Where Did The Party Go? (Chapter 4)

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Pete looked down at the bottles of pills scattered around him and doused yet another sleeping pill with alcohol.

Mikey was lying in his bed, unable to sleep, thinking about how much Pete has affected his life, how Mikey affected his mental health and emotions. It wasn't a secret that Mikey was a little Emo boy but that also came with some side effects like Anxiety and Depression which meant when Pete invited him to a Party hosted by Pete's best friend Patrick Stump, Mikey was freaking out. Not just because the cute boy Pete had invited him to a party but because he knew what was usually at these kind of parties, Drugs and Alcohol and with some research, Mikey discovered that Pete has had multiple drug addictions, I mean that incident with Gee was enough to terrify Mikey about Pete around drugs.

Mikey Way arrived at the party with his brother and his brother's boyfriend Frank Iero, He went in search of Pete immediately and found him in a circle upstairs, his anxious fears were already coming true.

Pete was playing a drinking game with a room full of people Mikey had never seen before, the room smelt of stale liquor and hard drugs, Mikey could see Ecstasy, Cocaine and plain weed within Pete's vicinity and before he knew it Pete was pulling him into the middle of the game.

Pete was visibly extremely high and Mikey could tell that his mind was most likely clouded by Alcohol and drugs but before he knew it, Pete was dragging him out the room and into the backyard of Patrick's house.

Mikey looked around the backyard and noticed that it was filled with beautiful looking and healthy plants and flowers that he assumed must have been tended too by Patrick, Pete immediately laid on the grass and looked up at the sky.

'I'm glad you're here Mikey'  Pete slurred, Mikey was scared of what would happen, Mikey was also overthinking this entire situation and wanted to get home as soon as he could but as soon as he tried to leave, Pete grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him down.

'I missed you' Exclaimed Pete.
'I missed you too' said Mikey, examining Pete and loosening up slightly, lying down next to Pete.

They both laid on the grass for what seemed like hours, looking up at the stars while Mikey pointed out random constellations to Pete, trying to keep away the awkward silence that would cloud over the air and send the bitter chills that Mikey hated, Mikey didn't like cold chills even though it was very calming to him, he preferred the warmth, the warmth he felt when around Pete and the warmth he sensed in Pete's eyes, Pete was a very bubbly and bright person to Mikey, almost the opposite of Mikey, Mikey seemed to think of himself as an emotional depressive anxious walking mess but yet they worked perfectly together, Mikey was just scared that Pete would love drugs more than he loves Mikey.

Pete grabbed onto Mikey's hand and had a sharpie in his hand, where'd he get the sharpie from? He didn't have that before, when did he get up? How long have I been lying here alone? Mikey watched Pete write something on his hand and was intrigued by how Pete wrote his letters and humored by Pete's little quirks, Mikey looked at his hand.

'I'd scream I love you from the top of my lungs but I'm scared of who might hear me'

Mikey was confused, he wanted to just get out of here so he could think but before he could escape Pete had his hand wrapped around Mikey's' neck and Pete locked lips with Mikey.

Mikey pushed Pete off him for air, it wasn't that he didn't like the kiss, it's just that he needed to think about the whole situation, he also needed air, Pete mistook this as Mikey hating him for trying this and ran into one of the rooms in Patricks' house crying, Patrick followed.

Mikey ran to find Gerard but when he couldn't find him he asked a random guest and was told that Gee was fucking Frank in one of the rooms so Mikey started walking home, feeling relieved that he had time to think and breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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