Musical Mayhem (6/6)

180 3 0

Word count: 3.3k
Rating: PG-15/NC-17
Summary: When Jinki joins the drama club he realizes to very important things:
A) He's a really good fucking actor
B) The leading lady is not a lady at all.
Author: princessjonghyun (AFF)

Jinki spends the nest three hours of his life debating on what to wear to his date with Jonghyun. Seriously, his date. Jinki can't believe he managed to ask the younger out without falling to his feet or throwing up a little—(which are actual events that have happened in the past. Mostly while Jinki was drunk). He can't help but sport a goofy grin and hum a cheesy love song, as he cleans out his wardrobe, trying to find something suitable. He's not too sure about where he'll take the younger, but he supposes it'll have to be somewhere local and casual since a) Jinki is completely broke—well, at least close to it and b) he doesn't have a car. Or maybe he'll just invite Jonghyun to his place—who knows.

Once Jinki finally settles on an outfit—a casual button up and plain, black skinny jeans—he decides to call Key.

"Why are you calling me?" Key barks into the receiver.

"Uh..." Jinki raises an eyebrow and bites the inside of his cheek to keep from snapping at the younger. He actually needs Key right now. "Because I love you?"

Key lets out an irritated sigh, "Jinki if you're not being serious, I'm going to hang up r—"

"No!" Jinki exclaims loudly, pushing back his hair roughly. Well, it was now or never, "I need a favour."

"What kind of favour?" Key sounds suspicious. Not that he has any reason to be. It's not like Jinki has ever manipulated the younger before (cough, cough).

"Um, I need to borrow some money. And your car."

"Why?" Key demands, and Jinki knows he's trying not to yell.

"Um." Jinki hesitates. God, this was so embarrassing. "I have a date," he coughs into the receiver.

"I'm sorry—what? You have a date?"

Jinki rolls his eyes, "I'm not that incompetent, Kibum. I go out on dates too you know."

Key snorts, "Yeah, this is coming from someone who denied he even had a crush like twelve hours ago."

Jinki flushes. "Okay, so maybe you were right about the whole crush thing," he mumbles, "but I decided to face the whole situation like a man and I asked him out so I need your—"

"Wait, wait, wait," Key interrupts suddenly, sounding incredulous, "Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say I asked him out?"

"Yes?" Jinki offers weakly.

There's a long pause from the other end, and Jinki's nice enough to wonder if Key had passed out or something. Finally he hears a sharp intake of breath, "Wow, this guy must be really hot if you fell for him."

"I—well—yes," Jinki mutters, not really comfortable with talking about Jonghyun to Key. Key tends to stalk his crushes/girlfriends once he finds out their names.

There's another—shorter—pause afterwards. Key hums, "Okay, fine. You can borrow some money and my car. As long as I get details about your little date."

"Sure," Jinki replies, grinning madly. "Thanks, Key."

Now all Jinki needs to figure out is where they're going. Great.


Except, the only problem is that Jinki does not live in a universe that particularly likes him, and therefore, nothing he plans ever actually ends up happening. It's just like the time when Jinki was hosting his tenth birthday party and a stray, rabid dog had somehow managed to enter his backyard and his party was effectively cut short, big time. (Not to mention all the neighbourhood kids hated him for weeks after that, even though it technically wasn't Jinki's fault whatsoever). But, anyway, the point is—nothing good ever happens to Jinki when he really, really wants it to.

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