Chapter 8: Raziel

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AN: I'm sorry for not posting so long. I had no inspiration and I was thinking what I should write in this chapter. This chapter is in Alistair's POV (point of view). Let me know what you want should be in the next chapter! Sorry for the short chapter

I was sitting in the Carstairs family library, reading a book about architecture that Cordelia also used to read

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I was sitting in the Carstairs family library, reading a book about architecture that Cordelia also used to read. It was a quiet Monday morning and I drank a cup of tea. Suddenly I heard my sister Cordelia talking to Jem.

"Do you think he is home?" Jem asked unsure. He heard his sister snort. 

"Of course the tyrant is home. But I just wanted us to come here to grab some of our stuff that we left behind." I heard them come upstairs, while I was still sitting on one of the chairs in the library.  They both came in wearing modern clothing. I think my sister was wearing something in the fashion of Deadpool. Her red hair was loose and curly, unlike the last time I saw her, she had it in a braid.  Jem looked simple, but I have to admit that his style had improved during those 5 years. He still kept the silver and white, but there is some color.

 He still kept the silver and white, but there is some color

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"Ah, if it isn't my little sister and our cousin. What brings you two here?"

"We came to get our stuff. Lucie just texted me. She needs to speak to Jem, about the house." Cordelia said while grabbing her phone to call Lucie. 'Delia walked up to the statue of a angel and looked at it bewildered. I only met Lucie a few times and in those few, she was curious about my behavior towards my sister. Jem walked up to 'Delia and took the phone out of her hand to talk to Lucie. He gave Cordelia a apologetic look and left the library. I stood up and walked up to my sister to watch the statue.

"The statue is quite...stunning." She looked up at the statue and looked at the cup in his hand.

"We named the statue Raziel and's quite stunning." Cordelia agreed. I walked to my previous seat and sat on it, observing my sister from where she stood. "A lot of good moments were held here." I said softly to my sarcastic sister. Cordelia looked at me darkly, here eyes clouded, and raised her eyebrows. "And a lot of bad memories to." her words were cold and so was her facial expression. I stoop up and walked up to her and stood a few feet away from her face.

"If you're talking about your banishment, you should have seen it coming. You shouldn't interfere in MY affairs with The Crowd or Goatface Herondale." I was expecting a slap on my face or angry shouts with cursing. But her eyes lighted up and she looked like she was going to laugh.

"The banishment was the best and only thing you ever done in your life right." She looked me directly in my eyes, not a sign of fear or anger, but amusement. Cordelia walked up the stairs to the big door where she came from minutes ago. She turned around and looked at me and said:

"The most vivid memory I had of this place was when we named the statue 7 years ago. Our parents, Anna, Thomas, Christopher, Matthew, Charles, James and Lucie were there. We discussed about what to call the statue for days and we came to an agreement. When the clock stroke 12 a.m. you declared in front of our parents and everyone that you hated me." Her expression was blank and mine must have been of shock, because she took it as a sign to continue.

"I cried for months, feeling hurt and broken by your words. I never knew why you said that or why you hated me. I tried to find those reasons, tried to talk to you, but I gave up. Because I know that no matter what the reason was, you would still see me as a rat."

I looked at my sister lost for words. I tried to not let my heart sink and my regret be shown on my face. "You banished Jem and I, took care that my heart got broken by James and embarrassed me in front of The Crowd and everyone we knew."

I saw a tear slipped down on her left cheek, but her face showed no anger, no sadness, but it was expressionless like Raziel.

"But none of those things hurt me more than the moment you said that you hated me." She walked out of the library and went to her old room. I walked up to the chair to grab the architecture book and throw it at the statue. The statue could not be broken easily and everytime I was angry or upset, I would throw books or vases at it. But every time I did that, the statue never had a scratch or cracks. The deep, cold, judgmental stared it gave whenever you confessed your sins or mistakes would burn in your mind. Raziel could hide his emotions behind a hard, cold, flawless and perfect face. But humans like us don't. We have to bear it, until we die. 

 I walked out of the library to go to my bedroom, where I saw a big family picture. The people in the picture were uncle Jonah and aunt Ke Wen Yu who had her arm around my father Elias' shoulder. My mother Sona was hugging Cordelia and I, While Jem was being hugged by his father. We were all smiling and didn't had a care in the world. 

We were happy. 

We were at peace. 

Our friends were at piece...and they had to ruin it all.  

I didn't know how this all had happened, but I banished them for a reason. 

Let's hope it wasn't a failure.

If it was...then Mortmain will come for us all.

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