The Interview

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It is now the 24th of February. It was the day of the interview. ABBA were flying off to Australia the next morning. Some of the things I have written in this chapter did actually happen in real life, I will put the true parts in bold.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning. Björn woke up slowly and stretched out his arms. He soon realised he couldn't feel Agnetha lying beside him. Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom down the hall. He got up from the bed, put his underwear on and headed down to the bathroom. When he stepped in the door he found Agnetha kneeling by the toilet. She had morning sickness. "Good morning honey" Agnetha said looking up at Björn. "Oh god my darling, is there anything I can get you? Water? Something to wear?" He replied looking down at her, shocked that she was still naked. "Water would be great and something to we...." She threw up again. Björn came over and rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this" he said with so much sadness in his voice. "Don't be sorry, there's nothing you can do about it. Now please go and get me something to wear I am freezing. I didn't have time to put anything on when I woke up because I had to run to the bathroom" Agnetha laughed trying to cheer herself up.

Björn went back to the bedroom and got Agnethas top and underwear from her drawer then went back to the bathroom and handed her her clothes. He then kissed her on her forehead and headed down stairs to get a glass of water. Just as he got to the kitchen Frida walked in the door. ABBA all had keys to each other's houses. "Frida!....W...what are you doing here" Björn said in shock. "I came to pick up my boots Agnetha borrowed the other day I want to wear them for the interview this morning. They are upstairs aren't they?" Frida said making her way to the stairs. "Wait! I'll get them, you wait here" Björn forcefully ran past Frida hoping she didn't hear Agnetha being sick in the bathroom. He went in the bedroom grabbed the boots and rushed back downstairs. "Agnetha is still asleep is she?" Frida questioned as Björn handed her boots back. "No she's up but she's getting ready" he panted from running. "Right well tell her to move her ass, we have to be at the interview in an hour" she laughed walking to the door. "I'll be sure to tell her" Björn said showing Frida out the house.

"That was close" Björn thought as he poured out a glass of water for Agnetha. He ran back upstairs to find Agnetha was dressed. "Feeling any better darling?" he said moving his hand to her shoulder. "Much better. Was that Frida I just heard?" Agnetha asked. "Yeah she wanted her boots back for the interview" he replied. "Oh no did she hear me being sick? Because every time I get sick she automatically assumes I'm pregnant and now I really am" she laughed. "No I don't think so" Björn said moving from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Agnetha got dressed into blue overalls with red boots and Björn got dressed into a red cardigan with blue jeans. They left the house and travelled to the interview. They didn't have much time. When they got to the studio where the interview was they stepped in the door and there was a massive food buffet. Frida and Benny came over and they all hugged each other. Suddenly Agnetha smelled the eggs on toast that was laid out among the food. Eggs were something she couldn't stand while pregnant. "I think I'm going to be sick again" she whispered to Björn. "Quick get to the bathroom" he whispered moving his hand down her back pushing her a little. "Excuse me" Agnetha said quietly pushing Benny out the way as she ran to the bathroom. "What's up with her?" Benny turned around to Björn. "Just nerves I think" he replied.

Once Agnetha had been sick she walked back to the other three. "What is up?" Frida asked concerned that her best friend wasn't feeling well. "Nothing I'm just...nervous" Agnetha replied back hesitating, lying was something she just could do easily. "Right are you all ready to start" the director called out. ABBA made their way to the stage. There was four big arms chairs. Frida sat next to Benny and Agnetha sat beside Björn.

The interviewer asked lots of questions about ABBA's European tour and asked about Australia which they were heading there shortly. Also lots of other questions, some more private than others. The interviewer then went on to ask "What is the most common misconception about ABBA the collective? After a few answers Frida speaks up "Like they wrote in a German magazine that Agnetha is expecting a baby and that's why she is so fat" Benny and Frida giggle. But Björn and Agnetha stayed quiet, Agnetha took a large sip of her water. They both looked at each other trying so hard not to say anything. They wanted to tell Frida and Benny so bad but it was too early on in the pregnancy, so they were still set on telling them after visiting Australia. After a few more questions Agnetha rested her hand on her stomach and kept it there most of the interview.

Finally the interview was finished. "I'm so tired" Agnetha yawned as she leaned her head on Björn's shoulder. "So am I" Björn said trying to disguise the fact that the pregnancy was making Agnetha tired. "See you soon" Frida and Benny waved goodbye. They were going out to lunch so they had to rush off. "Let's collect Linda on our way home" Björn said kissing Agnetha on her cheek. "I was just about to suggest we do that. I miss her so much" Agnetha replied hugging Björn tight.

They both made their way to Agnethas parents house. When they stepped in the door Linda ran up to them both. "Mamma, dadda I've missed you" she said as her little arms wrapped around them. "We've missed too darling" Agnetha replied kissing Linda as she picked her up. "Sorry we can't stop long, we are both tired" Björn said making his way back to the front door. "You look flushed Agnetha" Birgit said to her daughter. "I'm fine mum" she answered quickly. The three of them got back in the car and travelled home.

After a few hours of being home. They were all relaxed. Björn was reading and Agnetha was playing with Linda on the floor. After a while Björn came and sat on the floor and started to join in their game. "I love this family time" Björn said looking over to Agnetha. "Do you think we should tell Linda about the baby now?" Agnetha whispered in his ear. "Yes I think we should because we fly to Australia tomorrows so it won't matter if she tells anyone when we are there because we are going to tell everyone anyway soon" he replied smiling. "Right lets tell her then" Agnetha said grinning.

"Linda, mummy and daddy need to talk to you about something important" Agnetha said taking the toy out Linda's hand. Linda being the typical 3 nearly 4 year old she was, she started to cry because her toy was taken away. "Give it back please mummy" she cried. "Listen darling we have some very exciting news to tell you. But you need to try and keep it a secret for now" Björn spoke up wiping tears from Linda's eyes. "Mummy is going to have a baby, you are going to be a big sister" Björn smiled with joy. "I'm going to be a big sister!!" Linda squealed. "Yes, you are going to have a little brother or sister" Agnetha said with tears in her eyes from how happy Linda was. "This is so exciting!" Linda jumped for joy. "Where is the baby now, when can I see it?" She asked very confused about how babies are born. "The baby is in mummy's tummy" Agnetha said placing Linda's hand on her stomach. "I can't see it, why is it so small?" Linda questioned. "The baby is going to grow in mummy's tummy and then it will be born in a few months" Agnetha said as she kissed Linda's cheek. "I can't wait until I can play with my new brother and boss him about" Linda giggled. "How are you so sure it will be a boy? It might be a little baby girl mummy has got in her tummy" Björn said placing his hand over Linda's on Agnetha stomach. "I want a little brother" Linda smiled kissing Agnetha. "Well we will just have to wait and see....." Agnetha replied laughing. "We will soon be a family of four" Björn said wrapping his arm around them both. "I love you honey" Agnetha said kissing him. "I love you mummy and daddy" Linda snuggled between them both. "I love you both so much" Björn said squeezing them both tight. Happiness and love filled the room. They were all so excited for what the future held.

Thank you for reading my second fan fiction. I worked hard on this one so I hope you liked it xxxx

What really happened in Germany....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora