Make Me Warm

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Het! EunsookxJonghyun
Word count: 10k
Rating: PG
Warning: a little bit of angst but mostly fluff.
Author: illusions-chan (LiveJournal)

Eunsook was sitting with her head against the windows of the train. Her ride wasn't too long, but the cold, rainy night was an apt mood for some angsting, as her best friend Kibum liked to tell her she was constantly guilty of.

She was twenty-three, single, and underpaid; like any other university student in this age. But Eunsook had never felt as alone as she did now.

She had always been shy and somewhat awkward. She still didn't understand how she managed to befriend Kibum back in middle school. The boy was the loudest personality she had ever met; brash, cocky, unapologetic, and yet, the kindest soul she knew. Kibum was like the brother she hadn't know she had been missing all this time until he came storming into her life.

But a brother and best friend weren't enough to soothe the ache in her heart when she'd get home late after tutoring high school students for their entrance exams. She had started living on her own only a year ago, much to the displeasure of her parents who thought it an unsafe idea. She had shared a flat with Kibum for a while, but when the boy had fallen in love with a pretty girl named Minjung from his required math class, Eunsook knew she didn't want to become a third wheel in their love story.

The train jolted to a stop and Eunsook's trance broke. She sat up and glanced at the platform outside. It was her stop and she immediately got up, heading for the doors. Of course, in her typical klutzy fashion, she managed to accidentally step on an older man's feet, knock into a young couple, and elbow a young man in the side as she made her way through. Wincing, the girl bowed and mumbled apologies before jumping out the doors and onto the rainy platform.

Eunsook looked up at the sky for a minute and sighed tiredly, letting the water hit her face and chill her skin. She had forgotten her umbrella at the school where she tutored, but she honestly was too tired to care. Closing her eyes, the girl just let the water trickle down her neck, past her coat, and down her back; the cold sensation calming her.

"You'll catch a cold if you stay out here."

Eunsook turned to see the young man she had elbowed holding his umbrella over her, smiling softly at her. She blushed, spinning to bow.

"Oh I--I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

He laughed, cutting her stumbling apology off. His face was handsome, a shockingly masculine square jaw with full lips and warm eyes.

"Looks like you don't have an umbrella today. Here," he whispered, holding out his umbrella to her.

She took it with surprise, staring at him with an open mouth.

"But don't you need it?"

He laughed again, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'd rather have it help a pretty girl reach home safe and dry than me," he replied.

Eunsook blushed again at his forwardness, unable to say anything. But he didn't seem to notice. With another smile and wave, he turned around.

"Take care!" he called before disappearing from her sight.

Eunsook stood there, clutching the umbrella tight so that she could feel the solidity under her skin, so that she knew it wasn't a dream or an apparition. She was breathing heavily, her heart beating hard and fast, as if Kibum had dragged her out of bed to jog with him at the crack of dawn; and that's when she realized.

She didn't feel so cold anymore.


Kibum watched the girl he called his older sister from another family as she made coffee for him. Eunsook had gotten a part time job at café to help pay for her apartment when tutoring hadn't been able to cover the cost by itself. It drove Kibum and her parents absolutely crazy all the time, but Eunsook wasn't the type to ask for help, even if they were happily willing to do so.

Tilting his head, Kibum studied his best friend for almost nine years. Physically, she hadn't changed much from their high school days, still the pretty girl with an incredibly well-endowed bust, slender waist, and long legs. The only difference between in Eunsook from high school and now was that she had taken to braiding her long hair into a French plait, revealing her cheekbones and slender neck. She was also thinner, but Kibum figured that to be more due to her hectic schedule leaving her no time to eat rather than anything else.

He managed to bring a smile to his face when she turned and set down a large cup in front of him.

"Here you go, tall skinny macchiato with a double shot of espresso and nutmeg on the foam."

Kibum grinned appreciatively before ducking his head to take a sip.

"You're the only who knows how to make my coffee right, Noona," he complimented with a happy groan.

She laughed before coming out from behind the counter to sit next to him. Kibum immediately made room for her against his side, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they sat comfortably. The café was quiet today, the rain having kept the regular weekenders inside their homes.

"So what's new, Noona?" he asked as she leaned her head against his collarbone.

"Just the usual. Work, classes, tutoring. My life isn't exciting enough that it'd change from whatever it was last week, Kibummie," she teased softly.

The boy rolled his eyes in response.

"At least tell me you're going to come and have dinner with me and Minjung. We miss you," he whined, pouting at her childishly.

He didn't want to say it aloud, but Kibum worried about the amount of time Eunsook spent on her own. Ever since high school, the older girl had a tendency to brood and angst if left alone too long. Kibum liked to think it occurred because Eunsook had a very well hidden lack of self worth.

It had taken him years to realize it, only after her mother had flat out asked him if he loved her daughter and to not hurt her by playing with her heart. Kibum had been surprised to find out that Eunsook was an accidental baby. Her parents, after suffering three miscarriages, had given up on having children and then her mother had found herself pregnant. The fact that their miraculous baby was a girl never bothered the couple, but apparently a few of Eunsook's gossipy aunts had informed the girl at a young age of how much a disappointment her gender was to the rest of the family, especially her grandparents.

Kibum frankly wanted to smack those women. Their catty remarks had put a terrible pressure on the girl, leaving Eunsook to believe that she needed to be the best in order to make up for the fact that she wasn't a boy. Kibum personally thought it was complete and utter crap. He had always thought that people were beyond that gender bias. When he found out from Eunsook's mother, who also agreed with Kibum's desire to smack those women, he had sworn to the older woman that he'd always protect Eunsook and make sure she's happy, even though he only thought of her as a dear elder sister.


Kibum jumped at Eunsook's voice, his gaze focusing on her hand as she waved it in front of his face.

"Sorry Noona," he apologized with a smile. She only laughed, shaking her head fondly.

