Chapter 13

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**Alana's POV**

I start school today... Kayla and i have 2/4 classes. My new school runs on a block schedule so there are four classes but an hour-and-a-half each, then we switch to different four classes the next semester.

Kayla and I have Math and Science together, my other two classes are English and World History. 

I don't have to be at school till 8:00 am, but I was awake at 5:30 am. My mind couldn't rest.

I woke up and all my mind was doing was creating scenarios that will likely never happen. Some were bad others were good, regardless I was up way to early thinking about things that aren't important.... what am I saying of course it's important, It's my new school, i have a right to be nervous and anxious and wonderfully excited. 

I got out of bed and searched through my closet like a crazy person looking for the best outfit to wear, luckily Kayla had filled me in the night before about how people normally dress at the school. The last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself. 

I know people always say be yourself and proud, well to be honest.... I don't know who I am, not anymore, and it might be a while before I figure it out again. Right now my main concern is making friends, figuring out the school, later on maybe i'll be a bit more adventurous.

For today I am wearing my blue skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt that was blue and white, I don't want the first thing people see about me be my scars....

I applied just a bit of makeup, some mascara, some light colored lipstick and put on some perfume.

By the time I finished it was 7:00 am and not all of that was getting dressed and doing makeup, I sat in bed for a good 20 minutes just contemplating life.

I went downstairs and saw Weston struggling to finish his homework from the night before, Max eating breakfast, Nathan cooking more breakfast, Tyler watching tv, Luke also trying to finish homework, Austin on the phone with someone, vine was still upstairs probably getting dressed with the help on Dillon, Sam was playing a video game, and Dean was also eating breakfast... I had never been so observant to what they were all doing at once. 

I sat down and began to eat breakfast.

Tyler drove me to school, the whole way there he asked me questions, but something was off I don't know it just felt like he was hiding something but I'm not gonna bother with that, I'm gonna have a good day.

**Tyler's POV**

I kept asking Alana these dumb questions like 

"what made you chose that shirt?" and she awkwardly responds with confused answers

"i just like it... i guess"

I really needed to ask her if she would be okay going back to the other school and telling the principal what those girls did... but I'm not gonna leave her with that thought on her first day. 

Finally we arrived and I could see the mix of emotions on her face ranging from 




"you'll be great" I told her

"what if they don't like me?"

"they don't know you lani, once they get to know you, they'll love you. just no boyfriends" 

we laughed 

"oh trust me you don't have to worry about that" she said opening the door

"Lani" I yelled out as she was walking away from the car, she looked back "I love you"

she smiled and said it back, she then walked inside.

You can do this Alana. 


........ For making you wait so long, I will be uploading another chapter of this story today, not to long after this one goes up. Love y'all!!!!

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