Chapter 2

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Amy had never seen the Doctor get angry like that. Not even with the Daleks. She had started to wonder if there was something they weren't telling her about their history together. The Tardis landed before she could ask anything. She did a mental note to ask them some questions when she gets the opportunity.
The Doctor looked at the scanners.
"1843, a bright Sunday morning. What could possibly go wrong?", he said as the Impossible smirked.
"Doctor, why are we here?'', Amy asked.
''Someone or something sent me a message on my psychic paper. Not many people can do that. It says "The Drums. They won't stop. 1843"."
-'Do you have a clue who it's from?'
The Doctor didn't reply. Could he really be alive? But how? He was going to ask the Impossible if she knew anything when he was interrupted by a scream. He turned around and saw his "friend" clutching her right hand. She looked like she was in pain. The Doctor rushed beside her.
"Look.", was the only thing the Impossible said.
The Doctor did as he was told and looked at her hand. The same message from the psychic paper was written. It looked like someone had carved it in her flesh.
"I think someone is eager to see you, Doctor.", Amy said.
The pain started to go and the Impossible was back on her feet with a worried look. The Doctor looked at her as if to say Why don't we put our differences aside until we know what's going on?. She nodded.
"Let's go and meet our admirer, shall we?", the Doctor offered his hand to Amy.
"With pleasure.", she said as she took his hand and walked out of the doors.
As soon as they stepped out, twenty armed soldiers ran out of the building facing them. The three travellers raised their hands in surrender as the nearest soldier told them to follow. They entered a large room and walked through narrow corridors when they finally arrived at the dinning room. There was a large table and many chairs. At the end of the table, there was a throne in which a man was sitting as if he owned the planet. He had short blond hair and wore a sweater and sweat pants which seemed very out of context. Amy wondered if anyone noticed he wasn't wearing 1800 clothes.
"So glad you could join us in time, Doctor and Impossible. We've been waiting.", he said.
"I would ask you how you survived, but today is full of surprises...Master.", the Doctor glanced at the Impossible as he pulled a chair and sat.
"I love it when you say my name."
"Alright, honey, quit the chatter. Down to business. What do you want Master? Oh, and by the way I didn't appreciate that you took the liberty to write on me. It hurts, you know.", the Impossible said as she, too, pulled a chair and put her feet on the table.
Amy sat too, but she didn't say anything. She didn't know this Master other than what the Doctor had told her about him and wasn't in the mood to get shot by any guardsmen.
"Impossible, take your feet off my table...again.", he said in an annoyed voice.
As a result, she only moved closer to him. She's really pushing it. Amy thought.
The Master waved his hand and murmured something that sounded like Every single time as though this happened on a daily basis and the guards shoved the Impossible's feet off the table. She simply rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Alright, Master what do you want?", the Doctor asked. He was getting impatient.
"Oh, I don't want anything with you", he laughed. "I only wanted the Impossible, but since you came..", he snapped his fingers and the guards tied Amy and the Doctor to the chair. "Time Lord-proof rope. Don't even try."
"Well, honey? Don't leave me hanging"', the Impossible said with a wink even though she knew what his next move was.
The Master stood up and held a gun at her head. He looked at her as if trying to decide whether to kill her now or let her suffer.

The Impossible Time LordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora