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"Feeling better?"


"That's good. Do you want some ice cream?"

"No, I haven't eaten all of mine, and I obviously can't share with my family."


"I NEVER share ice cream! NEVER! NEVER! EVER! EVER!"

"I get it, princess. You don't like sharing your ice cream."

"Yeah, I mean, I don't even think I could share my ice cream with Albert Einstein!"

"Excuse me?"

"My teddy bear."


"Stop laughing! It isn't really fun."

"Is- that seriously- what you named it?"


"Wow! Okay, well, then. I am slowly recovering."

"From your laughing fit?"


"Okay, can you use a..."

"a pick-up line. Of course, princess! My favorite letters in the alphabet are U R A Q T."

"Okay, you don't even know what I look like. Continue."

"If you are going to find a flaw in each one, I don't think I can do this. We are officially over!"

"Stop being over dramatic. Oh, my eyeballs just rolled out of my head."

"That sounds like it might hurt, princess. Are you a Harry Potter fan?"

"Yeah, definitely!"

"I wanna Slytherin."

"Ha-ha, very funny. One more. Mom is calling about the loads of ice cream in the fridge, and she has no idea how it got there."

"If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?"


"Um, did you like it? It is a little silent over there."


"Yeah what?"

"Yeah, I'll be your nothing."


Sprinkles on ice cream. Lovely!

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