Chapter 5

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The Impossible didn't try to run or hide. She knew what was coming, but she also knew the Master's gun had only one bullet left. He couldn't kill her since she had two hearts. Well, he could injure me and wait till I bleed to death. She decided to put that thought away for now and wait for the Master's next move. He aligned his gun to her left heart and pulled the trigger with a loud bang. The Impossible fell on him and he caught her. She put her hand over her wound which was soaked in blood. Every second felt like a minute and every minute like an hour. The pain had paralyzed her for a moment and she couldn't speak. The only thing keeping her from falling to the floor was the Master. He held on tight to her, trying to keep her steady. There was an unnerving silence. The only noise was the Impossible's hard breathing. She put her hands on the Master's shoulders to help her stand. It felt as if she was beginning to learn to walk all over again.
"Why...?", she was going to ask why he hadn't just let her fall but she couldn't speak. The Master knew what she wanted to say. He didn't reply. He gently put her down beside the table foot as he pulled out a chair. He helped her stand up and sit on the chair. The Master then took some rope from his pockets and started to tie the Impossible's hand behind the chair. She didn't even try to stop him. She couldn't. As the Master was tying her hands to her back, he noticed a silver ring on her finger. Strangely enough, he recognized it very well.
"You kept it", he said to her.
She groaned a reply.
"Kept what?", Amy asked. The Master had forgotten they were still there. He didn't reply. He took the Impossible's face in his hands that were covered in her blood. She was barely able to keep her eyes open. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled. The Doctor and Amy had no idea what was going on. Why was the Master smiling? More importantly, why was he treating her like a long lost friend? They were both very confused, but decided it best not to ask personal questions while their friend was almost dying. The Master walked out of the room and asked a servant to follow him. They came back with a bowl of water, kitchen towels, bandages, and some alcohol. He ordered the remaining staff to leave immediately and they obeyed. The Doctor, the Impossible, the Master, and Amy were the only ones left in the room. The Master shoved the table to the back of the room to have more space to work.


The Impossible Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now