Chapter 12

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**Tyler's POV**
Next day
Yesterday Alana and I toured 3 schools, and the first one was the only one we really liked.
When we got home we told the rest of the boys, and they were happy with our decision, next Monday Alana will be starting at a new school and we couldn't be happier - she couldn't be happier.

**Weston's POV**

I can't wait for Alana to start at her new school, I'm gonna miss her but she needs a new start, that's why none of us are moving to her new school, she needs her space from us to let people make their own opinion of her without influence from us.
I'm so proud of her.

**Alana's POV**
I'm beyond excited for this new school all I can think about is dancing, I haven't danced properly in like a year if not longer and I miss it so much! This new school had made me want to dance more than ever.... And that's just what I was going to do.

I put on my black workout pants otherwise known as yoga pants, and my purple tank top with my green sports bra underneath. I packed a gym bag with my dancing shoes which are just flats, but to leave the house I was wearing sneakers, I put my speaker in, and a towel, along with a change of clothes I put a hoodie on just so my brothers wouldn't suspect anything. If they find out I'm going to dance they will want to come and watch. I opened my window and threw my bag out of it and onto the floor I was on the second story so I hope no one heard it. I ran downstairs got a water bottle and told Nathan to tell the boys I was going for a walk, and that I'd be back in about an hour or two. He didn't question me which was suspicious but I'm not gonna worry about it. I walked out back and got my bag.

The dance studio was about a 10 minute walk from my house so I could enjoy some fresh air.

When I finally got there I signed my name in the log in sheet and went to one of the private dance rooms.

I put on my dance shoes plugged in my speakers and turned on my playlist for dancing songs.

As the music began to play I walked to the center of the room, looked at myself in the mirror, and closed my eyes I let everything come back, I let the music run through my veins and when it reached my heart I just began to dance, I danced around the room, letting all the pain and heartache pour out of me like a flood and I began forgetting the events of the past weeks, all the humiliation began fading from my memory, my resentment for my parents turned into forgiveness. My heart smiled and so did I. I smiled a smile of pure happiness not a shred of sadness to be found. I haven't felt like this in such a long time!

The playlist ended and I fell to my knees cried tears of joy, I payed down in the center of the room and just laughed.

I went to check my phone and I had been here for 3 hours just dancing... I put on my sneakers drank some water and wiped off some sweat with my towel. I said bye to the women at the front desk and began walking back to my house

"HEY! Wait up!" Said a female voice

I turned around and didn't recognize her

"Hi, sorry if I scared you, I saw you dancing... You're amazing!" She said

"Thank you" I said

"I'm Kayla, I'm also a dancer"

"Oh nice to meet you Kayla, I'm Alana" I said shaking her hand

We began walking together

"Alana, that's a cool name" she said

"Thanks your name is really pretty, I've never met a Kayla." I said awkwardly

"So are you moving to Reigns?" She asked

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