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It has been three months after their return to California and everything was going smoothly.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lance Montgomery were very happy and had just moved into a secluded estate near the beach. Their home was perfect and ready for their soon to be family.

Lance and Cassie got married the following day after learning of the pregnancy. The proposal was very simple and heartfelt as Lance was just waiting for the right time to ask Cassie. He already had a ring for her, it was one of the meetings he had the day of their return. He took his mother's ring from his grandparent's house.

When they woke up after their passionate love making, Lance prepared breakfast in bed for Cassie. He made eggs benedict and placed the ring on top of the egg. He prepared pancakes with the words, "Will U B Mrs. M?

He nervously waited for her to wake up. When she did, he placed the breakfast tray on her lap and removed the food's cover.

Her reaction was priceless, he would always remember that day when she looked at him with so much love and adoration and tears of happiness in her eyes.

"I haven't even asked the question yet and you're already crying." Lance teased her.

"Stupid ass! You wrote Mrs. M?! What was that supposed to mean?" Cassie was already crying with so much joy.

Lance laughed and went down on one knee and took the ring from the food tray.

"Maria Cassandra Villanueva Lopez, from the first time I saw you I felt a force of love so great that even the stars made a way for us to be together. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Will you make me the happiest man and agree to be my wife?"

To say that Cassie was crying was an understatement, she was actually sobbing and grinning widely from glee and happiness.

"Yes! I will spend forever with you. I love you Lance!"


Marco and Lance's plan to save Cassie's business had been successful. Being an heir of an international Billion-dollar investment company has its perks. They were able to convince Cassandra's parents to sell them their company in return of a hefty sum of money. With that, they can build a new business even larger that the one they sold. They kept the negotiation top secret especially to Miguel and his company. The only condition that Lance stipulated in the contract was that Cassandra's family will move to California and there he and his company can assist them with whatever business they will plan to undertake.

And so, just two days ago, Cassandra was able to reunite with her parents. Lance made sure that his wife and her parents will overcome their differences.

"Cassandra, Somos muy apenados por lo que hemos tratado antes. Créanos por favor que le amamos. Queremos lo mejor para usted."We are very sorry for the way we treated you before. Please believe us that we love you. We want nothing but the best for you.

"Podemos han sido cegados por el éxito y el dinero. Pero cuando te perdimos y nos acerca a perderlo todo, nos dimos cuenta de que la familia es más importante que cualquier tesoro del mundo."We may have been blinded by success and money. But when we lost you and were about to lose everything, we realized that family is more important than any treasure in the world.

Cassie's mother was crying as she was asking for her daughter's forgiveness.

"Estamos muy orgullosos de ustedes por estar parado para arriba para sus creencias y por ser valientes para perseguir tu felicidad."We are very proud of you for standing up for their beliefs and have the courage to pursue your happiness.

Her father approached her and Cassie happily accepted their apologies.

"Siento mucho por causar problemas cuando salí. Quise ser egoísta por una vez y estoy seguro de que hice la elección correcta." I am very sorry for causing you any trouble when I left. I wanted to be selfish just for once and I am sure now that I made the right choice." She looked at Lance who was watching them at the corner of the room and signaled him to come closer.

"Mama Papa, I would like you to meet my husband, Richard Lance Montgomery."

Cassandra's parents warmly accepted Lance. They hugged him as a sign of their welcome.

"Forgive me Senor and Senora Lopez for not asking your daughter's hand properly, but please trust that I love your daughter with all my heart and I am willing to give anything to keep her happy." Lance bowed his head as a sign of humility.

"Now that you are already our son in law, call us Mama and Papa. Thank you son, for taking care of Cassandra." The Lopez's were beaming with joy for the fact that their daughter now found her other half. The better half of her soul.

"Now, enough with the drama Mama and Papa. We have some good news!"

Though Lance was very happy and proud for their early pregnancy, sometimes, he gets uncomfortable that they were already expecting their baby at the first month of their relationship. This was one of those times. He was worried about what her parents may think of him since his Cassie always teases him that he was such a sharp shooter. Counting back the days, they were able to conceive on their first sexual encounter, when she gave up her virginity.

"Mama. Papa. Lance and I, we're pregnant!"

The look of shock and disbelief on her parent's face was enough for Cassandra to burst out laughing. Their mouth were slightly agape and their eyes almost burst out from its sockets.

"See honey? Even my parents were surprised by your awesome powers!" She was laughing in between words as she was sure that Lance will be blushing from her teasing.

Lance turned beet red as he just smiled at them and scratched his head in embarrassment.

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