"Weren't you going to meet your grandmother today? You're going to be late if you don't leave right now," she chided. Kibum's eyes widened as he glanced at his watch, confirming her words.

"Shit!" he swore loudly, jumping to his feet and tugging his jacket on. He turned to Eunsook who was holding his bag and hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek. "Thanks Noona. I'll see you at dinner tonight, okay?"

Eunsook just nodded with a smile as she watched him run out of the café. Sighing, the girl turned to the rest of room and smiled sadly as she regarded the empty space before her.

"I guess I can probably do the inventory that Jay-oppa's been worrying about," she mused as she headed quietly over to the office.


Eunsook laughed as she poured tea into two cups. She was in her small kitchenette, listening to Minjung talk about an incident she had in the week. Though they had just met three days ago for dinner, Minjung had begged Eunsook for some girl time. Eunsook assumed that the younger girl wanted to chat about Kibum without him being around, but had been surprised to find out that the girl had wanted to speak more about her college plans and career goals along with hopes of marriage.

"So what about you, Eonni? Are you still going the medical route?"

Eunsook sighed as she glared playfully at Minjung.

"Do you and Kibum argue over who gets to ask what? Honestly, you two are so scripted, it's bordering on annoying," she teased, pinching the taller girl's arm.

Minjung laughed, blushing.

"Guilty," the girl cried, throwing her hands up.

Eunsook rolled her eyes as she walked around the counter to sit next Minjung. It wasn't like she could blame the younger girl. Her college choices had always been a subject of debate. Both Kibum and her parents had adamantly told her not to study medicine if her heart wasn't in it, but Eunsook wasn't willing to take the out they offered her. She knew she could do so many other things, but she also knew that being a doctor would fulfill her in ways she couldn't explain, even if it sometimes felt like the classes were sucking her soul straight out of her body.

"I'm still studying towards it," she confirmed, making the younger girl smile at her fondly.

"I figured," Minjung replied with a smile. "And for what it's worth, Eonni, I think you are so incredibly strong and I know you'll make it, regardless of what anyone else says. Your heart is in the right place and that's what matters."

Eunsook found herself blinking back tears as the girl grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, whispering "Hwaiting."


Eunsook liked to think of herself as a generally happy person, but today she just wanted to stay at home, curl up underneath her gigantic mound of blankets, and cry. She had always known it was going to happen, but had never really accepted it until she had seen the white and gold envelope in her mail.

She had been in high school when she had met the charismatic boy named Cho Kyuhyun. He had been a new transfer and she had been appointed to help him learn his way around. Though he had been the most handsome boy she had ever seen, he was also just another awkward teenager, who stumbled over his words and blushed to the tip of his ears. Fast forward three months and she had fallen in love with him.

To her surprise, the boy had felt the same.

They dated all throughout high school, having been nicknamed 'The Oblivious Sweethearts' or 'The Klutzs' jokingly, but it had been magical for Eunsook. Too bad that the fairy tale had fallen apart just as their first year in college started. It however turned from just a broken dream and into an absolute nightmare when Kyuhyun met a young high school girl by the name of Lee Taeyeon, a girl who just happened to be Eunsook's younger cousin.

Eunsook wasn't angry. She had known that going to different colleges would change everything and she had known that it wasn't forever, but seeing Kyuhyun at every family get-together had been like being pierced by dozens of needles simultaneously.

Getting a wedding invitation was as if someone had reached in and ripped the newly formed scab off the wound in her heart.

"They're in love. She's turning twenty in the summer and of course they're getting married," Eunsook whispered to herself as she wiped down the counter for the fourth time.

She was alone at the café again, but it was early in the morning, only five-thirty. The sun had barely broken out from behind the thick veil of clouds, but she hadn't slept all night. The invitation had arrived two days ago and it was still on her table where she had left it after reading it again for the hundredth time. Frankly, Eunsook knew she was being foolish because her relationship with Kyuhyun had ended before they entered college, that it had been almost five years ago, that he and Taeyeon were wonderful together, but that didn't stop the pain of loneliness that was drowning her.

Shaking her head, the girl threw the used rag in the sink and groaned, pressing her fingers against her temples.

"I am being utterly ridiculous. It's just another wedding of an old friend," she ground out. "It doesn't matter to me. I just need to finish cleaning the percolator so I can study for my next exam."

"I suppose this would be a bad time to ask for a coffee, then?"

Eunsook whirled around in surprise at the voice and nearly fainted at the rush of blood to her head as she recognized the speaker. It was him, the man from the train. He was wearing a charcoal gray suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist, making him look even more masculine than he had the other night.

Realizing that he had probably heard all of her ranting, the girl blushed furiously and bowed immediately.

"Please forgive me, I had no idea that you had entered," she blabbed, squeezing her fingers together tightly before waving him to a seat. "Please, sit and let me..."

Again, her apology was cut off by his musical chuckle, his head tilting to the side as his large eyes twinkled. She stood quietly, watching as he shucked off his coat, revealing a very well fitting black shirt as he sat down on one of the stools in front of her.

"You're going to squeeze the life out of that poor percolator if you don't let go," he commented teasingly after a moment.

Eunsook looked down and blushed as she realized that she been squeezing the percolator tightly in her hands. She didn't even know when she had picked it up. The girl smiled and tried to set it down on the counter casually, but nearly dropped it before catching it awkwardly and making more of a fool out of herself. Mentally berating herself, she turned back to the young man.

"What can I get for you?" she asked quietly, trying not to stare as he licked his lips, studying the menu behind her.

He tilted his head again and Eunsook blushed as she caught sight of a tattoo scrolling from behind his ear, down his neck, and disappearing under his shirt. Before she could make sense of what exactly it was, he straightened and smiled at her.

"I've never been here before, but the morning blizzard sounds promising."

Eunsook nodded as she turned to start making it for him.

