Chapter 3: Bella

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"Please tell us little of yourself." The teacher asked me.

I could tell them that my name is actually Bellamisathella or I could just keep the façade of Isabela. I'll just play along for now and see how long I can keep it at that.

Oh! They're waiting for me to say something. Uh favorite colour, subject and hobby Go!. "Um. I am 15 years old, my best subject is science. I play the guitar and I hope to get along with you this year." Darn I forgot the colour! >:(

"Alright Ms. Redjeen, you may take your seat now."

"Uh. Where do I sit?" I asked him.

He looked down on to his charts to what I think was a seating chart, it had many scribbles on it. Mr, East then pointed to a young man with dark hair that was sitting in the middle of the class. "You can sit next to Parker Sean."

I walked over to Parker and sat down next to him, he didn't really seem to notice me sitting next to him. He was reading some kind of book or sleeping. I put my backpack on the floor and took out my notebook and started writing.

Day one:

Subject 1 hasn't shown any reaction to my seating arrangement. He has yet to acknowledge my existence; I need help with the lesson. I don't want to ask someone else. Parker what are you reading?

I closed the back of my notebook and started paying more attention to the lesson.

We were learning about projectiles and the forces they have. It seems simple enough, except I have no idea what they're talking about. What is a projectile and what are the forces. I turn to Parker and stare.

Parker pst Parker help me out here man. Or person. If you are a person, are you? Either way, can you help me? Come on I know that you know that I know that I don't know any of this. Ok you might not. I stopped staring and tried to take notes of everythings I could, the teacher can help me later.

"Alright class, that is all. Now leave," the teacher woke me up from my mental conversation.

I got up and walked up toward the teacher to get help "no I can email him later". I need to get to my next class, which is somewhere in this school.

I sigh and look at the map, wrinkling it a little with my hands. My next class was English and I have it with Jenn!!!!. Awesome. I hurriedly ran to my next class in excitement.

Unfortunately I bumped into someone. Why do I have to be so clumsy.

"I'm so sorry! Ar-are you okay," I look at the papers on the floor. "Oh my! Let me help you." I was having a deja vu feeling, like I felt I did this not to long ago.

I didn't even look at the person I bumped into. I started picking up some of his papers, but he smacked my hand out of the way.

"Oi!" I yelped. "What was that for!"

He picked up his papers and faced me. He had dark brown hair with light brown highlights that framed his green eyes and tan skin nicely. He looked at me and spoke, "I don't want a commoner to touch my...."

I looked at him more clearly, he looked familiar, I couldn't place where. Where have I seen him. Oh now I remember he was the person who helped to get to my class! Or was he? I looked at him confused and he spoke again

"My things!" He said "Why does this school even accept people like you."

"Excuse me?" I stood up and tightened my grip on my books. Oh no stop Bella, don't get intimidated, don't start crying. You must show that you're a strong woman. "I-I I'm sorry. I-it wasn't my intentions. I just wanted to help," missing status failed. Bella show some backbone!

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