Warped Tour '05 (Chapter 2)

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this in forever, please enjoy this Fanfiction, I finally got an idea for where I was going with it so maybe it'll start getting semi-frequent updates, enjoy.


It was Warped Tour, My Chemical Romance had just finished their set and Mikey was in the audience of what seemed to be a million screaming fans of a band known as 'Fall Out Boy', Gerard and Frank were nowhere in sight, they were most likely fucking in a nearby stall for all Mikey knew. He didn't care though, he was only focused on one thing at this point in time and that was the Bass player of FOB, Pete Wentz was his name and Mikey was enchanted by him.

Mikey hadn't realized how much he'd been staring at Pete until Mikey had realized about two thirds into the set that Pete Wentz was staring at him, it seemed as if Pete was singing every lyric for Mikey Way, I believe that it was love at first sight for the two bass players and they'd do anything to get into each others pants.

They were young and in love and neither of them knew it, everyone else knew it however because they would not shut up about each other for the entire tour. It wasn't until the 4th leg of the tour until the tour of them actually spoke.

'Hey Way' said Pete, who'd only recently learnt the tall boys' name because of his band mate Patrick being forced into stalking the MCR bus for the past couple of legs, Patrick was Pete's wing man and he wouldn't of minded staying on the bus if he didn't have to watch Frank Iero and Gerard Way fuck at every opportunity they got. He thought he heard them fucking in their sleep a couple times, how that's even possible I have no idea.

'How do you know my name?' Asked Mikey, The Younger of the Way brothers, who would never admit that he had convinced his Brother into trying to find out everything he could about Pete Wentz before they had their first encounter, Mikey didn't want to come across as creepy.

'You're the brother of Gerard Way, the infamous lead singer of My Chemical Romance, the man that practically everybody on Warped Tour knows is fucking Frank Iero. It's practically impossible to avoid the Way name out here.'

Mikey blushed. He didn't know his family name was so well known, I mean of course he knew that his band had fans that came out to every show that they'd put on, I mean obviously he knew that, he saw them at every concert, but what he didn't know was that they talked to the man Mikey was slowly falling in love with about him. Mikey started slowly chewing on the inside of his lip, he'd never actually had a real crush on someone and he didn't know what to say, so he stood their awkwardly for what seemed like an eternity until Pete dragged him to the designated band tents before the fans bombarded them both.

Pete Wentz did not want the fans to notice that he was talking to Mikey Way, let alone that he was staring at the tall and lanky boy and analyzing every inch of his body at every chance he got, blushing non stop and stumbling over his words whenever he spoke to the boy, Pete Wentz didn't know what Mikey was doing to him, all he knew was that he didn't want the fans to find out and make assumptions.

Mikey and Pete sat together for awhile in their respected tents, not for a minute thinking about anything other than each other. They couldn't get each other off of their minds. Had a crush already developed between the two or was it something more? Neither of them had any idea how in love they were.

A/N: Thank you for reading the second part of this fanfiction, I'm so sorry I've had no ideas for updated recently but I will try get back on track with hopefully frequent updates for all of my fics soon, see you next time you beautiful people. You're all amazing. Yes, that includes you.

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