Chapter 4

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The soldiers pulled the triggers. Nothing happened. They tried again, reloaded their bullets, pulled the triggers. Nothing.
"Like I said on the dance floor, honey, you won't get rid of me that easily."
"1843? Seriously? It was a dead giveaway. I knew you were here to kill me all along, so I soniced the place before coming and disabled every weapon in the building. I mean come on, you thought I wouldn't remember?"
"What's she talking about, Doctor?", Amy asked.
"I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are.", he replied.
"It was our first date, Doctor. The Master brought me here before the Time War and I almost got executed, then shot, then electrocuted, and then chased by humans who thought I was their war goddess. I mean can you blame them? Well, now that I think about it, it wasn't very romantic, Master. It's not really intelligent to get your date killed at your first date, trust me I should know.", she said as if she was talking about the weather.
"For the last time, Impossible, it wasn't a date.", the Master said as though they already had their conversation a million times.
"Sure, honey, whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I'm sure this is very important right now, but we are in the middle of a situation here.", Amy said.
"Oh, yes of course", the Impossible said while pointing her gun at the Master. "Let them go or I shoot"
"I don't think so", he replied, pulling out a gun from nowhere too. "Pockets."
"You little dalek. I should have known", she said. "Well now you got yourself in a bit of a situation. You shoot, I shoot. Simple. Either we both die, or we both live."
"Not this time. Check your gun. Someone once told me 'Never let the enemy have better weapons than you'."
The Impossible tried to shoot but nothing happened. She put back her gun in her back pocket with a sigh. How could she have been so careless? The Doctor and Amy watched in horror as they knew what was coming.

The Impossible Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now