The Happy News

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"Honey please turn and face me" Björn said laying his hand on Agnetha's back. "No" She replied wiping her tears from her face. "I'm so sorry my darling for the way I acted. I didn't mean to shout at you" he sighed. Agnetha turned around and Björn laid down next to her so they were now face to face. "We can't keep arguing the way that we do. You can't just go off and leave me for hours when I don't know where you've gone. How am I meant to know that you will come back again?" Agnetha's voice was shaky. "I know we can't keep arguing like this and it won't happen anymore. Of course I'll always come back, I love you so much darling" he placed his hand on her cheek. "Well if you love me so much then please don't blame this pregnancy, it does take two of us you know, it is both our responsibilities". Agnetha sighed. "I don't....I mean I know what I said earlier but I take it all back, I was angry at myself for not being more careful. I should of remembered what you said about not taking the pill anymore" he said pulling her closer to him. "It's a little bit of my fault too, I mean I am naive to think that I might not get pregnant not using any contraception" she started to laugh. "Well we have sex like 3 times everyday of the week so I am surprised at how we've managed to get through this long without a little accident popping up already" Björn laughed as he moved his hands down her back. "Well maybe we should get a pregnancy test today and see what it says" she smiled. "Yes, just to be sure" he kissed her and got up from the bed.

Björn went down stairs and got Linda dressed for going with him. He put her in her car seat and he got in the front of the car then they travelled to the pharmacy in town. He quickly went in and picked up a pregnancy test making sure no paparazzi were around to see him with it because it would be a disaster is the press found out before anyone in the family. He stopped off at Agnetha's parents on the way home to drop Linda off there because they phoned earlier to see is she would like to sleep over at her grandparents on that night. She loved it there. Once Björn had made sure Linda was ok with her grandparents he drove back to the house.

"I'm home" Björn shouted as he walked through the door. "I'm in here" a very nervous Agnetha called from the bathroom. She had already peed in a glass ready for the test. (In the 70's they didn't have modern tests like they do now, this was how a home pregnancy test was done back then). Björn walked through to the bathroom. "What if it's positive?" Agnetha said nervously. "Then we will be excited. We are strong honey we can work through anything" Björn kissed her. He was coming round to the idea of another child. "Another girl like my little mini-me Linda or a handsome boy as beautiful as his mum" he thought. "Right should we do the test" Agnetha said grabbing his hand.

They did the test and had to wait two minutes for the results. The minutes seemed like hours to them. Finally the test was ready. "I don't know if I can look" Agnetha said cuddling into Björn. "Come on we will see together" he said picking up the test....... IT WAS POSITIVE! "Oh my god" Agnetha burst into tears of happiness. Björn was in a little shock. "Björn we are going to have another baby" she couldn't contain her excitement. "Wow this is going to be crazy" he said thinking about all the upcoming events of the year, well no wonder ABBA were flying out to Australia in only a few days time. "Are you happy honey?" Agnetha said as she looked into his eyes. "I'm not going to lie I'm in a little shock. But I am so happy" he replied smiling. "Me too" Agnetha sat down on the edge of the bath.

Björn came over, pulled her up from the bath and hugged her tight. "I'm actually over the moon to be having another baby with you my beautiful girl. Imagine how happy Linda is going to be having a little sibling to play with. Imagine us a family of four" he said with a smile and a little tear rolling down his face. "It is going to be hard but we can do it together" Agnetha pulled him closer. "I love you so much" he said kissing her passionately. "I love you too" Agnetha replied squeezing him tight....

Part nine coming soon :)

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