Chapter 11- The Almost Kidnap

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A rough and sweaty hand snaked round to my mouth and clamped it shut pulling me and Zack towards them. Zack awoke from my arms, startled, and began to wail at the sudden disturbance and sight before him. The person behind spoke in a deep gruff voice, barking at me, "Shut the little fucker up before I hurt him."
This only made Zack wail louder, as tears rolled down his face, sniffling. I rubbed Zack's back soothingly trying to calm him down. My heart clenched and I gritted my teeth, the feeling of helplessness slithering into my heart knowing that I was unable to do anything to protect my brother.

The man's hand was still covering my mouth, my breaths coming out deeper and more laboured. The man came closer towards my ear making his hot, sickly breath trickle along my neck. Repulsion coursed through me. "Lass, I don't know why you're struggling to be released. You brought this upon yourself when you decided to walk all alone and vulnerable in the dark with this little lad in your arms."
I grunted in response and tried to thrash against his hold but it was no use. Zack in my arms made it even more difficult to protect myself, or even to escape. His grip around me was too strong and I was unable to call out for help. I was however able to get a glance of part of the man's face. In the darkness it was still unclear; in the luminous moonlight, I could make out his dark grey- almost black eyes, with a jagged scar which ran across the right side of his forehead.

I felt the man beginning to tug me backwards, my body being dragged along harshly along with him, following him to god knows where. My soft rubbing on Zack's back seemed to have calmed him down as he had drifted back to sleep, ignorant of the situation taking place before him. After my useless attempts of struggling to escape, a sudden beep echoed into the dreadry night, signalling that a car had been unlocked - In this case, a sable coloured van with tinted windows, belonging to my kidnapper. I struggled against the mans hold, once again trying to escape. Today is not the day I get kidnapped and raped. Where the fuck are you Elijah?

I really had hoped Elijah hadn't bailed on me. At this point of time, he was my only hope, with no sign of civilisation around to come and rescue me. Fortunately, before the burly, lean, man behind me could throw me into the van, the sudden shout of Elijah's voice had me thanking God and sighing in relief. "Oi you prick. What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Elijah came running towards us, ready to fight off the man. The man behind me clenched and unclenched his hands on my shoulders, clearly deliberating his next move. Muttering a quiet fuck underbhis breath, he released me, shoving me towards Elijah and making a run for the front door of his van.

I stumbled towards Elijah, almost dropping Zack in the process, if it wasn't for Elijah grabbing hold of Zack and taking him from my arms. The sound of the vans engine revved to life and within the next few moments, the van could be seen in the distance, the back doors still wide open from when he tried to haul me and Zack in. The commotion had Zack once again waking up from his sleep and he started to cry once again. As Elijah lulled Zack back into a calming silence, I bent over and placed my hands on my knees breathing heavily and wiping the sweat that had formed on my forhead during the whole encouter.

My mind raced with the what ifs even though the man had gone and a new form of anger had welled up inside of me and I stood up straight and glared at Elijah. "Where the fuck were you? We were this close to be taken away today."
"But you weren't as I had come just in time. So, instead of swearing at me you should be thanking me."
I scoffed at his reply and spat back, "Thanking you?! If you were a fucking minute later than the time you had come at we would've actually been taken. Why the hell did you take so long anyway? Did you stop to admire the trees on the way?"
"Ha fucking ha. You should be a comedian. If that thick head of yours remembers, I've only just returned not too long ago and I was gone for years Phoenix. I fucking apologise for getting lost in this half familiar place while trying to save your fucking sorry ass."

I heaved out a breath and rubbed my face harshly with my hand. A wave of exhaustion and regret coursing through me. He was right. All he was trying to do was save me and now that he had, rather that showing him my gratitude,  all I did was bitch about to him. "I'm sorry Elijah. I didn't mean it. I was just scared, and hardly for myself, it was mostly for Zack. If something happened to him I don't know what I would've done." I looked down at my shoes, guilt ridden and ashamed to look him im the eye. I shifted from foot to foot, suddenly feeling uncomfortable at his silence. After a moment he broke the silence and replied "It's fine I know you were worried, but just remember i'm not someone you can bitch about to Phoenix when I did nothing wrong. Now let's go." I looked up at him and nodded in silence, and with that he made a gesture with his head for me to lead the way and we walked on towards my house.

After 10 long and uncomfortable minutes of Elijah's hard stare at the back of my head, the familiar gates of my home came in sight and a small smile graced my lips at the feeling of familiarity and safety. As we approached the front doors of my house, I took Zack out of Elijah's arms and turned my back on Elijah to ring on the bell. I faced him once again as I waited for someone to answer the door and said, "So what are you going to do now?" He looked at my face with a hard glare and made a noise with the back of his throat and responded, "None of your goddamn business." With that he pivoted around and strided away in long fast steps, his figure retreating into the gloomy, blanket of the night.


I don't even have an excuse as to why I haven't updated in so long and I don't even know if this update means that I'm back.

Thanks anyways to the people who have still stuck to this book and have waited for me to update and the people who have commented for me to update aswell. I guess that's what made me update in the end.

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Thanks again for your patience guys💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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