Chapter 10- Ice Cream and Stalkers

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The soft ding of a bell rang, echoing around, as we entered inside the parlour. The interior was cute and simple. A white and black retro theme with posters of ice cream flavours and children stuck around the shop. The glass showcase of the different varieties of ice-cream stood before us as Zack waddled over towards it, his bright blue eyes gleaming ecstatically.

Elijah went over to the counter and ordered a chocolate chip ice cream for Zack and a mint ice cream for himself. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow in question as my eyes glazed over the different flavours in delight while licking my lips in eagerly. "Hmmm... I'll have cookies and cream," I grinned at Elijah. He rolled his eyes at me and said "Typical." and turned around to pay the man.
"What's typical meant to mean?" I said attempting to mimick his voice. Elijah simply looked at me, annoyed at my failed attempt to mimick him, and stalked over to a booth near the windows, towards the back with Zack. I glared holes into his back as I followed them feeling like some sort of third-wheel.

As the ice cream was handed over to us,  I dug into it without bothering to wait for Zack or Elijah. As I took my first bite, I moaned in delight and threw my head back as the flavours entered me. What can I say, Ice cream's my weakness. I raised my eyes slightly to see Zack also eagerly taking a bite into his ice cream, but stopping at sudden points due to how cold the ice cream was. My gaze then flitted over to Elijah, whose eyes were slightly wide in surprise as he watched me eat my ice cream.
"What are you looking at?"
Elijah seemed to realise what he was doing and cleared his throat, putting some of his mint ice cream in his mouth and said "nothing."
"Well there obviously is something wrong if you're staring at me like some idiot."
Elijah narrowed his eyes at me, "First of all, I wasn't 'staring' at you, and second of all don't call me an idiot again."
"Do you not understand English?"
"Phoenix stop."
"You bi-"
Elijah was cut off from a sudden voice coming from another person in the parlour. It was the same old woman who's things I had accidentally dropped. She approached us calmly and smiled us softly, "Why, it's nice to see you again dear."
"You too ma'am."

The woman's gaze flickered over at Zack who was still eating his ice-cream, paying no attention to us, while Elijah stared at both me and the woman in confusion. "Why dear you're just like me. You see when I was just about your young age I was also married and had a young child just like your son over there. You and your husband are just like me and mine. We always used to quarrel aswell when we were young."

"Oh ma'am you must be mistaken. Me and Elijah are-"
"Eliza where have you gone off to now, bothering young children. Let's go now."
The woman -Eliza- simply just smiled at us and turned to follow her husband out of the parlour, leaving me sitting with a baffled expression.
"As if I'd ever marry someone like you." Elijah snapped me out of whatever trance I was in and I glared at him.
"What do you mean someone like me? Anyone would be lucky to have someone like me. It's you who's the problem. I mean just look at you!"
Elijah scoffed at my response and retorted "Excuse me love, but I look at myself in the mirror every day and night. I wouldn't be getting all these compliments from the ladies. And men."
I laughed humourlessly. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. Come Zack it's time to go." I picked up Zack in my arms and walked towards the door. As I pulled open the door and took a step to walk out, I turned my head towards Elijah and flipped the bird at him and stomped out. I shook my head in irritation as I heard his bark of laughter as the door shut behind me.

The sun had begun to set and the glow of the sun had begun to disappear to a dim light. I secured my arms around Zack tightly as he placed his head into the crook of my neck and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The park was only 20 minutes away from my house so I began to walk home in a leisurely place.

It wasn't until I had left the park that I felt as if I was being followed. Watched. I gulped and took a quick glance back, only to see the stranded roads. Everything was silent except the soft sounds of my footsteps and the gentle rustling of the leaves. The small pit in my stomach began to grow and my heart lurched. I clenched my hold around Zack tighter and took deep breaths, quickening my pace. Whoever, or whatever it was, had carried on following me, and also seemed to move along with my pace in order to keep up. My breaths began to get heavier and deeper till I couldn't take it.

I pulled my phone out as fast as I could and dialled Elijah's number, a small bead of sweat rolling down my head, despite the chilly breeze. I brought the phone to my ear and held my breath as my phone continued to ring until it stopped. I waited till the voice spoke up.
"Have you seriously called me up to carry this on, 'cause I seriously cannot be asked."
"Phoenix. What's wrong?"
I continued to walk as fast as my legs could carry both me and Zack and whispered to him over the phone "I'm being followed." A bang was heard in the background of the call and then a shuffle.
"Shit. Are you sure Nix?"
"Y-yes." I stuttered a stray tear rolling down my face in fear. "Nix, just stay put. I'm on my way. Your walking down the normal path right?"
I nodded my head frantically even though he couldn't see me and said, "Yes. Jus-just please hurry. I'm scared."
"I'm coming. Just stay on the line."

I stayed put and acted as if I was looking for something through my purse to pass time and waited for Elijah, acting completely unaware that someone was stalking me. My heart continued to beat against my chest at the possibility of Elijah being unable to reach us in time to save me and Zack. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought as I tried to find another distraction to pass time. I decided to carry on walking, still hoping deep down that Elijah would be near by. I checked my phone again to ask where he was and notice that my phone had switched off.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Now is not the time phone.
I looked around my surroundings to see that the roads were still empty and turned back and continued to walk down the streets, the street lamps being my only guide. My mind kept drifting over to the what if's rather than the positives, till I was snapped out of my thoughts when a sudden large, strong hand gripped hold of my elbow.

I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart skipped a beat. Everything seemed to have stopped at that time and all that ran through my mind was to protect Zack. I did what any girl who thought she was about die would've. I screamed.
I am awful. I know.

Still I'm grateful for all your votes and reads. Thanks for all your support guys!

Who do you think was the person that grabbed Phoenix's shoulder?

Let's all pray that I update soon.

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