Chapter 10 moving on

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I'm moving on not working nothing out with Ray anymore I love him don't get me wrong but from a distance he caused so much pain my heart is so numb full of pain and anger can't take it anymore than he questioning one of my friends asking if I have a new nigga does it matter if I do or not. Lovely is focusing on herself and ready to move on with her life sadly I still have to see his ass soon but I'm strong enough to move on same time I wanna punch the shit out of his ass. I'm close with his parents and sister that the sad thing about it.


Lovely really moving on I beyond fucked up miss everything I had but I know she still loves me I stared at her when I saw her she looked at me all I saw was hurt anger and pain I cause but I been so selfish and ignorant let another female touch on me left Lovely for a girl I talked to when I was still with her and I was touching on another female in class I know she seen I disrespected her so bad.


Ray and I decided to continue to be friends and fix our problems and work things I miss us so much but I know it best to take a slow process and start as friends. I still continue to pray for us and our family. Ray admitted all the wrong he has done to me he was the first person that ever did and he showing that he trying.


Lovely: You know u caused us to end you caused the most pain right?

Ray: Right I know that why I wanna make things right and I admitted to all the wrong I have done try at affected us and u.

Lovely: That why we starting slow as friends and fixing our problems

Ray: I know you still love me with all your heart that the reason why u never left.

Lovely: Yeah I do and I'm not going anywhere im willing to work things out and give u space every now and then.

Ray: Ok I know you still like me and still have strong feelings but it good we both agree to work our problems out.

Lovely: When we do continue to work out our problems and have stronger friendship and the right time comes can we start over again as a couple?

Ray: Yeah when the right time comes.

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