Chapter 3

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She didn't even blink. In fact, she looked bored. Amy wondered how many times that woman found herself in these kind of situations.
"Put. Down. The. Gun.", the Doctor demanded as he struggled to get himself free.
"Not a chance."
"Hold on, Doctor. I got this", the Impossible said, which judging by the look on the Doctor's face, probably wasn't a good thing and will end up making their situation worse.
She quickly grabbed her gun from her back pocket and pointed it at the Master.
"Stupid humans. I thought I told you to check for weapons before letting them in.", he told the soldiers.
"But we did check, sir. They didn't have any.", the soldier was confused as to where that gun came from.
"Pockets. Bigger on the inside, honey.", the Impossible winked as she stood up.
The two Time Lords were staring at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. After a few moments of hesitation, the Master gave the signal and all the soldiers and guards readied their weapons.
"Really? This again? Honestly, I'm starting to get bored.", she said.
"Oh don't worry, you'll stop getting bored pretty soon, honey", the Master said with a smile while mocking her.
"AVEELA! Behind you!", the Doctor yelled ignoring her threat earlier.
"What did I-", she was interrupted before she could threaten him again.
"No really, behind you! You can think about ways to make me suffer later."
The Impossible turned and saw a few hundred soldiers ready to fire. The Doctor was waiting for her to start shooting at them since it was her solution to every problem on Gallifrey, but she didn't. For once she waited until the order to fire was given. The Doctor knew she knew it was hopeless to fight, she couldn't take on hundreds of soldiers and a crazy Time Lord all at once.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Kill me."

The Impossible Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now