"It's really good," she began. "The base is a traditional latte, but in the morning blizzard, we add white chocolate syrup in the coffee, put two shots of espresso instead of one, and then sprinkle ground cinnamon and nutmeg on the foam."

Though she tried to focus directly on what her hands were doing, Eunsook could feel his gaze on her and her hands shook from the intensity. Managing to make the drink without too many mishaps, she started to pour it into a large ceramic mug before realizing her mistake.

"I'm sorry," she started, spinning around. "I never asked if you wanted this for here or to go."

He grinned. "Since I see that you've already poured some into that mug," he pointed gently. "Why don't you just pour the rest and then suggest me a pastry that would taste good with it?"

She blushed and nodded.

"You could either go with the raspberry chocolate chip muffin or the currants and marble scone," she began as she set the patterned mug down in front of him.

"Which one do you like better?"

Eunsook blushed as his eyes caught hers straight on. She could hear her blood pounding in her ears as he looked at her and she looked at him. If she had thought him handsome from a distance, she now knew that he was nothing less than sculpted. He wasn't the classical Korean beauty like Kyuhyun, his nose too prominent and his cheekbones too sharp for that. But the way his large eyes shone with intensity and how his lips resembled pouting flower petals, Eunsook couldn't imagine that she had ever seen a more beautiful man.

It was the ringing bell of the door opening that had her pulling away from him hurriedly. A group of four morning regulars entered at once, talking loudly about the cold and the fog as they stumbled inside. Caught up in getting their orders and making them, Eunsook completely forgot about the young man from the train until she finally turned to check on him to find him gone. His mug was empty, the plate for his pastry—the currants and marble scone—filled only with crumbs and a ridiculous amount of bills that by far covered his order and what would've been considered a proper tip.

Picking up the bills gingerly, Eunsook nearly fainted as she counted out her tip from the actual amount. Her cheeks reddened furiously as she read the note stuck between the money.

'Don't apologize so much. Your mistakes are as cute as you are.'



Eunsook managed to smile as her younger cousin dropped the magazine in her hands and jumped up to hug her. She returned the girl's hug tentatively, nearly losing her composure as she caught sight of the sweatshirt that read 'Soon to be Mrs. Cho' on the couch.

"Hi Taeyeon-ah," she greeted finally after swallowing the lump in her throat. The girl just smiled, her eyes curving beautifully into half moons.

"I'm so glad you're here," the girl began to ramble. "I've been fighting with Umma and Ummanim for hours and I need someone in my corner. They think that I should have at least five bridesmaids, but I only really want you and Ara-yah. Also, I know this is sudden, but will you be my maid of honor?"

Eunsook felt her jaw drop at the last statement.

"You want me to be your maid of honor?" she squeaked in surprise.

Taeyeon shot her another perfect half moon smile.

"You're the only one I feel close enough to ask, Eonni. You've always been such a good Eonni to me, giving me advice, listening to me ramble. I don't know anyone else who is as close to me as you are."

Eunsook managed a nod, making the girl squeal in excitement.

"Umma, Ummanim, Eonni said yes!"

"Oh wonderful!" a slender woman with gray-streaked hair cried as she stepped out of the kitchen, baring a tray of snacks. Eunsook felt her heart drop to her feet as she recognized Mrs. Cho, Kyuhyun's mother. The woman simply petted Taeyeon's hair as she sat down next to her before turning her warm face to Eunsook.

"It's so good to see you, Eunsook-ssi," she greeted politely.

Eunsook bowed a perfect ninety degrees, smiling.

"Thank you for inviting me, ChoChunHei-ssi."

The older woman laughed.

"There's no need to be so formal, Eunsook. After all, we're all family here," she commented gaily.

Eunsook only nodded before she reached over and picked up one of the cups of tea, nursing it close to her lips so that she could relax her muscles to prepare for all the smiling she was going to have to do for the next few hours. She listened quietly as Taeyeon's mother and Ara, Kyuhyun's younger sister entered the room and the conversation, the ladies' voice echoing loudly. The women seemed happy to talk and Eunsook let them, pulling away and closing her eyes. Their voices faded away and Eunsook felt weightless in the silence around her, untouchable in the grayness.


Eunsook jolted, nearly spilling her tea as she looked up at Taeyeon.

"What do you think, light pink or rose pink for the bridesmaids' dresses?"

Eunsook pulled another smile onto her face before entering the conversation. Not a single lady in the room noticed the way her fingers tightened into white-knuckled fists around her cup.


It was raining again.

Eunsook sighed as she tilted her head back, soaking her skin.

Today's tutoring session had been brutal. Dongho, one of the boys, had burst into a tantrum, throwing his book at the wall in frustration. Eunsook had managed to keep her temper in check while trying to berate him, but the boy had managed to push her limit with one simple comment.

"Then how come you're still doing your undergraduate studies? Aren't people your age graduated by now?"

Eunsook still felt white and pale from it. The boy had realized his mistake and apologized profusely, but Eunsook had only shaken her head, dismissing the class.

Now, walking alone, the girl finally confronted herself with the reality of the boy's statements. He had been right to question her. After all, she was a still a college student working on third year courses while her peers were graduated and working. How could she be expected to teach these kids properly when her own life was barely alright? She was could barely afford her apartment, spending more hours working at the café instead of being in class or studying. Her grades weren't bad, but they weren't stellar either. And now, she was going to be the maid of honor in a wedding she didn't even want to attend.

The girl collapsed on a bench by the train station and just let it all out, crying silently as the wind and water ravaged her face. Every hurt and frustration bled out of her as the trains passed by her, rattling her bones.

Shakily, Eunsook pulled her feet up onto the bench and buried her face in her knees. Tonight, she was done smiling and being strong.


Admittedly, Eunsook realized, spending the night outside on a bench in the middle of a storm wasn't the best idea.

"If you weren't my best friend, Noona," Kibum shrieked at her as he made tea in her kitchenette. "Honestly, where was your brain?"

Eunsook was sitting on her couch, bundled in layers of blankets, her cheeks pink with fever, her eyes bruised with lack of sleep. She had nearly fainted at the café yesterday, causing her manager to freak out and call Kibum. The boy had rushed to the café and dragged her home immediately, pushing her into bed while ignoring her protests of how she was okay and it was just a fluke. Twelve hours later, she had managed to convince the boy into letting her camp out on the couch while he cooked and ranted.

"Kibum-ah," she finally whispered, cutting off his rant.

The boy stared at her from across her small apartment; his feline eyes narrow with reproach.

"I'm sorry," she finished with a sniffle.

Kibum dropped the spoon and rushed to Eunsook's side as she buried her face into her hands.

"Noona," he crooned, cuddling the sobbing girl into his arms.

Eunsook only cried harder, her skin around her eyes burning with salt as her lips cracked again, smearing blood all over her cheeks. Kibum pulled her into his lap and began to rub circles up and down her back, crooning deep in his chest. Every soft word from him felt like another drop of acid in her stomach as the guilt choked her, crushing her lungs. He was right, she didn't have a brain and she was just a fool, a stupid fool with no hope of success. Eunsook clutched at Kibum's shirt and buried her face into his chest.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I'm obviously just a fool and I don't deserve you taking care of me or anything of this—and I'm just so stupid because I keep making these mistakes and you keep having to clean up after me—hic—even though I'm the elder. But I'm such a bad example," she sobbed, stuttering and hiccupping.

"No Noona," Kibum crooned, stroking her back. "You're wonderful. You're one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. Your smile could light up the world and I'm lucky to have you in my life. I know it's been tough these last few years and I can see it every time I look at you, no matter how hard you try to tell me you're okay. You don't have to be so strong all the time. I'm here, Minjung, your parents. We love you and we can bear some of the burden. Just let us," he whispered.

Eunsook only buried her head deeper against him, letting her tears stain his chest.


Eunsook was pleasantly surprised when the young man from the train walked in at exactly five-thirty in the morning. It was raining like no tomorrow and Eunsook hadn't expected a single customer to brave the chilling storm for coffee on a school holiday.

He walked over to the same stool he had sat on the last time he had been in the café and shrugged off his coat, deep navy this time, before sitting down.

"I'm glad to see you're still here. I was almost afraid that you had disappeared on me," he greeted warmly.

Eunsook blushed as he regarded her with a teasing smile.

"I was ill," she began quietly as she moved to stand in front of him. He grinned and leaned his elbows on the counter, bringing his face closer to hers.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he replied. "Are you feeling better now?"

She blushed and nodded.

"So what can I get you?" she asked.

He smiled and reached forward. Eunsook felt frozen in place as his hand passed over the skin of her face, close enough that she could feel the coolness of his skin against her burning cheeks. She felt his fingers brush her hair and then pull away suddenly, leaving her lost and yet wanting more.

"You had a crumb in your hair," he commented, dusting his hand on his shirt. "How about a Dark Forest for here?"

Eunsook managed to nod without fainting and turned to make it. The silence in the café was heavy, weighing down her shoulders, and she felt like she was going to choke on it when he suddenly broke it.

"Do you work every morning in the café?"

Eunsook turned around to see him watching her intently, his eyes burning through her.

"Umm, yes. I open the café and stay until I leave for my classes," she whispered as she added the steamed milk to the espresso carefully, making sure not spill any of the foam.


Eunsook blushed.

"Yes, I'm still pursuing my undergraduate certification towards medicine," she explained as she poured his coffee into a large ceramic mug, blue this time in color. She walked over to him carefully and set it down in front of him.

But before she could pull her hands away, he caught them with his own, pressing hers tight against the cup. She looked straight at him and found herself lost in his gaze again.

"I think I'd want to get sick more often if I had a doctor as pretty as you," he commented with a grin before letting go of her hands. Blushing, Eunsook turned away to deal with the used percolator. This time the silence wasn't oppressive as it was soothing. She could hear him humming softly as he sipped on his coffee, reaching over and grabbing a newspaper to flick through. Letting his voice carry through her, she continued to clean and prep for the café for the rest of the morning.


"You're happy today."

Eunsook turned to see Kibum staring at her fondly as he sat curled up on her couch, Minjung cuddled next to him. The older girl rolled her eyes at how sickeningly cute the two were and just walked back to her kitchenette to grab the popcorn out of her microwave.


"What, Kibum-ah?" she asked, whirling around with one hand on her hip. The boy pouted his lips at her exaggeratedly, making her burst into laughter.

"Are you going to tell me?" he whined after she managed to catch her breath and join the two on the couch. She settled next to Kibum, curling her legs underneath her as she set the bowl in his lap so that Minjung could reach it as well. Minjung poked Kibum under his ribs to make him play the movie and then reached over to grab a handful of popcorn.

"Is he cute?" the younger girl asked as the starting credits began to roll, making Kibum jump in shock as Eunsook blushed furiously. Minjung laughed as she caught the looks of horror on both their faces, Eunsook pink with embarrassment while Kibum was starting to turn red with anger.

"He?" the boy parroted. "What 'he'?"

Eunsook opened her mouth and then closed it again before burying her face in her hands. Kibum shot off the couch like a gun round, pointing an accusatory finger at his best friend with his mouth open in dull shock. Minjung meanwhile scooted across the couch to grab the older girl in a warm embrace, petting her hair softly as she chuckled.

"Sit down, Yeobo," the girl commanded as she grabbed the remote and paused their movie. She turned back to Eunsook, managing to convince the girl out of her hands. Eunsook sat back against the couch, avoiding Kibum's glare as she let Minjung cuddle next to her.


Sighing, Eunsook turned to the girl and poked her in the arm.

"You're a brat," the older girl snapped with mock irritation, making the younger smile brightly. "And he is nobody, Kibum-ah," Eunsook declared, trying to placate the irate boy.

Kibum snorted as he uncrossed his arms.

"If he is nobody, Noona, then why'd you blush?"

Eunsook sat quietly for a moment, her lips pursed as she coiled her fingers together tightly, unknowingly squeezing Minjung's hands between her own.

"Oh," Minjung breathed out softly before giving the older girl a knowing smile.

Kibum whipped his head back and forth, staring at both girls, trying to figure out what was going on between them.

"What 'oh'?" he demanded, trying to understand Minjung's soft smile and Eunsook's embarrassed smile.

Minjung turned to her boyfriend and smiled brightly, shushing him and telling him to sit with a wave of her hand.

"It's just a spark, Kibum-ah," she whispered. "Let it become a blaze before you start freaking out."


Eunsook smiled as she watched the sky break into streaks of gold and red as the sun began to rise. It was five-twenty-five in the morning and she was finishing cleaning the last bit of the five-am rush, letting the percolators dry on the rack as she pulled fresh brownies from the oven.

Eunsook wasn't much of a baker, barely able to crack an egg without getting egg shells in everything, but her manager had figured out that if he left batter in the fridge overnight for her, she'd be able to scoop it into the right pans and bake it on time. It worked well for them, considering he didn't have to get up early to come in and bake for the morning customers and that Eunsook didn't have to attempt to be graceful or coordinated in a potentially life threatening situation. After all, she had learned her lesson well after making Kibum ill while attempting cookies in high school.

"Smells good in here."

Eunsook whirled around and smiled as her new favorite regular entered the café, dressed in another gorgeously cut suit.

"Good morning," she greeted with a smile, managing to not turn completely red as he smiled back warmly. "You must be very organized," she commented, trying to make conversation. "You always walk in at exactly five-thirty."

He laughed as he pulled off his coat and sat down in his regular seat at the counter. "My roommate in college used to drag me out of bed at four thirty every morning to run with him. I used to hate it, but now it's as natural as breathing. I don't even need an alarm to wake up," he explained with a grin.

"Wow," Eunsook commented. The way he talked about college made the girl wonder how old he was. He didn't look to be too much older than her, but then again, with his stylish wardrobe that spoke of experience and a high income, Eunsook figured that he could just be baby-faced. "So what will it be this morning?" she asked after a moment of silent musing.

He tilted his head for a minute, staring deeply at her, making the girl blush before smiling teasingly. "I want the Candy-and-Cake and I'm twenty-two in case you were wondering."

Eunsook blushed as he winked at her, spinning in surprise as she began to make his order.

"Is it that shocking?" he asked, making her hands shake as she tried to pour the peppermint syrup into the steamer.

She blushed as she filled the percolator with the right amount of espresso, biting her lip as she felt his gaze burning through her blouse.

"It's just that you're—you are younger than I," she finally whispered as she grabbed a toothpick to draw a sunburst in his coffee. She tossed the pick into the trash before picking up the mug and walking over to him, settling it down in front of him carefully, all while avoiding his questioning gaze.

Again, he reached and grabbed her hands before she could escape him. She gasped and blushed, trying to escape his gentle grip, but he was firm, staring at her deeply until she lifted her chin to look him in the eyes.

"How much younger?" he asked quietly, entwining his fingers with hers. Eunsook felt light-headed, her head swimming at the intimacy of the action. His fingers were perhaps the same length as hers, but his palms were wide and warm, calluses pressing against hers.

"I'm twenty-three," she finally whispered, cheeks burning with fire.

To her surprise, he blushed before grinning warmly. He pulled away and took in a deep breath before exhaling nosily.

"I feel like I should apologize," he confessed with a grin. "I assumed that you were eighteen or nineteen, and probably was more than casual than I should've been. But now I find I'm kind of relieved actually." He leaned forward again and gave her a smirk. "I think I'll like calling you Noona."

Eunsook felt her cheeks burn at the way he bit his lip naughtily before bending to drink his coffee. Turning away, the girl tried to keep herself from fainting as she began to wash the percolator and steamer.

Even with her back to him, she knew he was grinning and couldn't help but smile in return.


Eunsook kept her face serene and polite as she listened to the woman standing in front of her complain angrily. The woman was a mother to one of the many teenagers she tutored. Eunsook figured that she couldn't be more than thirty-five and was probably married into an affluent household, with her hair artfully coifed and pinned at the nape of her head, her fingernails perfectly manicured, and her prim, Peter-pan collared dress. The girl managed to keep herself from rolling her eyes like Kibum as the woman paused only to restart.

"His grades are down by two points and he isn't even close to cracking the top ten at the school!"

Taking in a deep breath, Eunsook stood up from her seat.

"ParkMiSeon-ssi!" she interrupted. "While I understand your concerns, I have to ask you, do you know where your son has been the past two weeks?"

The woman looked shocked, either at being interrupted or being asked about her son. Eunsook assumed it was the former with the way the woman seemed to put on such a show.

"Excuse me?"

Eunsook smiled, inwardly counting down from twenty in Hangungmal and then again in English.

"Your son hasn't been present for the last two weeks at these sessions. I've asked his classmates and they don't know what he is up to either. I understand that you're worried about his grades, but frankly, I'm more concerned that he's not getting into anything unsuitable," she explained softly.

"What are you trying to insinuate?" the woman snapped, stepping closer to the girl.

Eunsook held her ground and stared down the woman without blinking. She wasn't surprised by the woman's attitude, especially since she had practice from dealing with her son.

"I am not insinuating anything ParkMiSeon-ssi. I am telling you what I know and I think you've interrupted today's lesson long enough. Please, let us talk this over some other time, but right now, my time should be spent with the students who are here."

Without allowing the woman to speak up again, Eunsook quickly herded her out before closing the door and turning to her other students.

"Wow Eonni," one of the high school girls commented loudly. "We've never seen you be so firm and strong. That was amazing!"

Eunsook blushed lightly at the praise and commanded the students to continue with their work. As she walked past Dongho, the boy reached out and tugged on her blouse softly. She bent to listen to him as he whispered in order to not interrupt the others.

"She's right, Noona. That was amazing. I'm glad you did it," he commented. "That lady and her son have always been a little loud and brash. My hyung says it's because they spent too much time overseas."

"Dongho!" Eunsook scolded gently, tapping the boy on the forehead for making such a tasteless remark. "I know you know better than gossip like that. It doesn't matter where a person is from. No one person is an adequate representation of a place. Don't be so judgmental."

The boy blushed and nodded his head. "Sorry Noona."

It took Eunsook only a moment to realize his apology was for more than his tasteless remark and she couldn't help but smile warmly at the boy. Even though his thoughtless remark from a couple of weeks ago had hurt her, she had never held it against the boy. But seeing his anxious face now, she realized that she wasn't the only one who had replayed that conversation in their mind. Smiling, she tapped his forehead softly.

"It's okay. Now that you know better, you won't do it again. I'm sure."


Eunsook entered the rental boutique quietly, bowing at the manager behind the counter before heading over to where Taeyeon, Ara, Taeyon's mother, and Kyuhyun's mother were seated, chatting amongst themselves quietly. The girl approached them quietly, setting down her coat and bag on an unoccupied stool before sitting down herself and greeting the women.

"Oh Eonni, I'm so excited!" Taeyeon squealed as she hugged Eunsook tightly.

Eunsook smiled back at the girl, patting her back gently. Taeyon had always been a sweet and lively girl with very few cares or worries, and Eunsook could see how that must've appealed to Kyuhyun. The young man, when he and Eunsook had still been close, had often mentioned the responsibility he felt to take over for his father and how he wanted to be nothing more than a devoted son. Frankly, with such personal pressure, Eunsook wasn't surprised by his slightly somber, almost stoic ways. Looking at it now, she figured that he must've fallen for Taeyeon because of her light-hearted sweetness and she couldn't blame him for wanting the girl's liveliness in his life.

"Are you going to do both types of ceremonies?" she asked.

Taeyeon laughed.

"Yup. We'll have the white wedding in the hall in the afternoon, but the traditional ceremony in the morning before," the younger girl answered. She leaned forward, closer to Eunsook, and continued. "I really only wanted to do the white wedding, especially since Kyuhyun's family is Christian, but Umma didn't agree."

Eunsook just nodded, unable to find a suitable comment. Personally, Eunsook thought that the westernized ceremony was pretty but only in pictures. It wasn't something she wanted for herself. She managed to smile and laugh though as Taeyeon tried on dress after dress. The younger girl seemed to be completely enthralled with large ball gowns, trying one after another. Eunsook watched with amusement, sitting quietly by herself as the girl stepped into another enormous white frock covered in bedding and lace.


The girl looked away from Taeyeon and over at Kyuhyun's mother. The older woman had been conversing with Taeyeon's mother, but Eunsook hadn't caught a word of their conversation.

"We were wondering if we should be expecting a boyfriend or date with you?"

Eunsook blinked, surprised by the lack of tact in the question. Swallowing, the girl paused to think for a moment. She could always ask Kibum, but Eunsook knew that inviting Kibum wasn't a good idea for the simple reason that her self-appointed little brother still hadn't forgiven Kyuhyun for breaking up with her and then dating her cousin. Taking in a deep breath after making her decision, Eunsook opened her mouth to answer.

"No. Just me."


It had been a spur of the moment decision, but seeing Dongho's earnest face, Eunsook had given in. The boy had told her about his music lessons with a very talented pianist and how the man had arranged a small concert for all of his dozen or so students. Eunsook had been flattered by the invitation, but had declined out of propriety, feeling that it wasn't proper for her to be one of his two allowed guests. But the boy had been adamant and now Eunsook found herself staring in the mirror, trying to get ready.

She had been at it for almost an hour, trying to find something appropriate to such a function without being overdressed. She had already decided that her slacks weren't formal enough, that her sweaters were a little too worn, and that most of her blouses and skirts were just too plain. It wasn't as if it was a date, but for some reason, Eunsook just wanted to look better than her day-to-day wear. It was only right since it was her student's solo performance.

Checking herself in the mirror, Eunsook studied herself. She had finally decided on a deep plum cocktail dress with a wide square neck. She had originally not wanted to buy it, but at the time Minjung had insisted furiously, even threatening to call the older girl's parents. Eunsook added a wool wrap to her shoulders and a pearl earrings-and-bracelet set that had been a gift from her parents. Natural make-up and a French twist later, the girl figured that this was the best she was going to get.

The concert was being held in a small hall in a luxurious hotel on the other end of the city, about fifteen minutes via train from her apartment. Eunsook thanked the doorman and entered the large spinning door. On the inside, the lobby was classically decorated with golden light fixtures and ornate Persian rugs. Heading over to the hall, she bowed as she passed the other guests.


Eunsook turned to see Dongho standing with his mother. She smiled warmly and approached the pair.

"You look very handsome, Dongho-yah," she complimented as she neared them.

The boy blushed, fidgeting in his black tuxedo.

"I'm one of the last to play," he announced nervously. "The younger kids will play first. There's three kids that just started playing this year, so they'll go first. I've been playing since I was five though, so I have one of the hardest pieces."

Eunsook shared a fond smile with Dongho's mother as he rambled. She knew all of this already, having heard it when the boy had first begged her to attend the concert, but she understood his nerves perfectly. While he was a good student, Dongho's first love was music and his dream was to compose. More often than not, Eunsook found the boy doodling music into his notebooks rather than actual class work.

Movement from the other guests caught their attention and Eunsook smiled as Dongho hugged his mother tightly. When he turned to her, Eunsook reached and caught the boy's hand in a tight grasp.


