Chapter 9

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**Alana's POV**
First period. Okay I can do this. So what if I've already had a set back? I doubt everyone really knows. Right?

I walked in and everything around me felt like it was crumbling to pieces, my legs were getting weak. Everyone stopped talking and just stared at me. What do I do?! I couldn't walk at the moment cause my legs have transformed into gelatin, but if I stand here people will think I'm a freak. More than they already do.

"Alana, is everything okay?" Said my teacher looking at me concerned
"Y-yea" I said and rushed over to my seat

Immediately as I sat down, everyone began whispering and looking at me, some began to laugh. A girl came over to my desk and said

"So I heard you tried to end your life, I just wanted to say I'm sorry"
"You don't need to be sorry." I said hoping that maybe she and I could be friends
"Oh no I mean I'm sorry you failed." She said laughing along with some of her friends. Again every shred of hope I had.... Shattered.

Come on Lani don't think about it. In a couple hours school will end and I can go back home to relax.

Where is Weston?! He is supposed to be in this class!

As if on cue Weston walked in and immediately found a seat next to me.

"You good?" He asked
"Mhmm" I murmured
"Lani-" he was saying when the teacher cut him off to begin class.
He looked at me obviously annoyed that the teacher cut him off.

**Weston's POV**
I hate those girls! When Lani walked into the classroom I was going to walk in right behind her, but something made me turn around.
I'm glad I did cause as I turned around, that Ashley girl was putting something in Lani's locker. I waited till she walked away to see what it was.

I opened the locker and there was a sign taped to the back. It had Lani's head cut off her body and placed on the body of a donkey. They even left her body in the picture. This is disgusting.
I need to tell Lani, never about this thing, but about moving schools this can't keep going on! I don't want it to get to a point where she intentionally tries to take her life. I couldn't handle that.

I took the sign from her locker and put it in my back pack to show the guys later to convince them about moving her.

I ran into the class and saw Alana sitting in the far back luckily there was a seat right by her and I took it. I opened my mouth to talk to her about moving schools "lani-" but the teacher cut me off. Ugh! Well maybe it's for the best. I should talk to the guys first.

First period flew by and now it was break. I'm not leaving Lani's side. Or at least I thought I wasn't.

The TimbersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora