Chapter 18

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'Breathe' Alana told herself 'breathe, go through those doors with your head held high, don't let the stares slow you down. Don't allow your eyes to meet there's, pretend they aren't staring. Pretend it's a completely empty hallway. Walk with a smile, don't stop, don't hesitate, don't worry. Breathe'

Alana sat in the car outside her former prison, Tyler came with her while the others went about their daily classes, hoping for an update as soon as it happened. It was right around lunch time when Alana was able to come see the principal.

She was trying to calm her nerves by telling herself everything would be okay.

But telling yourself is one thing, meeting your former demons face to face after so long is an entirely different horror.

She walked in determined to walk tall and with confidence.

She expected everyone to stop dead in their tracks and stare at her, point and laugh at her.
But to her surprise no one did. She walked in slowly anticipating what they would do, but nothing happened. No one looked at her, no one laughed or stared or pointed, people may have glanced but that was the extent of their actions.
It was as if she was forgotten. No one remembered or rather no one cared.

That was the moment she realized all those students were simply following the trends, and while she was at that school hurting her was the latest trend, and everyone took part. But once she left it mattered no longer.

She looked around the place as she and Tyler made their way to the office.

"Hi how can I help you" the lady at the desk said

"Tyler and Alana Timbers here to see the principal, we have a meeting today." Tyler said

"Oh, yes that's right, please go on in he's waiting." She signaled with a smile

Alana and Tyler walked into his office and sat down.

"Hello again, how are you Alana?" He asked

"Better than the last time i was here"

He shifted in his chair uncomfortably and then said

"Yes and I'm so sorry you had to endure what you did, but in order for me to bring those girls down I need you to tell me what exactly were the things they did. From what you tell me I'll determine the best way to punish them." He smiled with the slightest hint of sincerity

She nodded her head, took a breath, and as soon as she started speaking she could not stop, it was as if someone had press play and then broke the pause button. The world went quiet around her as she talked and shook with emotion. She had all this adrenaline and pent up anger and in that moment, unbeknownst to her, she let loose. She said everything they had done to her and then some.

When she finished the principal's mouth hung open. He had a glimmer in his eye that came from a tear threatening to run down his face. He shook it off, stood up and put his hand out to Alana, she stood up and shook it.

"Stay here" he said as he walked outside

Tyler looked at Alana and said

"I didn't know half of those things. Alana don't you ever keep something like that from us, never again! We are here to love and protect you, we live because you are the only pure thing in our lives aside from vinny, you never have to deal with anything on your own, and I can't believe you wouldn't let us in. That you wouldn't tell us how bad things were. Thank god that you are strong Alana, because god forbid you tried this sooner and we wouldn't have known. I love you kid. Always. I can't lose you or any of our family, so please for all that is good in this god forsaken world please, don't you ever think you have to go through anything alone. We. Got. You."

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