The Show

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The four members got to the auditorium. All the crew and other instrument players of the band were all ready there warming up. Benny went straight to his piano, Björn unpacked his guitar and Frida and Agnetha started their normal voice exercises.

They all spend about an hour warming up with all the band and backup singers. "Right I think we should start our hair and makeup" Frida said as she walked over to Agnetha. "Yes, I'll just grab my stuff" she replied. Frida then went backstage to the dressing room. "Just coming" Agnetha shouted from the stage. She gathered all her bags and walked over to the stairs at the back of the stage. "See you later honey" she blew a kiss over to Björn who was tuning his guitar. "I Love you my darling" he replied.

Both the girls were started their hair and makeup. "How long have we got until we need to be ready" Agnetha said putting on her mascara. "About an hour and fifteen minutes" Frida replied. "I'm so nervous" Agnetha put down all her makeup. "You always are, and you are always amazing on the stage" Frida smiled. "You are so much more confident than me, I wish I had some of your confidence" Agnetha stumbled her words. "Don't be silly Agnetha, you actually look more confident than me when we are on stage anyway" Frida giggled. "That's not true! And you know it's not Frida" Agnetha said abruptly. The girls finished doing their hair and makeup and got changed into their stage costumes.

Meanwhile the boys had finished warming up and had got into their costumes as well in their dressing room. "My eyes!" Benny said covering his eyes at the slight of Björn's trousers. "What is it?" Björn replied laughing. "Why can't you wear something like me, your costume doesn't hide a thing at all" Benny laughed. "Em I don't know, I think I like to show everything off" Björn said looking down at his crotch. "Fair enough" Benny didn't want to continue the conversation any further.

"Five minutes until show time! Five minutes people!" a voice of one of the stage directors shouted down the corridor where the dressing rooms were. Thousand and thousands of people had flooded the auditorium all ready to see their favourite band live on stage. ABBA all meet at the back of the stage, dressed and ready to go. "Honey I'm so nervous" Agnetha turned around to Björn. "You'll be great as always my darling" he planted a firm kiss on her lips. Benny kissed Frida too.

They all run out onto the stage to be greeted with roars of screaming from the crowd. 'Tiger' if the first song they all sung. The crowd went wild and they keep up their enthusiasm for the whole show. At the end ABBA gathered in the middle of the stage, they joined hands and took a bow together then walked off the stage. "Wow that was such an amazing show" Frida yelled still excited. "It really was" Benny kissed her. "You were perfect honey" Björn said as he grabbed Agnetha round her waist. "As were you" she smiled back at Björn.

Part four coming soon :)

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