Chapter 2

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We all nodded and then she walked away. We were gonna tell her to change her clothes but she has had enough disappointment for one day..........

**Alana's POV**

I got up and walked away, I went to my room, that's my safe place, it's the only place where I allow myself to breakdown, I don't show weakness around anyone, it's a trait I get from my dad, honestly I'm glad cause showing weakness makes you vulnerable to anything, pity, hurt etc.

I knew the boys knew I was faking down there but oh well. I looked in the mirror of my bedroom and I closed my eyes, they were getting watery again so I stopped and thought about happy things! You see if I break down up here which normally I would you would be able to tell that I did, and that is showing weakness, so I just forced a smile and went back down, "come on guys" I said grabbing my stuff "you haven't had any breakfast." Said sam "not hungry" I replied, it was a lie but the girls in my grade call me fat, and ugly, and pathetic, so I guess it doesn't hurt to lose a few pounds right? "Sit down and eat your bacon" said Dillon "no I'm not hungry and we are gonna be late" I replied "lani please talk to us, we know your not okay" said Weston "guys, I appreciate you concern, I do, but it's not worth it mom and dad have missed most of my birthdays and yea at first it hurt, but it's gotten to the point that I don't care anymore, they don't care anymore, so why should I, they aren't gonna be here for my birthday cause they don't care, but I'll be able to see them when they come for your birthday's, they always come to all of yours, so it's okay, I'm okay, but we are all gonna be late if we don't leave right now. VINNY COME DOWN PLEASE!" I said, it's true ever since I was 9 my parents don't bother to come to my birthday but they always pull strings so they can make it to their birthdays, ugh I hate my parents, they don't care about me! I swear if they would have been told that I was a girl before my mom have birth to me she would have had an abortion! They hate me, and I don't care!

At school

"Alright bye guys" I said to my brothers and cousins as I hopped out of Tyler's car along with Sam, Dean, Dillon, Weston, Max, Nathan and Luke, "bye have a good day" said Tyler and Austin in unison

I walked away from them pretty fast, it's not like I was in a hurry to see anyone well except my best friend Maddison or well maddy or mads as I call her, but she wasn't here today, she was taking a trip with her parents and her sisters she has 7 sisters 5 younger and 2 older, so today I'm all alone... Great!

"Hey look it's fat Alberta!" Said some girls in my grade, I just kept walking, luckily my brothers and cousins weren't here or they would have a fit! "Where are you going fatty? Trying to sneak in some twinkies before class?" Said Ashley Burns the head bitch of the grade "ugh my gosh she is so ugly!!!" Said Ashley's monkey minions Dorian and Malissa both girls both horrible! "Why can't you just die already?!" Said Ashley "yea no one is gonna miss you!" Said Malissa "your just a stain in life!" Said Dorian "no one wants you here! I mean your own parents don't care about you!" Said Ashley, I kept walking but tears were forming in my eyes, I tried hard to keep them in, and I did, "oh is fat Alberta gonna cry now? How pathetic!" Said Ashley "are you gonna eat away your problems?" Said Dorian, they all laughed at me, I just went to my locker, when I opened it there was a note inside, stupid me thinking it was someone that could possibly like me I opened it and read it, it said "roses are red violets are blue your a fat joke and no one loves you" the girls were laughing behind me as they saw me read it, I turned around and walked up to them, I hope this works! "Wow you must really care about me, so much so that you went a wrote such a nice poem for me!" I said to her, YES I didn't mess up! They stopped laughing and then Ashley said "if you really believe that I care about you at all then that must mean you know that every one else hates you and doesn't care about you! Man that must suck, i of course wouldn't know what it feels like cause every one loves me!" She laughed and walked away with her monkey minions

Damn I did not see that coming.

At lunch

It is now lunch and it was lasagne day, I love lasagne but I can't eat anything today, I'm just way to fat. I went and sat with my brothers and my cousins, well you know what they are like my brothers so I'll just start calling them my brothers. I sat between sam and dean "hey lani where's your lunch?" Asked dean "yea it's lasagne day, your favorite" said sam nudging my arm "I know but I'm just not very hungry today that's all" I lied again they just looked at me.. All of them.

Suddenly I heard an all to familiar laugh it was Ashley, of course she didn't do or say anything this time cause I was with my brothers.

The rest of the school day passed and finally Tyler came to pick is up, after lunch Ashley and her minions kept bullying me, honestly, with my parents not caring about me and everyone at school hating me and the constant torture from Ashley and her minions I don't know how much more of this I can take, it's all just way to much... I hate my life right now, hopefully it will get better....


Yay second chapter!! Hope y'all enjoyed! Love y'all!! 😘😘😘😘

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