Camera Hyung 8/10

255 8 2

Rating: PG
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: It was just an accident. Jinki never intended to become obsessed with an idol group,moreso to fall for their leader.
Author: jalousied (LiveJournal)

Hello, this is Jonghyunited's owner.

Thank you very much for your support for the past year. Because of you, Jonghyunited has prospered for a bit more than a year and had participated in showing our love for SHINE's leader, Kim Jonghyun. However, I am sad to announce that as of today, Jonghyunited is closing down. As much as our desire to continue updating this site, there are many things we have to attend to in real life. The lack of time and skill on our part have made us decide to just close the site instead of keeping it open and failing to continue with our responsibilities. This doesn't mean, though, that we have stopped loving and supporting our leader. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience this might bring. We hope that you'll continue to love Kim Jonghyun and take our place behind the lens. Thank you very much for everything. Goodbye.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Jinki stared at the homepage of his site where a large photo of Jonghyun, waving and smiling at the camera while walking and holding a drink, was displayed. Sighing, he nodded. "Yes."

Jinki's cousin brought up the site folder, clicked the small tick boxes beside each folder and pressed delete. A dialog box appeared to confirm the deletion. Eunji waited, finger poised over the mouse, as she let Jinki have the final word.

"Do it," Jinki breathed. And in a single click, was gone.

"You didn't have to do it like this, you know," Eunji said as Jinki got up from his seat and let himself fall face down on the bed. He felt his cousin pat his head before getting up and leaving. "I'll be here if you need me," she said before closing the door.

Jinki buried his face in his pillows, wondering if he really did the right thing, even though he was sure there was nothing else he could've done.

Seven and a half months. It took Jinki that long to decide on whether he should wait, pursue or give up altogether. SHINE had returned from their tour, but Jonghyun never made contact with him since their meeting in the bookstore. Jinki had tried to reach out, send a message even only of congratulations, but right before he hit send he'd chicken out, just like those times way before. Eventually, the reality of Jonghyun's words sank in. It was really over for both of them. He'd gone back to being just a fan and Jonghyun was back up there under the blinding stage lights.

It was a reality he had already known from the start though. It was too much of a good dream to be in a relationship with a famous person he admired. It was inevitable that it would lead to a bitter end. It was a mistake—letting himself fall for someone he couldn't reach, yet Jinki still wished that somehow, Jonghyun had listened to him or explained why. There were so many why's: why the separation, why the sudden coldness, why the lack of contact even though Jonghyun said they could still be friends. Jinki had so many questions and he eventually got tired of trying to think of an answer by himself.

So there were no other options other than to give up.

For his own safety, Jinki moved out of his apartment to live somewhere nearer to his workplace. That scandal about Jonghyun had died because it was overshadowed by SHINE's foreign activities, yet he couldn't be too sure. After closing his website, he decided to go back to his pre-SHINE days—that was, to box away what happened in the last year and start anew on his own.

A few days after his site deletion, Jinki surveyed his room. It had been just over a year, yet his room was filled with Jonghyun. The music CDs, the posters, the trinkets Jonghyun gave him as trip souvenirs, There were the photos he himself took, printed out and arranged in an album. There were books, Jonghyun's favorite books that the singer wanted to share with Jinki, neatly stacked on his bedside table. There were letters, countless letters, because Jonghyun didn't believe that digital communication sufficed his desire to show his feelings. Jinki had received one letter from him every month, each containing the stupidest, cheesiest lines that made Jinki blush and cringe at the same time.

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