Chapter 5

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Crystal's POV

I run outside with Eevee next to me. Our first day of catching Pokémon, and with perfect weather! Mellow sunshine, and a calm breeze.

I stop and wait for them to catch up. "Gosh Crystal you run too fast," Adam pants. "Or maybe she runs normally and you're just out of shape," Ivy teases. He gives her a confused look. "Do you not like me or something?" He questions.

She smiles evilly. "No, just needed someone vulnerable to tease. Crystal always teases back," she says. I wink at her and she sticks out her tongue. We look around us. "Where should we go first?" Adam says.

I shrug. "Maybe over there," Logan says quietly as he points. "YOU SAID SOMETHING!" Ivy exclaims happily. He smiles. "C'mon you should say more! It's not like we're going to hurt you!" she says.

"Well, I thought..." he trails off. "What?" Ivy asks. "I thought you would tease me," he whispers. "I wouldn't tease you! You're not someone I would be able to tease! Adam on the other hand..." "Shut up!" Adam snaps. "You shut up!" she shoots back.

"Well that's good," Logan says. Good, now everyone is talking. I think we've finally broken the ice with him. Hopefully he'll join in our conversations.

We start to walk towards the spot Logan was pointing at. Suddenly, we here a high pitched noise emerge from behind the bushes. "Hello?" Ivy calls out. A slight rustling in the bushes draws me in. I start to walk absentmindedly towards the bush.

Two little pink puffs jump out. Clefairies. I have a bad feeling about this. We have to battle them don't we? I'm sure they won't go away until that happens, so I guess so. One by one, we call out our Pokémon's names and they step forward.

"Go and get 'em," I encourage Eevee. She uses an attack that I think I remember the professor mentioning; tackle, I think. It went on for quite a while. Then, both our Pokémon start to scoot close together.

Then they started rapidly firing moves like mad, not even paying attention to who they hit. The Clefairies were extremely close to fainting, so Ivy and I use Pokéballs to catch them.

"I might as well start a collection of pink, chubby Pokémon," Ivy remarks. I laugh. That's true, she would really enjoy that. She loves pink, after all, and she thinks that anything chubby is cute. (A/N The members of this account match the characters in this, so Ash really does love pink and chubby things XD)

Then suddenly there is another rustle in the bushes, and this time, it's HUGE. The giant Pokémon stomps out of the bushes.

"What. Is. That." I whisper.



Oooooh what is it??? Find out in the next chappie!!! :) Sorry I haven't been updating this one, having 3 books makes it kinda hard to keep up with all of them! :/ Anyways, hope you liked it and I'll have the next one up soon :))) (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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