Chapter 6

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He soaked the bandages in alcohol before wrapping them around her wound. It must've really hurt but she was already half-conscious and all she managed to do was groan. His hands were still wet with her blood but he didn't seem too care as he dipped the kitchen towels in the bowl of warn water and placed them on her forehead. The Master took her head in his hands once again and looked into her eyes.

'Look at me...Yes, focus on me. That's right, don't give up. Just focus on me. That's it...That's it. You're doing it.' He tried to keep her from dozing off and it seemed to work. He looked like he has done this a thousand times. How many times did the Impossible find herself in situations like these?, Amy wondered.

The Master walked away from her and rang one of the bells hanging from the wall. A servant came in.

'How can I be of assistance,sir?'

'Get me a cup of tea, extra caffeine. And don't spill it this time.' He answered as he walked back to our suffering friend.

The Doctor and Amy exchanged glances. He managed to keep his mouth shut until then, but he just couldn't take it anymore. Amy shook her head. As if that ever stopped him from talking, she thought.

'How come your gun wasn't disabled? Is it anti-sonic? No, then it would've had been made out of wood. Is it made out of wood? No, silly Doctor, guns can't be made out of wood. Unless you're Trenjilian. Are you secretly a Trenjilian? After all this time and you never told me. I always thought you were a time lord. Well today is full of surprises, isn't it?...' he forgot what he was going to ask in the first place. 'Ah, yes. Why shoot her if you intended to help her? Why are you doing this? You know it was pointless shooting her if you were going to heal her later. It doesn't make any sense. Although you weren't always the predictable type. What do you want from her? Are you still angry she stole your fruit cake at Christmas when we were kids? Oh, grow up Master, nobody likes fruit cake anyway. And why extra caffeine?'

The Master clearly listened to all his questions but only answered one.

'The tea isn't for me.' he replied as the servant came back with the drink. 'It's for her.'

'What do you-' the Doctor cut himself short when he realized. 'Don't you dare. You know what happens when she has too much caffeine. Remember World War One?' Amy looked at him wide eyed, but he ignored her.

'Sorry Doctor, but I'm going to have to take that risk.'


The Master lifted the teacup to our friend's lips and made her drink the whole thing.


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