Ugh morning

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Edit: Once again, doubled the word count.... my brain is so incredibly fried XD. If someone has a fun idea to incorperate please share it. i don't know how to continue :/


"Ooooi Sasugay!"

"I hear you like to be a feast for my sword" Sasuke growled, his hand resting threating on his sword. In the back of his mind he sincerily hoped the dragon would not come out. Kiba wasn't the most unreasonable person, but his first instinct was to kill and eat the dragon.

"So what was up with that swarm of dragons?" he arched a brow, ignoring Sasuke's usual threats to his life.

"They left" Sasuke stated simply, "you interrupted my work for nothing. Ever heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf?" he sneered, looking down on the brunet.

"Don't be like that. I saw the Gurgle with the crowd. That's no dragon to flee. Even if it's you" he retorted, crossing his arms.

Sasuke groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't know why. They just did" he glared at the male, causing him to visibly lose some confidence. "I suggest you get out of my way since I have a sword... that needs some sharpening" he deliberately let a pause within that sentence to make the man sweat.

"Come on man, give me some details" he said with a tense smile.

"Kiba" Sasuke growled.

"Jeeez fine. Don't get your panties in a twist" Kiba backed off holding hands up. "See you around" he saluted mockingly before dashing off.

Sasuke sighed and turned to see the dragon blending in with the leaves and branches. One last look at the road to the village had him nod, "it's safe to come out now". He turned heel and walked to the back doors of the shed. The building was old and one would not survive there in winters, but it was big and could hold at least 8 horses. He swung the massive double doors open and motioned for the dragon to follow him inside.

When he moved into the house he had used the shed as storage for weapons, armour and whatnot. It also was a place he lend out whenever the stables in the village needed some rebuilding. It was filled with hay and a few stables were to the side. There was an upper floor which was only reachable with a ladder. It was like an attic where you constantly bowed to avoid hitting your head.

The dragon meekly hobbled after him, his eyes scanning curious over the interior. His nose twitched as he eyed the weapons hanging on the wall. Several swords, axes and a few slings that could sweep a dragon straight from the air. The dragon didn't hold interest for long and moved onto the hay. He snorted at the scent, causing the strands to fly everywhere.

The raven leaned against the doorpost with an amused expression. The dragon's paw moved patches of hay around, his pupils growing big like a cat focused on a toy. "That ain't a toy dobe" Sasuke mused causing the dragon to perk his ears. The male rolled his eyes, walked over and kicked the hay out of the dragons reach. "you are not messing up the shed. I just cleaned it last week" he scolded. The dragon's ears went flat as his eyes were big and sad. 'Don't puppy eyes me you little brat' he thought, immediately questioning his rationality of calling a dragon a brat.

"I said, that's not a toy" Sasuke said, returning to reality and finding the dragon nibbling on a big patch. He growled and snatched the hay from its razor sharp teeth. But the dragon didn't let go. There was a tug war for a few minutes, only for Sasuke, surprisingly, to end as winner. "I said no" he grinned, watching the golden lizard fall back on its hunches from his own pulling force. "Weakling" he grinned, turning to the ladder and walking up. The dragon scowled at the male for a little while but his attention was perked by moving on the second floor. Rats were running over the beams of the roof, darting through the hay and searching for food. His eyes followed after a rat that dared to come downstairs. His sky blue eyes kept track as he moved on four legs towards it.

It didn't take long for the rat to notice it was being stared at. As soon as those beadlike eyes fell upon the dragon it began to sprint. The dragon let out a soft roar, dashing after the mouse. Sasuke looked down with arched brow but as he saw the dragon clash into the wall into pursue of the dragon he shook his head. "Idiotic dragon" he said, going down the ladder.

The dragon turned its attention back to Sasuke who was closing the big doors, only to open a small one and pass through. The creature whined, scurrying over to the raven but he held out a hand. "I'm not planning to freeze in this shed. Unlike you, I don't breath fire. I need a blanket" he stated. "You stay here".

The dragon whined softly as the door closed before him.

Sasuke strode over few meters of grass that separated the barn from his house. It was a one floor cottage. It held 4 rooms. Bedroom, bathroom, living room and a kitchen. Everything a single man needed to survive. The man glanced over his working equipment, standing under a roof he had build so he could work in open air, even if it rained. "I'll continue tomorrow" he sighed. He was tired. Not physically but mentally.

Once home he slumped on the couch with a cold beer, another deep sigh leaving his lips. "Why does this kind of thing happen to me?" he drank his beer and ate some dried meat. He had no clue what time he went out cold. Sometimes, when his mind was troubled, those things would happen.

The sound of shrieking was followed by soft shuffling. A groan uttered from Sasuke's lips as he turned on the small couch. The figure in the shadows tensed for a good few minutes before moving again. It went through the whole house, its bright eyes inspecting everything with curiosity.

The next morning Sasuke rolled off the couch with a groan. Cursing under his breath he lifted himself off the ground and moved to the bathroom. He quickly washed his face with a bucket of cold water. After that he visited the kitchen and ate some 2 day old bread. He picked up some meat of the previous morning and made way to the shed. Going through the door he took one glance around. His eyes widened, "where the F*** did the dragon go?!" he growled to himself. How did a dragon, as big as a horse, with no thumbs, escape his shed without as much of a shout from the village?!

The raven searched the whole shed, even in places the dragon had no way of hiding, but nothing was found. "Am I seriously going mad? Did I just dream it all?" he cursed kicking the patches off hay. A sudden voice had him curse a little louder.


Called male got out of the shed and glared deadly at the doglike male. "Not now" Sasuke hissed. Kiba paused in his tracks, eyeing the angry male. "What bit you this morning?" he grinned, he hadn't seen Sasuke this annoyed in a long time.

"State your buisness" he hissed.

"Chief's daughter was expecting you yesterday at the diner" he whistled, "she wasn't happy you didn't show".

"I never said I'd come" Sasuke retorted, his eyes darting around quickly. "Anything besides that?"

"Not really" Kiba shrugged, "besides you XXL with cherries on op bad mood, I don't see anything wrong" he smirked. His eyes darting around as well.

"Then shoo your ass off my property" The male snapped.

The brunet grinned lazily and gave a mocking salute, "aye aye boss" he snickered, going off on his way back to the village.

The raven pinned the bridge of his nose taking deep breaths. The brunet was lucky to leave with his head on his shoulders. One by one his muscles relaxed and his expression turned once again stoic. "Let's find myself a dragon" he whispered, striding around casually. In search of a sparkly golden dragon.

What Sasuke had failed to notice, was something, or someone curled up under his bed. The figure purring in delight at an unseen ream. The warmth of the room comforting his loneliness. Slowly the creature woke up, lazily looking around. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and dragged himself from under the bed. The sun shone brightly through the glass. The creature stumbled towards the window and glanced around. A toothy grin appeared on his face, at the sight of the evergreen trees and a barren topped mountain in the distance.


finally finished it. i had half done around a month ago but it was small as F. and i'll try to update more (sorry i'm hectic and can only write on certain moments). and ideas and stuff are always welcome. ^_^

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