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@edgeofART: hello guys. i'd like to discuss something, and it's already come up in the buzzfeed interview. ever since that interview, i've been called -

@edgeofART: pretentious, stuck-up, a drama seeking bitch and other names. i'd like to say that, if you don't agree with my keeping my identity private -

@edgeofART: it's okay, but being mean to me is something i won't tolerate. i have my reasons as to why i don't want anyone to know who i am and a -

@edgeofART: major one is that i lead my life like any normal twenty-year old. it's okay if you think i'm pretentious. i disagree, but that's a matter -

@edgeofART: of personal tastes and opinions. nobody knows who i am and people i know in real life don't know about this and i'd very much like to keep -

@edgeofART: it this way. besides, as i've said many times before, knowing my life story ruins the point of my paintings. it shouldn't matter who i am -

@edgeofART: or what i've done in my life. stop bothering yourself so much over who i am and enjoy my paintings. i never intended to become as big as i -

@edgeofART: am, and part of it is thanks to @SangsterThomas. just enjoy my paintings, guys. it's not important who i am. it's not why i paint. it -

@edgeofART: doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you. so, i've decided to stop using twitter and i am very sorry but i realised that in my -

@edgeofART: attempt of bringing back the true meaning of art, i attracted attention to myself, what was never my goal. even as such, it is giving me a -

@edgeofART: reputation and my paintings start to lose the anonymity behind them. i amd truly sorry for anyone and everyone i ever talked to on here, -

@edgeofART: but i need to leave. i hope that then, maybe, things will settle down. i will still check my mentions and such but i won't respond to them -

@edgeofART: i don't know how long this hiatus will be. for now, let's call it permanent. thank you. - art

[no, this isn't over yet. it's art. she's a bit of a drama queen and really misunderstood and cyber-bullied so don't take this against her.]

ART | thomas brodie-sangster [✓]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt