Chapter 7

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Amy expected to see, well...something. Silence was all they heard and darkness was all they saw, literally. The lights had gone out and everyone was holding their breath. The Doctor held her hand to let her know he was still there. The Master was nowhere to be seen and the Impossible had gone. The Doctor held out his screwdriver and waved it in the dark, trying to switch the lights back on. Amy was surprised they hadn't been killed by the Master yet, especially while they were waiting in the dark like sitting ducks waiting to be shot. After a few minutes, the Doctor got the lights on. The ropes and the chair were all where they were a few minutes ago, but the Impossible was missing.

"Amy, did you see where she went?" he asked.

"No, but she couldn't have gotten far, right?" she replied, trying to convince herself rather than the Doctor.

She wanted to ask the Doctor some questions, but was interrupted once again. They started out as whispers, which turned into voices, and eventually became shouts.

"Come along, Pond!"

They ran towards the room from which the noises could be heard. The Doctor used his screwdriver and the door opened, revealing the Master on his knees and the Impossible with a gun pointing towards him.

"Ah, Doctor, could you please tell the Master what he did was unacceptable?"

"What you did was unacceptable...Wait, what did you do this time?" the Doctor asked.

"I shot her, remember? And now she's angry I didn't finish her off. Women!" He answered throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. "I think it's the caffeine. Lemon juice!"

"Lemon juice? Doctor, what's he talking about?" Amy was getting annoyed. Everyone acted as if these conversations were normal and she was the odd one who wasn't invited but came anyway.

"Lemon juice, more like citric acid actually, is toxic to time lords. One drop on your skin and it burns." He replied as he walked to the kitchen to get the dangerous liquid.

"Then why are you taking lemon juice from the counter and giving it to the Master? Are you mad?"

"Lemon juice is also the key to eliminating caffeine or other products we didn't want in our system. We used it on kids sometimes when they were annoying. And what kind of question is that? Have you met me? I'm a madman with a box." The Doctor replied as he gave the juice to the Master.

"Stop that or I shoot." The Impossible tried to pull the trigger but she had forgotten that it wasn't working. The Master poured the juice on her right hand, careful not to touch it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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