Chapter 19

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A few days passed and the dance show was tomorrow.

Alana had been practicing non stop, at practice and at home. She needed everything to go perfectly seeing as she had the last solo, and was dancing in almost every group performance except for the 3rd and the 6th. 10 in total and Alana's solo was the closing of the entire show.
She has all the pressure on her shoulders to make this the best performance, it could very well make or break the show, and she knows this.
Nothing could distract her from the task at hand.


maybe one thing

"Hey Lani, sorry to interrupt your practice but we got an interesting call." Luke told her

She turned off her music and followed him

"Who called?" She asked getting a bottle water from the fridge in the kitchen.

"Ashley's parents... they say that she's doing better and has been in medication so she is finally the real Ashley, not the tormentor that you know." Luke explained

"Alana, when she woke up you were the first person she asked for." Said Nathan

"They were wondering if you'd be able to go see her for a little bit, apparently she has something she'd like to say" Said Dillon

"Oh.... wow, um-"

"Lani you don't have to go if you don't want to" Said Max

"No, no I want to go. Let's go now, can we?" She asked with determination in her voice

"Um sure, Dillon and I will go with you, the rest of you guys can stay here, and please watch Vinny, last time you left him unattended he ate a Lego and still hasn't pooped it out so.... have fun" Tyler said

The three drove to the hospital having light conversation, but Alana's mind was elsewhere.
Why would Ashley want to see her? 'I'm sure she's found some way to blame me for what happened to her so why would she want to see me?' She thought to herself.

When they got to the hospital they were immediately greeted by Ashley's mother

"I'm so thankful you decided to come Alana, she just in that room over there." Her mother said rapidly, obviously tired and hoping for the best.

Alana nodded and made her way to the room.

Her hand hovered over the handle before finally opening the door.

The room was stale and cold, very dull and ever so dark

Alana looked around in dismay when she heard a fragile voice, similar to one she once had.

"They keep it like this so nothing triggers me. The meds do a good job of keeping the voices away and keeping me sane, but little things set it off, just mentioning your name made them worried about my health."

"So how did they let me see you"

"Oh come on Alana, you're a smart girl, you know I always get what I want" she laughed ever so lightly.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is why you'd even want to see me.."

Ashley sat herself up slowly and began to speak

"Alana, I do envy you. I do want a family like yours, but me, the real me, the real Ashley Burns would never want you dead, never in a million years, and I'm so unbelievably sorry that I said those things to you.
With this illness of mine, inherited through mother dearests family, I'm like a prisoner in my own mind, I see and hear everything that's happening but it's like someone else controls my actions and my words. Like I'm just a visitor in my own body. What I'm trying to say is that the Ashley you knew, the one that made you feel worthless, it wasn't really me and I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am-"

Alana cut her off with a hug.

Ashley was taken by surprise, but she hugged her tightly and they both cried.

"I don't know what you're going through Ashley, I can't even imagine it, but i forgive you. I want you to get better okay? Then maybe we can have a normal conversation for once in our lives."

They both laughed and wiped tears from their faces.

"You should probably go before I have another episode, their pretty random."

"Alright, see you later Ashley."

"Alana! I forgot to say something else, please don't ever think you're fat. I called you that childish nick name so many times I just want to make sure you know it isn't true at all"

"Thank you Ashley"

"Thank you Alana"

Alana walked out of the room and finally felt free, accomplished, like she can breathe even better than she was. A weight of guilt was shattered and she felt as though she could fly.

She knew everything would be okay.

But for now, she had a dance show to prepare for.

She called up the girls and they went to the studio.

They practiced till almost 8:30 pm and then Decided they needed to rest, after being reminded for the hundredth time by Sam and Weston who were forced to stay and watch all those hours.

"Alright girls listen up!" Said Kayla "tomorrow, is the start of our legacy, not just our team as a whole but us right here, our crew. We are gonna do bad ass tomorrow! And for tonight we're gonna sleep like queens, to slay the dance floor like soldiers!"

"Damn girl, you should be on Ted Talk with all your inspiration and stuff" Said Jasmine

"She's right, about everything, but mostly about our legacy. You guys are the first group of friends I've ever had, you brought me into your group as if you'd known me all along and for that I'm forever grateful in ways you don't even understand. As long as We've got each other, we're gonna dominate the battlefield," Alana said as they held each others hands in a circle

"I mean this is all so beautiful, and Alana you know we love you like a sister, and to us you have been here all along, but you guys do realize this isn't a competition. Were the only team on that stage. It's just to get donations for future competitions." Said Claire

"Claire don't ruin the moment! This is absolutely beautiful" Said Anna

"Agreed, now let's get home, get to bed and wake up, dance our hearts out and raise the most money than ever before!" Cleo said

They all put their hands in the middle

"Whooo on three

They all "whooooed" in unison and then parted ways.

The day to come would be one they'd never forget.

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