Camera Hyung 2/10

381 12 1

Rating: PG
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: It was just an accident. Jinki never intended to become obsessed with an idol group,moreso to fall for their leader.
Author: jalousied (LiveJournal)

"Oppa, can you read the name of my website for me?"

Jinki looked at the screen of his cousin's laptop. A word in large font decorated the front page of the site. "Um, it's called Untaemed?"

His cousin fervently nodded then crossed her arms over her chest. "Now, oppa. To whom do I dedicate this fansite?"

"To Taemin, obviously," Jinki replied. If the name itself wasn't a clue, the tons of thumbnails of Taemin's pictures littered in the main page of the site were glaring clues. He didn't need any time figuring it out.

Jinki's cousin sighed. "I was sure you remembered." She then opened up a folder taken from her memory card. "Then why the hell didn't you take any pictures of Taemin-oppa?!"

It took a while for Jinki to realize that the opened folder contained pictures he took during one of SHINE's lives. A fourth of the photos were blurred bodies. Another fourth were photos of feet and legs. A good fourth was dedicated to Taemin's backside and knees. And the fourth with the best quality were all photos of SHINE's lead singer Jonghyun.

"What will I upload to my site?" Jinki's cousin wailed, sniffing at the screen. "Why did you have to take too many pictures of Jonghyun-oppa, I don't care about him!!"

"Why?" Jinki asked. "He is a good singer." When his cousin gave him a weird look, he immediately became defensive. "I mean, when he sang a ballad the crowd went wild and he looked like he was really popular..."

"I like them all but I like Taemin-oppa the most!" his cousin wailed again. "He's my bias, and now I don't have good pictures of him. What do I do? My site is considered the most updated among all his fansites!" Jinki wondered if all fans of Taemin had to have such extreme personalities, as he watched his cousin make sobbing sounds against her keyboard. Taemin must've had it tough with dramatic fans.

"I'm sorry," Jinki quietly said as he leaned down to level his face with his cousin's. "I'm sorry, Eunji. Oppa really sucks at using the camera so he failed. He'll make it up to you, okay?" He patted his cousin's head and straightened up. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll bring some food so don't be angry anymore, okay?"

"I want ice cream," his cousin muttered. "And I already ranted about you in Twitter and I'm not sorry." His cousin ejected the memory card from her computer and tossed it towards Jinki. "Go take your bias's photos and return the card to me."

Blinking, Jinki gingerly took the card, wondering what his cousin meant by bias. Somehow he had a feeling about it, but he couldn't really be sure with all these fangirl jargon being thrown to him.


It was hardly a month since his mishap with his cousin's fancams so he was surprised when she called him up again for another SHINE-related favor. This time it was a fan signing event, and his cousin needed help with taking pictures of herself when she had her CD signed by SHINE members. They just released as CD and were going everywhere to promote it.

The thought of going back to see the group made Jinki both anxious and excited, but for what reason, he couldn't really tell.

"You just have to stand on the side and take a photo of me as I come up the stage to get my CD signed, okay?" his cousin instructed, slightly feeling bouncy because of anticipation. "Oh and you can check out Jonghyun-oppa, too, while you wait."

"What?" Jinki almost spurted out his soda. "W-what are you talking about?"

Jinki's cousin looked up at him, eyebrows raised and eyes slowly blinking and Jinki didn't know if it was a secret message for something or his cousin was just judging him.

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