she finally understood.

Dean's POV
I finally told Nikki that I'm not into her. I think she got the message. I went home and went to sleep. I was glad this is over. Then my mind had a point maybe something bad might happen over this.
I just ignored it and went to take a shower.

When I got out I put on some sweats and layed in bed on my phone. I stayed up all night texting Seth. I'm glad I finally found someone that makes me happy.

I woke up at 8:45 thank God it was a weekend. I looked at my phone to check if I got any messages. I didn't so I just layed in bed relaxing.

Seth's POV
I stayed awaked all night texting Dean... I told him what happen between Becky and Paige.

I was still asleep when I heard a few knocked on my door. I got up and went downstairs. I opened the door to see Paige.

It seemed as she hasn't slept. She walked in the house and fell on the couch. "Umm.... Paige are you okay?" I asked "No I'm not okay I promised my self I wouldn't do it no more.... but I just couldn't help my self..." She said tears coming out of her eyes. "What are you talking about" I said she pulled me to sit down and she took off her sweater. Paige's arm and wrist were filled in cuts.

"Di-did you did this to your self?" I asked grabbing her arm. She nodded with tears coming out of her eyes. "I just couldn't anymore.... I kept it in for so long that it just all came out at once" Paige said putting her hand to her face "I'm sorry Seth i promised i wouldn't but..." I stopped her and hugged her tight "Paige don't cry..... everything will be alright I promise you"

Sorry about the self harm stuff.... my gf just broke up with me But I got out all my emotions with this.
Thanks again for Reading

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