The Unexpected

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It was now the 23rd of February. ABBA had finished their European part of the tour on the 14th of February so they were back home in Sweden for the moment. It was only two days until they would fly to Australia to continue the tour there. *This is a very long part*

It was a beautiful cold but sunny morning in Sweden. Agnetha had been feeling very tired lately so she was sleeping more than usual. Björn woke up to little hands tapping his arm. "Wake up daddy!" Linda shouted. "Shhhh mummy is still sleeping she is not feeling that well" he said picking her up onto the bed. Linda then got under the covers between her parents but when she was doing this she accidentally kicked Agnetha in her back. "Ouch" Agnetha shouted as she woke up suddenly. Linda got a fright and started to cry. "Oh my....Linda I'm sorry darling I didn't realise you had come into mummy and daddy's bed" Agnetha said sitting up and lifting Linda on to her knee. "I'm sorry mummy" Linda cried and cuddled into her. "Don't be silly you didn't hurt me I just got a little fright" Agnetha squeezed her tighter until she calmed down. "Come on now how about we go down stairs and get some breakfast. Let's let mummy rest a little longer" Björn said wiping a tear off Linda's cheek. He got off the bed and lifted her up from Agnetha's knee. "I'll be down in a minute" Agnetha said as she lay back down. "Don't worry love, sleep as long as you like, I'll get Linda some breakfast and get her dressed" Björn said walking over to Agnetha kissing her on her head. "You are such a good dad, what would I do without you?" she replied kissing him on his lips.

Björn and Linda left the room and Agnetha tried to get back to sleep again but she couldn't because her mind was over thinking. "Why am I so tired all the time? Why am I so cranky in the mornings? Why do I feel so nauseous?" All these worrying thoughts filled her head so she got up and went down stairs. Linda was playing with her toys in the living room. Agnetha walked past her and kissed her cheek before continuing to walk through to the kitchen where Björn was cooking his and Linda's breakfast.

"God. What is that smell?" Agnetha held her nose. "I'm cooking eggs for Linda's breakfast" he turned and faced her. "My god you are so pale" he said in shock. "I think I'm going to be sick....I can't stand the smell of those eg...." Before Agnetha could finish her sentence she ran over to the sink and threw up. "Oh my god! Are you ok honey?" Björn ran over to his wife. "I don't know what is wrong with me?" She started to cry. "You are probably a bit under the weather from travelling so much from country to country and doing so many shows" he said stroking her back. "Well we both did that together and you aren't sick!" Agnetha exclaimed slowly sitting down at the kitchen table. "Maybe you are coming down with something?" Björn moved over sitting on the chair beside her. "Yes, maybe....I might feel better after I've had a shower." Agnetha sighed. "We'll you go up and take a shower I'll clean up here" he kissed her head.

Agnetha went for a shower and she felt a little better. She got dressed and ready for the day. Björn cleaned the kitchen and got Linda dressed. The three of them then headed out to the park for the morning. While Linda was playing in the play area, Björn and Agnetha sat down on a bench. "How are you feeling now?" Björn said as he put his arm round Agnetha. "Much better" she replied kissing him. They spent a couple of hours at the park then they headed home. When they got home Björn put Linda down for a nap and came downstairs to find a very sleepy Agnetha lying on the couch.

He covered her with a blanket and gently kissed her cheek. "Come and cuddle me" Agnetha said sleepily. "Ok" Björn took off his shoes lay beside her on the couch. "I'm sorry I've been so lazy recently" Agnetha sighed snuggling into his chest. "You haven't been lazy at all don't be silly" he put his arm around her waist. She moved her head up and kissed his soft lips. "Mmmm" Björn exhaled at her warm lips on his. He started to move his hands under her top onto her back. "Stop your hands are freezing" Agnetha smiled as she flinched. "Well how about you help warm them up" he said cheekily. "My God you are always so horny" she said laughing. "Well I know someone that likes me being that way" he replied grabbing her ass hard.

Björn got on top of her and they started kissing passionately. He slowly started to run his hand up her leg. Agnetha then took his top off and started to suck his neck. He moved his hand up further on her leg so it was touching her private area on top of her trousers. "Take them off" Agnetha demanded him to take her trousers off. He sat up and undressed her completely. "That's better" Björn whispered as he undressed himself too. He got back on top of her, their naked bodies where so hot together.

Björn grabbed her breast and squeezed it lightly. "Ouch!" Agnetha squealed in pain. "What is it darling?" Björn said moving his hand away from her. "My boobs are sore at the moment that's all" she replied putting her arms around his neck and pulling him down again. "Wait, stop, why are they sore?" He sat back up concerned. "I don't know ever since we got back home they have been quite painful" Agnetha sat up beside Björn. "Well the last time your boobs were painful was when we found out you were pregnant with Linda" Björn laughed. Agnetha didn't laugh because she realised they hadn't been using protection when having sex recently. Björn noticed her serious face and stopped laughing.

They both sat in silence for a minute. "You can't be pregnant, you are on the pill aren't you?!" Björn snapped. "No I am not! I told you this! Remember the doctor told me to come off of it because of my health!"(That part is actually true in real life). They both got up and got dressed. "You never told me you came off the pill!!" Björn said angrily. "I can't believe you are saying that! I told you so many times!" She snapped back at him. "Why didn't we use a condom then?!" Björn shouted. "Well it took us over three years to get pregnant with Linda so I didn't think it would matter" Agnetha said exhaling deeply. "Oh you didn't think about that did you?!" He said sarcastically. "Don't you dare speak to me like that!!" She screamed.

Suddenly Linda started to cry upstairs. "See now look what you've done. You have woke her up!" Agnetha shouted as she pushed past Björn. "I didn't wake Linda up it was you that started shouting in the first place! He clenched his fists in anger. "Go away!" Agnetha screamed and ran upstairs. "Fine I'll go then!" He grabbed his car key, shoes and jacket and slammed the front door behind him. He drove so fast out the drive way.

Agnetha went into Linda's room. She was crying hysterically at the sound of her parents fighting. Agnetha lifted her out her bed. "Shhhh mummy's here" Agnetha said as she burst into tears herself. Linda soon stopped crying and squeezed Agnetha tight. "Mummy stop crying, I am here" she said kissing Agnetha on her cheek. "Mummy's just being silly" she replied as she tried to hold back her tears. "Where is daddy?" Linda smiled sweetly. "He will be back soon" Agnetha put her down and they both walked downstairs holding hands.

Two hours later Björn returned home. He came in the door and Linda ran up to him. "I've missed you daddy" she said giving him a huge hug. "I'll come and play with you in a minute. I'm just going to speak to mummy first" he said getting up and placing his jacket down. "She is upstairs" Linda said sweetly playing with her toys. "I'll be back down in a minute" he kissed her on her cheek before going upstairs to the bedroom. Agnetha was lying on the bed still crying. "Hello honey" Björn said quietly as he came over and sat beside her. She turned the other way.....

Part eight coming soon :)

What really happened in Germany....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora