A Writer's Creation

376 7 0

Words: 10.6k
Rating: PG
Warnings: none, I would say it's fantasy! AU but in modern times??? idk just read it
Summary: Jonghyun finds an old notebook on a rainy day.
Author: RawChicken (AFF)
*btw I wanted to post some fluff because I post so much NC-17 I hope I'm not making people uncomfortable. buuuuut the next post will be NC-17 so if you don't like it please don't read it lol.*

Jonghyun's the definition of an average student, or so he claims to be.

Average students don't get C's or lower in all of their classes. Nor do they sit through their classes without paying any attention, only to be sent to the Principal's office where they're berated for acting so irresponsibilities. Average students don't just shrug and zone out because they've heard the same thing over and over again and can't be bothered with hearing it again. Average students have friends, not like Jonghyun who mostly slinks to the back of the room and keeps to himself.

In reality, Jonghyun's the complete opposite of an average student. But this story isn't focused around student Jonghyun- at least, not completely. Though school is important, this story revolves around Jonghyun the orphan who lives in a little beat up house on the edge of town; it revolves around that same orphan boy who gets himself tangled in a strange twist of fate and has all of his wishes come true.

It starts on a Wednesday on the afternoon. You can choose the date, if you'd like. It doesn't really matter, because the place Jonghyun lives in is fictional and a majority of this story won't make sense anyway.

The rain soaks through Jonghyun's flimsy jacket on his way home. He has work later that evening, and hopefully once he gets his paycheck, he'll be able to afford a better jacket or a pair of gloves. He exites himself on thoughts of the possibility of buying such nice things for himself. He could only hope there is extra money after buying the jacket for him to go to that little pastry shop he passes every day to buy himself a little cake. It's not his birthday; he just likes the thought of pampering himself once in a while.

Other teens pass Jonghyun, running in the rain with joyful or annoyed expressions on their faces. Some of them offer him an umbrella -he rejects them kindly-, and others don't even glance back at the friends running behind them. Everyone's too busy looking for comfort from the pouring rain.

His house is on the edge of town, like mentioned earlier, and he doesn't want others to go out of their way when they have nothing to do with him. Plus, he likes the sound of rain; it's oddly comforting in such a lonely world. He's just about to pass that little pastry shop on the way home, when he notices a young woman standing outside with a small box in her hand. She doesn't have a jacket at all and Jonghyun glances down at himself with a light sigh; she definitely needs a jacket more.

So he joins her where stands, under the awning that gifts just enough cover from the rain that she's able to keep herself dry. He places his backpack on the ground and she turns to watch him in mild shock as he takes his jacket off and holds it out to her.

"What about you?" She asks quietly, and one of her hands hesitantly lets go of the box and reaches out to take the jacket from his grip. It's pretty much soaked through, but it's better than nothing.

"My house is nearby." He lies, but it's not like she knows that he still has ten blocks to go until he gets home. She looks like she's in a rush, anyway, and Jonghyun has hours until he has to go to work.

"Thank you so much. Here, take this." She bends over and lifts another box, just slightly bigger than the one in her hands previously, and gives it to him in trade of the jacket he's giving up to her,

"I accidentally bought too much. Bring it home and enjoy it with your parents."

Unknowingly to her, Jonghyun's heart drops at the mention of what he doesn't have, and he silently watches her run off in his jacket. She's a nice lady, he decides in the end, and he leaves with another light shrug.

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