10- Confrontation

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Alec POV
Watching Kate run out after the boy she once was in love with was one of the hardest things to watch. When she came back in she was so angry to find out I had kept from her the fact that Andrew was alive all of his time that he yelled at me to move out of the house and not wanting to cause a fight in front of Gracie I agreed to move back into the apartment above the bar. "Kate can we please talk," I beg her as she enters into the bar for the first time since the night Andrew came to town. "Theres nothing to talk about Alec our marriage is based on a lie and I don't know if I can trust anything you say," she says with no emotion. "Just let me explain please," I say grabbing her wrist to stop here from walking off. "Fine I will give you ten minutes, but let's go upstairs," she says pulling her arm from my grasp and heads upstairs.

"Go on explain yourself, help me understand why you hid the truth from me all this time," she say a hint of anger in her voice. "I was going to tell you but the day I found out for sure he was alive was the day you had Gracie and after you gave her my last name I realized I loved you both and I didn't want to loose either of you nor did I want to put you back in a life where you had to be sacred," I say honestly as I try to ignore my heart breaking inside at the thought of loosing them forever. "Alec that should have been my decision to make not yours," she say tears streaming down her face. "Kate I'm so sorry please forgive me and let me come home I miss you and Gracie so much," I say pulling her into my arms. "I forgive you, but I don't know if I can let you back into my life," she say pulling from my arms. "Do you love me?" I ask her barely above a whisper. "Yes, but it's not that simple," she say her eyes dropping to the floor. "Do you still love him?" I ask needed to know the truth. "No, yes, I don't know I'm so confused right now because Drew and I never really got to be together freely so I don't know how to feel," she say sounding broken. "Go explore your feelings for him, just let me have a chance to win you back also," I say wanting her to be able to explore her feelings and decide on her own who she wants to be with. "Would you really be okay with that?" She asked in confusion. "Not really but if that's what you need to do then go for it, all I ask as that you don't let Gracie see you dating someone else she isn't going to understand and no matter what I want to stay in her life," I say hoping she would agree. "Okay I will bring Gracie to you and she can stay for the weekend so that she want have to be around Drew because I'm not ready to explain things to her yet," she say he voice sounding a little bit happier. "I love you," I say before closing the distance and claiming her lips with mine kissing her as if would be my last. Once we pulled apart she gave me a small smile before leaving the room.

Andrew POV
Instead of staying outside the bar I decide to go in and check on Natalie since she had been inside for several minutes and had not come back out yet. I quickly regret my decision when I walk in and see Natalie and Alec kissing. Not wanting to stay around to watch I immediately turn and make my way ousting and begin to walk back to my place as hurt and anger begin to take over. "Drew where are you going?" Natalie asked as she runs after me. "I'm going back to my room," I say as without turning around to face her. "I thought we were going to spend time together today?" She asked sounding hurt. "Yeah well that was before," I said not finished the sentence. "Before what, explains to me what I did wrong," she says grabbing my arm as she finally catches up to me. "I saw you two kissing Natalie, so why should I even be bothered with trying to win you back," I say facing her as I try to hid my heartache. "I don't know what you want me to say Drew I'm trying here, but he is still my husband so if he kisses me what am I suppose to do push him away?" She say in confusion. "I don't know but I can't take seeing you with someone else, Natalie I love you and I want you all to myself," I say confessing the truth. "I know but you have to give me time to work through all this, it's been three years and you walk back into my life a little to late Drew I am married to Alec and I can't just leave him and run to you without making sure I do the right thing," she say pleading with me to understand. "I'm sorry Natalie I should take this out on you, I understand your married and I should be thankful that you are even letting me back into your life after all these year," I say stepping closer to her. "Just give a honest shot at winning you back and I will promise to do right by you and Gracie," I say hoping she would agree. "You have to know this will not be an easy decision for me but I want to get to know the older you," she say with a smile. I pull her into my arms holding her tight wanting to hold her for as long and as often as I can.

I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while I have had a crazy couple weeks between working my last two weeks at my daycare job and trying to get all my testing and orientations done for my new job as a Phlebotomist which I start next week.

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