Chapter 8- Tattoo God and Re-Opening Wounds

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Mr Elijah Knight up there ^^^ Doesn't Stephen James just have the most gorgeous smile ever😭❤️

Thank you guys! I can't believe I've already got above 10K reads!

A choked gasp escaped from the mafia man's lips as he clutched onto himself, slowly sinking down to the ground. My wide eyes then faced a large, lean and bulky figure, his grip still tightly on his gun. His eyes were glued onto the man now lying on the floor, watching as he slowly lost consciousness. A low, throaty grunt of pain was heard and I remembered that Elijah had also been shot trying to protect me.

A sudden surge of guilt erupted in my stomach. It was my fault that he was shot. My gaze flitted over to Elijah's as I moved over closer to him, trying to check his injuiry. Elijah simply moved away and said hoarsely "I'm fine Pheonix. Don't worry about me." I wasn't going to listen to him especially since I was the reason of his pain, and so I carried on trying to check his injuiry; while he continuously moved away.

Someone from behind cleared their throat and spoke in a low and cold tone, "There's no need to worry Miss Haart. Agent Knight has been doing this enough times for him to look after himself. What we need you to do however, is come back with us to the headquarters and tell us everything you've seen, heard and to sign a few things as you must keep things a secret."  The man who shot the mafia member had long, raven black hair neatly combed back into a small pony, with black shades to match his black shirt, trousers and shoes he was wearing.

"Yes, sir," I said nodded my head in agreement and hesitantly stepped forward to walk along with the man until he opened his mouth again, "-Oh and Miss Haart, please can you hand over the bag. It is of no use to you." I looked down and noticed that the bag was still tightly held in my hand and I smiled meekly, a soft blush rising on my cheeks, as I handed over the bag.

My heart was still thudding loudly against my chest as I walked, turning back to glance at Elijah, who clutched his shoulder, and 2 more men who seemed to appear out of nowhere to take the unconscious mafia member away. The man took his shades off to reveal stormy grey eyes glancing at me. "Call me Raymond miss Haart. No need to worry about Elijah over there. He'll also be heading back to the headquarters with us. He's a brave one and has been through worse." All I could simply do was nod my head with a soft smile on my face, wondering what Elijah had to go through working as a secret agent and how bad his injuries were.

The headquarters was about a half hour drive from the forest,in a secluded area. It was like those typical headquarters you'd find in the movies - hidden, mysterious and big. Really big. As I entered, trailing slowly behind Raymond, I noticed how there were a lot of people there. Some sitting on computers, eagerly typing away, while others walked around with files. A few eyes seemed to flicker over us, wondering what a stranger was doing in their headquarters, while others seemed to take no heed to me and ignore my presence. Ouch. I'd thought that my awesome self would be the centre of attention, making my grand entry. I'm kidding.

Only I could think of the most useless and stupid things at a time like this. Raymond led me into a room that was fairly large. It was filled with a library of files and a desk piled with papers. Raymond had left my side and went by to the desk, opening up a cabinet and getting out a couple sheets of paper and asking me to take a seat.

"Miss Haart-"
"It's just Pheonix actually."
Raymond looked at me with narrowed eyes, clearly not liking to be interrupted, so I quickly shut my mouth. "-As I was saying, Pheonix, you have gotten involved with the work only for agents of STEALTH. We aren't going to kill you or make you lose your memory, if that's what you're thinking, all we're asking you to do is sign this. It's just a promise that you will not discuss what has happened, our location or anything about us to anyone. Is that clear?"

"What will happen if I do tell someone? Because I'm not exactly a good secret keeper. I spill things like wibbly wobbly jelly." I can't believe I just said something as stupid as that at a time like this. Raymond raised his one eyebrow (which I always fail to do) in mild amusement and drawled "Well then, the only option would be to silence you. Forever." Raymond grinned at my wide eyes. I nodded my head in agreement and made the action to keep me lips zipped, as I quickly signed the papers.

"Uhh Raymond?"
"Yes, Pheonix?"
"Can you maybe take me to see Elijah. I just want to see how he's doing."
"Sure. Just follow me and be sure not to get lost."
As I followed him, I realised what he meant by not getting lost. The place was like a maze! After a few turns, Raymond stopped outside a door and told me that he would be back in the room he was in earlier and walked off. I quietly knocked on the door and Elijah said a quick "come in", as if in a lot of pain. Who am I kidding, of course he was in a lot of pain. He had just gotten shot.

I entered the room quietly peeping my head through the door to see where Elijah was. A doctor was standing infront of Elijah, advising him to take rest and to not take part in a lot of physical activity. Seeing me enter, the doctor simply nodded his head at Elijah and left us alone.

I approached Elijah calmly and forced on a smile not knowing how to apologize to him. Before I could say anything, Elijah simply glanced over at me and stood up facing towards a mirror and ignoring my presence. Instead if being annoyed at him for completely ignoring me, I admired his back in awe.

Every detail and inked inch of his skin was perfection. Eyes pitch black, like the pits of hell and a malicious smile with sharp fangs grinning back at me. There was a faded scar running down from his left shoulder and seemed to disappear in the dark ink of his tattoos. I had a strange urge to touch his scar and tattoo's ; I quickly shook the thought away.
"Have you finished admiring my back Nixie bear? Seems like you were enjoying it." Elijah looked at me from the mirror and winked. My cheeks grew red in embarassment and I averted my gaze. Elijah turned around to face me and I saw that his body was indeed full of tattoos. The Hindu goddess Kali engulfed his torso. Kali represented violence and a warrior, something that looked striking on Elijah and matched his Character. His arms were also dominated with tattoo's, one of his arms dedicated to the Spanish artist Salvador Dalí and his other to represent his British culture. All in all it looked... Sexy. He was a sexy tattoo God. Shut up mind. No it doesn't. No he most definitely isn't. It's scary just like him. Very, very scary and freaky.

I cleared my throat and looked back at Elijah and blurted "Elijah I don't know what to say

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I cleared my throat and looked back at Elijah and blurted "Elijah I don't know what to say. I first came to apologise about me almost spilling your secret to Sapph and Luke and then the shooting thing happened and you got shot, which was also my fault. I'm really very sorry. Please forgive me. For both of my mistakes."
"Being desperate isn't a good trait for a lady you know." I glared at him. "You don't have to apologise though. It wasn't your fault that I was shot. I chose to move in the way."
"No buts. What's done is done. Forget about it."

I moved closer towards Elijah and touched the area that was now bandaged. Elijah released a strained hiss and I instantly removed my hand knowing that I hurt it even more.
"Oh god, sorry again! That must hurt even more, right!?"
"Don't worry about it, it was nothing."
"I said don't worry. Besides, what you did to Johnathan doesn't compare to this mere wound."

I froze at his venemous words and the way his tone suddenly changed. I shakily stepped back my lips parting and trembling at what he just told me. My hand clenched around my mouth as tears welled up in my eyes. I felt sick. I needed to leave now. And I did.

-------------------------------------------Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys!

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