Dongho smiled back at her and repeated the cheer before heading off to where the other students would wait before performing. Sharing another smile with Dongho's mother, Eunsook followed her into the hall and to their seats. The room quieted as the lights dimmed and a stage light switched on, shining directly on the piano bench.

Eunsook found herself enjoying the concert more than she had expected as child after child played. The children were all dressed in their best, bowing silently before they sat, all trembling with nerves. There were a few mistakes made here and there by shaky fingers, but Eunsook thought it added charm to the whole evening. When Dongho finally played, she found herself enthralled and delighted by his piece, a medley of the themes from The Lord of Rings trilogy. When he stood to take his bow, Eunsook cheered as loudly as was acceptable, incredibly proud of her student.

"Now let's introduce the man behind the magic!"

Eunsook turned from congratulating Dongho's mother back to the stage. From what she had found out from Dongho's mother, it seemed that the teacher was a young man who was just starting to gain popularity, both domestic and international. Eunsook felt her jaw drop open as she recognized the beautifully cut suit and warm smile.

"Kim Jonghyun!"

The man bowed politely and then gestured to his students, letting them bow again as he stepped aside and applauded them, his lips stretched in a warm grin. Eunsook stood transfixed as he stood to the side, bowing and accepting congratulations from delighted parents.

It was just a split second, but his eyes moved from the woman in front of him and flicked away before landing directly on her.

Eunsook felt her breath leave her as he recognized her, his eyes darkening with emotion. Before he could escape the other parents and find her, Eunsook had already fled, running out the door as her clock struck midnight.


"Wait, what? Why would you just run away like that?" Kibum asked dumbfounded, as Minjung raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Eunsook tried to ignore the incredulous glares she was receiving from both of them as she scrubbed the large pot in the sink. She, Kibum, and Minjung had all come to eat lunch at her parents' house, a common occurrence between the Lee couple and the three college students. Currently, Eunsook was working on scrubbing the pot in which her mother had made osam bulgogi while ignoring the glares being sent at her.

"Honestly Noona! Do you like the guy or not?" Kibum snapped, sitting down nosily by Minjung.

Eunsook had been describing the events of the concert from the evening before to Kibum and Minjung, but had stopped after mentioning that she already met the teacher, that she had already met Jonghyun.

Eunsook figured the name suited him. After all, it made sense that a musician should have such a musical name. Honestly speaking, Eunsook knew that she shouldn't have run away like she did last night. She knew it was ridiculous, especially considering how casual and intimate Jonghyun was with her in the café and how she allowed it. But Eunsook couldn't explain how knowing his name had changed everything in her mind. Now it was no longer just the girl behind the register and the five-thirty on the dot regular. Now it was her, struggling college student and Jonghyun, pianist extraordinaire.

"I don't know," she finally answered Kibum, not looking up from the soapy water-filled sink.

But Eunsook did know why she ran. It was because the clock was way beyond midnight and now she back to being Cinderella and modern Cinderellas don't get the guy, no matter what the movies tell you.


Eunsook had never played hooky before in her life, but that night before going to bed, she called Jay, telling him that she wasn't feeling well and didn't think she could open the café in the morning. The man had worriedly told to take rest and not feel bad, that he'd take care of everything.

But the next morning, the girl couldn't help herself as she rose from bed at quarter to four and get ready. A quick shower and a cup of tea later, she was out the door, walking around in the quiet before twilight.

It hadn't been on her mind, but after walking around aimlessly, Eunsook found herself standing at her old high school. She easily scaled the wall that Kibum had shown her once when they had been late and let herself wander around, past the football fields and tennis courts. Her memories of high school were filled mostly with studying, Kibum, or Kyuhyun.

She walked past the grove of trees where she and Kibum used to eat lunch and then stopped as she caught sight of a mark in one of the trees. Eunsook felt a smile reach her face as she walked over to the oldest tree in the courtyard. Kneeling down, she pressed her fingers on its leathery bark and traced over it until her fingers found a set of groves dug into the tree, about ten centimeters from the base. It was set of overlapping circles had been carved by Kibum after being dumped by his first girlfriend.

Eunsook felt her lips curve as she remembered the promise that they had made after that day; to always be each other's support. She stared at the tree for another minute quietly as a realization hit her for the first time. Realizing she needed advice, Eunsook turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the school.



Eunsook smiled as her mother handed her a cup of tea. She was lucky that her parents were such early risers. But Eunsook was still somewhat surprised by her mother's nonchalant welcome when she had shown up ten minutes at the door. It was only five-fifteen by the clock in her childhood home's kitchen, but Eunsook couldn't help but feel that her mother seemed almost expectant of her arrival.

"Umma?" the girl started unsurely, rolling the cup between her palms.

"Drink and then we'll talk about how you've always held your heart back."

Eunsook's jaw dropped as her mother sipped her tea serenely.


The older woman laughed warmly, her eyes closing in the half moons that Eunsook had inherited.

"Oh aegi-ah, you've always been so stuck in this ideal that you weren't good enough that you've hidden your heart from the world. I remember the first time I saw you fake a smile and I remember how my heart broke for you. Because I knew, that was the day that my little girl locked a piece of herself away."

Eunsook's lips trembled as she shook her head, trying to deny her mother's words. But before she could say anything, her mother reached forward and cupped her cheek. Eunsook could feel the wrinkles of age and cuts from working on her mother's hand, but despite that, the warmth filled the girl's eyes with tears.

"You hid your heart because you thought it a weakness to be vulnerable. And after so many years, you don't know how to give it to someone else."

"But I dated," the girl tried to refute.

"Yes, you dated Kyuhyun. But did you ever love him to let him have a piece of you? You even told me that it wasn't forever and you were so unaffected."

Eunsook felt as if the air had been ripped out of her lungs. If there was one thing she had been sure about, it had been her feelings for the boy. She had always thought that they did love each other, but what if her mother was right? What if that wasn't love?

"But now it's different, isn't it? He makes you wonder and dream about fairytales and princess."

Eunsook felt herself go red at the knowing smile on her mother's face.

"I—Cinderella," the girl finally answered, making the older woman chuckle.

"Well, I'm not surprised. Mine was Beauty and the Beast. But you're not spunky like Belle. No, you've always been reliable Ella, just like your father," she remarked with a smile. "Now, as your fairy mother, I have but one thing to tell you sweetheart. The clock's not midnight yet. So what will you do?"


When the door opened at five-thirty on the dot, Eunsook had already managed to put a smile on her face, expecting Jonghyun to walk in. She hadn't slept all night, tossing fitfully as she replayed the moment from the concert when he had seen her and her conversation with her mother. Her mother's words about love and being vulnerable still rung in her ears. After hours of staring at her ceiling, the girl realized that maybe her mother was right. After all, Kibum always told her that her heart was like a clam shell; that once you were inside, it was blissful, but the path to get there was more difficult than any quest. But the young boy had been adamant in one thing; that she needed to face Jonghyun and own up to the fact that she more than just fancied him. He and Minjung had been adamant that she tell the pianist the truth and not some fabricated story. Eunsook had been unconvinced; but after staring at the ceiling of her bedroom for hours in the dark, she finally agreed, realizing that maybe her mother and Kibum were right, that she needed to learn how to open up her heart again and what better way? After all, honesty was the best policy.

Seeing Kyuhyun standing there made her nearly drop the tray of brownies she had just pulled out of the oven.

Eunsook managed to keep her hold on the tray and set it down on the counter while mentally wondering what the man was doing her. Fighting to keep her composure, the girl looked up at her soon to be brother-in-law.

"Hello, Kyuhyun-ssi," she greeted politely. "This is a surprise. What brings you here so early?"

The man gave her a polite smile in return and Eunsook knew immediately that it was an act. She knew Kyuhyun well enough to know when he was truly smiling and when he was just using a façade, and it seemed that no matter how long it had been, Kyuhyun wasn't any better at faking a smile and Eunsook dropped all pretenses to tell him so.

"You still can't fake smile to save your life."

Half of her felt a vindictive sense of pleasure at how the man faltered at the comment. Perhaps it was a little harsh, perhaps she was channeling Kibum a bit too much, but Eunsook was tired of being pulled back and forth. She wanted to know why this man had come to her café at this time of the morning.

To her surprise, Kyuhyun just nodded and sat down at the counter, staring straight at her.

"I can't visit an old friend?" he asked with a more natural smile now.

Eunsook stared at him. A year back or even six months ago, she would've had to tell herself that he wasn't hers to dream about anymore. Though Eunsook had never begrudged Taeyeon anything for her role in Kyuhyun's life, she still had a difficult time coming to terms that she wasn't the other half that Kyuhyun wanted to share his life with. Every meeting had been a harsh reminder of that broken dream and Eunsook had suffered, trying to remind herself constantly that the past wasn't meant to be dwelt on for so long

But looking at him now, Eunsook felt a thrill of pleasure as she realized she didn't feel anything. He was just as handsome as ever, but now his attractiveness was just a passing curiosity. Eunsook felt herself lighten by a dozen pounds as she realized that she had finally moved on.

"Well I'm soon going to be your sister-in-law, so shouldn't you start calling me Cheohyung?"

Before Kyuhyun had a chance to answer, the door opened again and Eunsook's face lit up. It seemed that Jonghyun had opted for a more casual look today, since his usual suit was replaced by jeans and a black sweater with a beanie covering his hair. Eunsook couldn't help but smile as she felt the familiar butterflies press at her stomach and lungs. He seemed to be a little downtrodden but when he caught sight of Eunsook's bright smile, he smiled back.

"Good morning," the girl greeted as he neared the counter.

Jonghyun gave her a crooked smile as he sat down. The two just stared at each other quietly for a moment; Eunsook glancing at the surprisingly defined lines and muscles of Jonghyun's neck and shoulders, revealed by his sweater.

"Hi," he finally whispered, his eyes burning with emotion.

"Hi," Eunsook whispered back, cheeks pink.

Jonghyun's lips parted into a warm grin as he bit his lips a second before laughing. He leaned back for a second, catching his breath before facing her again.

"If I told you that seeing you that night had made my night, what would you say?" he asked with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Eunsook smiled back as she realized that she wasn't the only one with a little more than a crush. She had to admit she found his blush cute and couldn't help but laugh a little herself.

"If I told you that you're my favorite regular, what would you say?"

Jonghyun brightened ten-fold at the question and Eunsook found herself babbling an apology without thought.

"I'm sorry I disappeared on you like that. I should've stayed but," she started, placing her palms flat on the counter.

"No," he cut off, grabbing her hands with his own and lacing their fingers together like he had done before. "I was too much of a chicken to say anything before myself, so I wasn't surprised. I mean, I was surprised to see you there because you looked utterly gorgeous and because I d-don't remember inviting you, which I definitely would've considering I think I've been crushing on you since I saw you on the train that night when it was raining. And I swear I'm not a stalker or anything that followed you here. I didn't even know..."

Eunsook laughed, cutting off his rambling as she pulled their hands towards her from where he had flung them away amidst his verbal diarrhea, neither of them even hearing the tinkle of the bell as Kyuhyun left the café smiling. The butterflies that had started earlier had moved past her lungs and she felt lightheaded and excited, finally warm after months of being so cold and lonely. Jonghyun's hands felt solid in hers, his fingers curved around hers gently, the heat from his palms traveling all the way up her arms and down her spine. It didn't matter anymore that she was just Eunsook, struggling college student who was still trying to find her way. It didn't matter that she had spent years punishing herself over a broken relationship that really hadn't been forever to being with. It didn't matter that she was a girl and not a son like grandparents and aunts had expected of her.

In that moment, she felt more beautiful and more coveted then she had ever felt before.

Author: illusions-chan (LiveJournal)

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