Chasing After Tinsel

352 7 3

Word count: 5.4k
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Don't judge a book by its cover... or more accurately, don't judge a tree by its leaves.
Author: kpopforlife (AFF)

Jonghyun stared at the computer screen, his face void of expression as he vainly hoped the employee evaluations and spreadsheets he had to check would do themselves. The typical office noise that was so easy to block out most days seemed deafening now. Phones ringing, employees chattering, hell he could even hear that new girl at the front desk and her nervous habit of pen clicking. It was distracting to say the least. That was his excuse anyway; really he was just not in the mood for work. That afternoon slump had set in and it set in hard.

Jonghyun had only been at the accounting firm a few months now and in all honesty, he hated it. He had been fresh out of college and placed in a higher position than he deserved based on the sole fact that the CEO was his dad's golfing buddy. It made things difficult, which only made him hate this job all the more. Despite that, Jonghyun tried hard to fill up the shoes he had been forced to wear, holding his head high and ignoring the rumors. In a few years he would have the work experience and skills necessary to land any job he wanted and he could leave this place in the dust. Until then though, he just had to bear it, doing his job well and acting like he was above the petty office gossip.

His plan of inaction was working too. After the first few months the negativity had started to fade. His subordinates began to realize that, while he was young, he was smart and competent at his job. He was also much better at dealing with the personnel than his predecessor, which was working in his favor.

There was still a lot of resentment though. Older employees in particular took offense to having to take orders from someone as young and inexperienced as himself. He couldn't do much about that, maintaining his professionalism as best he could and remaining sensitive to the delicate age culture within the office. With the younger employees though, he felt like he was slowly but surely making some headway.

Jonghyun sighed, giving up on the pretense of work for the time being, and letting the growing ache in his temple have free reign. He buzzed his secretary, requesting his fourth cup of coffee for the afternoon. She clucked her tongue in disapproval but minutes later she was entering his office with a fresh, steaming mug. She set it down, straightening a few of his papers and arranging his pens with absentminded fingers before turning to exit.

"Leave the door open please," Jonghyun requested to her retreated back. Having the door open made him feel more pressure to at least appear to be working; he hoped it would be enough motivation to get past his afternoon slump.

It was almost working too, the coffee warming him from the inside out and making his mind feel functional again. That is, it was working until he was shaken out of the concentration by the crashing sound outside his office. The clatter of plastic against the linoleum floor and a flood of apologies.

Jonghyun craned his neck, trying to see what happened from his desk. He decided that whatever it was would be as good an excuse as any to get up and stretch his legs. It had to be more exciting than what he was supposed to be doing anyway. Even if it was nothing important, human curiosity pulled him from his chair and out of his office.

He peered around his doorframe to see... a Christmas tree.

There was a human Christmas tree in their building.

Well that was new.

Before him stood a man dressed in green tights underneath a green foam tree. The outside adorned with tinsel and oversized, obnoxious bows. There was a small hole for his face to peek through, a large gold star topping off the ensemble. He looked ridiculous and Jonghyun couldn't keep the amused look off his face. Especially considering that the poor sap was quite cute, light brown hair, sharp jaw, narrow eyes and deep-etched laugh lines despite his young age. What really caught Jonghyun's eye however, was the seemingly permanent dusting of pink across his pale cheeks. Jonghyun understood; the man's job was embarrassing to say the least. However, what Jonghyun didn't understand was when blushing had become so damn attractive. The man's rosy cheeks seemed to only accentuate his pale skin. It drew Jonghyun's eye again and again no matter how hard he tried to look away.

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