Chapter 1

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The Tardis landed with the usual sound.
"Oi, Doctor! Where and when are we?"
"Well, Amy", he opened the doors and licked his finger, "I'd say Earth, April 26th, 2543. A cloudy day with thirty-three percent chance of rain."
"You think you're so impressive when you do that."
"That's because I am", the Doctor said as he straightened his bow tie.
Amy rolled her eyes and walked towards the open doors. She was going to step out but, suddenly, a woman jumped in the Tardis and locked the doors. She looked like she had been running for hours. Amy had never seen the Doctor this confused.
"Doctor? Who is she? And how did she come in the Tardis?...Doctor?", she asked worried for her friend.
The Doctor simply stared at the woman in awe. She had brown hair, soft but intense eyes, and wore a brown shirt, blue jeans, and a jean jacket. She just stood there. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she finally decided to speak.
"Hi honey, miss me?"
"No, no, no, no, no, no...", the Doctor replied in a hurried voice as he realized who she was. He had a scared look on his face as if he couldn't believe she was standing next to him. He was beginning to get angry.'How can you be here?'.
"Wait, you know her?", Amy asked, but the Doctor ignored her.
"Well, I was just walking around, minding my own business when the Daleks literally appeared behind me. Never liked those guys, they leave quite the mess. I started running and remembered I had a gun! So I started shooting at them but they obviously didn't even get a scratch. And then I pulled out my sonic and pressed the 5b with the 62a. Absolutely pointless. Didn't even leave a mark! So I was beginning to get really frustrated but then I saw your Tardis materialize just a block away from where I was. I ran so fast I thought I would crash in the doors, but you opened them just it time. I jumped in and, well, you know the rest.", she said in a calm but hushed voice.
"You scared the living daylights out of me!", the Doctor yelled at her.
"You should've seen your face!", she laughed.
"You're impossible."
"I know", she said as she winked knowingly at the Doctor.
-'Doctor, who is she?', Amy wondered.
"She's-", he started before the woman interrupted her.
"I can introduce myself, thank you very much. I'm the Impossible. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Hasterborous. I am 1356 years old and pleased to make your acquaintance."
"I'm Amy Pond...How can you be a Time Lord? The Doctor said they were all gone. He destroyed them.", she replied with a confused look.
"That's exactly like him. Taking all the credit. I kind of survived. I love it when I do that.", the Impossible replied.
"You were on Gallifrey when I pressed the big red button! How can you be here?" the Doctor said.
"That's a story for another time, honey."
"We're Time Lords. We have all the time in the world. Tell me now."
"That would require me revealing one of my deepest secrets and I do not feel like doing that right now!", now she was getting angry.
"You just jumped in MY Tardis without a warning while I thought you were dead for centuries. I think you owe me a secret!", the Doctor was getting angry too. His best friend had vanished and he thought she was dead for years. Now she just decided to come back casually as if nothing had happened.
"I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier but YOU'RE NOT EXACTLY EASY TO FIND!"
"AVEELA! You tell me right now how you escaped because if you survived, then there might be other Time Lords somewhere and I NEED TO KNOW!", he yelled.
"Aveela? I thought your name was the Impossible.", Amy asked, perplexed.
"IT IS!", she yelled as she slapped the Doctor hard on the face."If you ever call me that again, I swear I will-", she continued her sentence in ancient Gallifreyan and judging by the Doctor's face, it wasn't going to be a trip to wonderland.
"Why did he call you that?", Amy had to ask.
The Impossible hesitated a moment before answering. "It was my name on Gallifrey. When I hadn't decided to be the Impossible yet. And before you ask, it's not my real name."
The Doctor started angrily pressing some buttons and flipping switches as the Tardis started to fly. No one talked for the entire trip. They grabbed on to something while the Tardis landed.

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