Chapter 2- Perfect Dresses and Bonding

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---------------------------------------------Dougie Poynter as Lukas Rhyles
Annasophia Robb as Sapphire Lock

"I'm tired."
Who knew shopping could be so exhausting?
Who am I kidding, I already knew it would be.

It had already been over an hour and we were getting no where. Lukas had been lounging in the waiting area since we came and still hasn't moved from that spot. I really wish I was a boy... I could just throw on the first nice suit in my wardrobe that I found.
If that's what you think.
I released a huge sigh of exhaustion as I stared at Sapphire, rummaging through the clothing racks like a mad women, looking for an outfit for me to try on. It was no use. We had tried on dresses from short to long and tried on a variety of colours. At this point I'd be going home empty handed to face a disappointed Melanie.

Sapph was very lucky to have already found her perfect dress for the engagement. It was a sleeveless gown with a simple neckline. The dress was black but was adorned with a print of red roses around it. It was simple, but elegant. Perfect for her. Sapphire grabbed my hand, shoving me into the changing rooms once again. She had given me a cream, lacy dress which was just below my knees. The sleeves were three-quatered and flared. I grimanced from the way the dress looked but tried it on anyway. I looked into the mirror to check my appearance but groaned in disapproval.
"Sapph i'm not coming out im this. Can we please go home now? Zack must be waiting for me!"
Seconds later Sapphire pulled open the curtains and and stared at me - eyes wide in shock. She stifled her laughter and managed to hand me an other dress.
"This is the last one. I'm sure that it'll suit you just fine," with that she left the changing rooms to join Luke.

The dress was beautiful. I wasn't going to deny it. It was a long deep-maroon dress that was short sleeved. It had a deep plunge ending right below my chest. The left side had a slit which showed off my leg. To top it off there was a bow on the waist area of the dress to give it an elegant look. I slowly put it on, turning around to face the mirror to look at myself in it. I was relieved to say that I had found the dress.

I walked out of the changing room and let out a soft cough to get my two best friends attention, who were too busy bickering about God knows what. I gave a nervous smile and said "So... How do I look?" I first looked to see Sapph's reaction. She had a huge grin on her face and let out a squeal of happiness, running towards me to give me a hug. "You look great Nixie." I replied by giving her a smile of gratitude.
Next, I turned to look a Luke who was still sitting down on one of the couches. His eyes were wide in shock and was left jaw dropped. "Wow Nix. Yo-you look beautiful," Lukas was still left speechless. I walked towards him and put him into my embrace. He wrapped his arms around my waist and left a light feather kiss on my forehead.

After we paid for mine and Sapphire's dress, we headed back to my house to find Melanie sound asleep on the couch, with Zack sleeping in her secure arms. I smiled at the gesture and went to get a blanket, carefully covering the two with it. Zack Haart. My 2 and 1/2 year old baby brother. We were given the responsibility to look after Zack when my mum left. Zack was one of her "problems." My mother was having an affair with one of her collegues and was pregnant with Zack soon after. That's when everything began to fall apart. Dad however, accepted Zack and treated him as his own son, whenever he got the chance; he was hardly ever around.

I quietly walked upstairs to my room to find Luke and Sapphire arguing over what movie to watch. It was always either Star Wars or anything having to do with Leonardo Di Caprio. In this case, Titanic. I shook my head and laughed lightly at their immaturity. "How about we discuss what we'll be doing next week at the party?" I grabbed the two dvd's out of their hands and threw them carelessly to the side.
"Well for starters i'm obviously going to be surrounded by all the ravishing ladies. Too bad you guys won't be able to see me at the party, looking handsome as ever." Luke smirked at us and wriggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "Don't come running back to us when you're not the centre of attention," Sapphire rolled her eyes and threw herself onto my cosy double bed, rolling around to try and find a comfortable position.

I guess being rich had its perks. My room was big. with an en-suite, a study area and a tv with soft plush bean bags to sit on. I went and lied down next to Sapphire, placing my arm on top of her face. In return, she slapped my arm away and kicked me. Hard. I groaned in pain and turned around to find that Lukas had disappeared. "Where's Luke?" The bean bag that had once been occupied was empty.

Sapph mummbled a small I don't care, and closed her eyes. Silence filled the air and a couple minutes late Luke entered the room with Zack giggling in his arms. "Phixie!" That's what Zack called me as he couldn't say Phoenix. "Hey bud, I missed you," I took him out of Luke's arms and squeezed him tight. "The pig's already asleep Nix. Lemme jump on her!" I snapped around quickly and shoved Lukas with my spare arm. He tumbled to the ground as Zack laughed in excitement and ran towards Luke, jumping onto him in the process. I soon followed after, crouching down on the floor to play with the two.

The next few hours were the same. Me, Zack and Luke playing, joking around and telling eachother stories. We fell into peaceful slumber side by side, our dreams slowly finding its way into our heads to occupy us.
----------------------------------------Chapter 2 is up people!

I hope you enjoyed it. Things are about to get interesting in Phoenix's life soon.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to iqra_thomas_hood who helped me come up with the name Elijah Knight and her love for Star Wars and Leonardo Di Caprio.

Aren't Phoenix and Luke just the cutest together!?😊

Make sure to leave your

Till next time!

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