Chapter 7- Agent Knight

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I struggled against my captor's firm grip but it was no use. It was as if every single time I moved my legs to kick them, they seemed to have no affect on the person standing behind me. I thrashed in their hold, trying to get some freedom; It was completely useless.

I was roughly pushed up against a tree and was forced to look up to see who was trying to kidnap me. My eyes widened and a small gasp slipped from my lips as I saw a very pissed off Elijah standing before me. His face was hardened in irritation and anger brewing in his hypnotic eyes was all that I could see. His hands were placed on either side of my face, leaving me no space to escape from him.

So it was Elijah that I saw running into the forest. What was he doing in the forest? Elijah's eyes were still on me as I noticed he had an earpiece, and his clothes were a swamp green to help him blend into this surroundings. I averted my gaze from his and looked down to find a bulge in his pants. My cheeks burnt a dark crimson shade as I stuttered "El-Elijah look d-down," I gulped as I pointed in the direction I was looking at.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he switched his gaze from mine and looked down to where I pointed. He paused for a few seconds until his eyes found its way back to mine, an amused glitter in his eyes and a hint of a smirk on his face. "Ah, you must think that I must enjoy being close to you isn't that right," he chuckled at my embarassed look "Well, you're wrong."

I gulped as Elijah's hand moved towards the bulge in his pants and flashed out a pistol, pressing it swiftly and firmly against my neck. Time seemed to have stopped and I couldn't find my breath. I paled and stiffened under Elijah's hold, terrified at what he was about to do.

Oh my god, I'm going to die. He's getting his revenge on me. Zack, Sapph, Luke, I love you guys. Don't miss me too much. Mel and dad aswell. Don't forget about me.

Tears started to build up in my eyes thinking that these were the last few minutes of my life before Elijah decided to shoot me dead. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Elijah's deep voice. "Stop being such a drama queen Pheonix. I've got better things to do then to shoot you. Right now though, if you don't shut up and listen to me, I will shoot you."
I relaxed slightly, yet alarmed at his threat as I released a breath of relief. I nodded quickly to what he said, still in shock that he had the gun on my neck. "Elij-jah c-can you at least m-move the gun off me." He seemed to have forgotten about the gun and moved it away from me completely, placing it back to where it was before.

"I would tell you to go back and drive off to wherever you were going to, but it's too late for that. He's already seen you, it's too dangerous." He noticed that we were still standing close to eachother and immediately took a step back, creating some distance. "Who's seen me?" He looked back at me and stopped, thinking if he should say anything or not. "Mafia member. He's been buying supplies from a nearby area hidden at the other end of the forest. We located the place, it's a small shack where a man lives. He's helping them by giving weapons and things that would be useful to them. Some of the agents have already made their way there. I'm stuck trying to catch the man; now you're here."

The fact that Elijah was here on a mission sparked my interest and left me excited. I almost forgot what I had come out for. There a was sudden rush of adrenaline that coursed through my body, which left me stir for more action and adventure. "Does that mean I get to come with you," I replied with haste and eagerness. He immediately shook his head and gruffly spoke "You stay put here until I catch him. When I tell you to not move from here, I mean it Pheonix, it's too dangerous."

"That's not fair! I'm already here and say if the gangster dude comes and finds me here. Then who'll save me?! Certainly not you if you decide to leave me all alone."
"That's probably even better for me," he grumbled.
I gasped at his rudeness, "How could you say such a thing! I beg you Elijah please!"
"I said no, Pheonix."
"Pretty Please!"

We continued this until Elijah growled under his breath and slammed the tree beside me making me leap in fright. "I hope you know how fucking annoying you are and that you get on my nerves. Just stay beside me and don't make a sound."

I squealed in excitement and moved away from Elijah, doing a little happy dance in my head. I spun on my heels and pointed in a random direction with my head held high, saying, "Off we go!" Elijah shook his head and grabbed the finger I was pointing with and turned it towards the other direction. "We have people everywhere who are tracking his every move. I think I know which way to go. Now be quiet and stay beside me."

I saluted him as he took the lead and I hurriedly followed behind him having to jog, even though all he took were long strides. After pushing past branches and stepping into mud several times, Elijah paused listening into his earpiece and shushed me, until he became very alert and looked to his right, narrowing his eyes towards a group of trees. Elijah pushed me slightly behind him holding his hand out for me to stay.

He moved swiftly and silently past the mess of leaves on the floor, careful of his surroundings. He neared the trees and soon disappeared for a couple of minutes till he let out an alarmed shout "Pheonix hide!"

Suddenly I felt a rush of terror and alert as I tried to find a place to hide. I found myself pressed up against a tree, my eyes still focused where Elijah disappeared too. A strange bulky man emerged from the trees, a sack thrown behind his back, running past me, but Elijah caught up and tackled him to the floor. The bag fell out of the man's grasp and tumbled a few feet away from me.

I watched intently at the scene playing before me in shock and horror. Suddenly the idea of a mission didn't seem like an exciting adventure after all. Elijah was ontop of the man's bulky frame landing punches on his face while the man tried to block Elijah's every punch. My attention went back to the bag lying on the floor and I decided to be of use to Elijah and move the bag away from the scary mafia dude.

I carefully inched away from the tree and tiptoed towards the bag and grabbed, already planning my quick and 'swift' escape back to the tree. Fate however, never seems to be on my side as I stacked on my on foot and landed flat onto the hard, cold ground. Elijah and the man's head snapped towards me, as I looked at Elijah with wide eyes. Elijah also seemed to be in a state of shock at that moment.

My clumsiness seemed to be a disadvantage as the bulky dude got the upper hand and pushed Elijah off him. Elijah went tumbling off the man's body, his gun also escaping from his 'hiding place.' The mafia man's attention moved over to the gun's as he made a move towards it. This also caught Elijah's attention however, he was too far to reach it. I ran over to Elijah's side, the bag still in my clutches. I put my hand out to him as he grabbed onto it and got up whispering into my ear that help was on the way.

Elijah's lip had cut open and scratches we displayed along his neck. He seemed to have bumped his head while being pushed off of the mafia member as a bump was starting to form round the top of his head. "Look at the state of you Eli!"

I was about to reach forward to touch the bump on his head, till I saw Elijah's eyes flickered to what was behind me. His eyes widened briefly and he quickly grabbed hold of my shoulders shoving me towards the floor. The loud bang of a gun ricocheted through the depths of the forest as birds also flew away in alarm.

A scream escaped from my lips as I witnessed Elijah grabbing hold of his shoulder, his eyes shut tight in pain and his teeth gritted. The man had a cruel smirk on his face as he pointed the gun at Elijah once again ready to shoot. All I could do was lie there and watch until I heard the next gun shot, but this time it wasn't from Elijah's stolen pistol.


And so I have finally posted... Hallelujah everybody!

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Until the next time I post people✌🏼️

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