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"Princess, can we go straight to the pickup lines?"

"Because you want to use them on me! The most awesome person around. Go ahead, shoot!"

"If you weren't on this planet, I would be the hottest person."

"Well, I'm here, so deal with it!"

"Geez, that is an ego of great proportions!"

"Well, you did just say you were the second hottest person on the planet. I do believe you have a fair sized ego yourself, young man."

"Young man? I will have you know I am a senior in high school."

"I will have you know that I have reached the great and mature of age of senior in high school as well. Deal with it!"

"Is your name Mickey? Because you're so FINE."

"You blow my mind!"

"Hey! You get it! Most people don't."

"You've used this before? Wow, thanks for considering me for this special spot of receiving a comeback related to a song for the first time."

"For the very first time! Like a virgin."

"Are you seriously crooning that? Ladies and gents, most stupid person ever."

"Oh yeah, I think I am talking to her right now."

"Ouch, that hurt me in the feels, young man."

"'Course it did, princess."

"Is my ice cream ready?"

"Yes, princess. Your humble and lowly servant has prepared your ice cream and will put it on a little pink truck which Frank will drive to your house."

"It is not little! In fact--"

"Princess, we don't really need to know about how large the ice cream truck that transports your ice cream is."

"You don't, but other people do."

"There are no other people listening, princess."

"Too bad for them. They are missing out on some stupid conversations."

"Glad to know, princess. Don't forget the surprise."

"I won't. Promise. Bye."



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