Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

When my alarm woke me up that next morning, instead of feeling like throwing it against a wall with a satisfying crunch, I felt relieved. Excited, in fact. All because I knew that I would be seeing Gerard today.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed some clean clothes before making my way to the bathroom. I felt somewhat cheerful this morning, which was a nice change of pace, considering how the past almost week has been. Talking to Frank filled me with hope that things with Gerard would turn out okay. He’ll wake up soon and I’ll be able to talk to him as he recovers.

I found myself taking my time as I showered and got ready for school. I was even humming part of the Green Day song that I learned on the guitar, which I needed to practice more. Maybe I could even play it for Gerard when I visit. I knew he’d be sleeping, but can’t people in comas hear you when you speak to them?

When I finally managed to make my way downstairs and to the kitchen to grab something quick to eat, I realized that the school bus should’ve been here by now. Panicking, I ran to the front door with my bag and slammed through the front door and onto the porch, but it was too late – the school bus was rounding the corner at the end of my street and disappeared from sight.

I groaned and sat down on the edge of the porch, wondering what I was going to do. Mom and Dad were probably already at work, and Noah was already on the bus. With school being several blocks away, there was no way I’d be able to make it in time.

But I was okay with that.

I stood up once the iea went through my head and I went back into the house at a leisurely pace, feeling semi-cheerful again. I got my phone from my pocket and flipped it open and dialed a number.

After three rings, a man picked up. “Thank you for calling The Boombox, this is Frank speaking. How can I help you?”

“Hey Frank, do you have a minute?”


Glancing at the clock and seeing that I had only three minutes until Frank arrived, I quickly looked around my room again to make sure I had everything I needed in my backpack. Once I was reassured, I walked down the stairs as someone began knocking on the front door.

I reached the landing and opened the door to reveal a happy Frank holding a travel thermos full of what was probably coffee. A black beanie covered his messy hair and he had his right hand stuffed in his pocket of his jeans.

“Hey Scarlette, ready to go?” he asked with a smile.

“Yeah,” I replied as I shut the door behind me and locked it. I wouldn’t be back for a while.

I followed Frank to his car and got back inside to hear the radio playing quietly. Frank got inside the car and revved the engine as I sat my backpack on my lap and buckled my seatbelt.

As Frank began to back out of the driveway, he asked, “I’m not sure if I really need to ask this, but shouldn’t you be in school right now?”

I shrugged. “Technically, but I missed the bus and I wouldn’t have made it in time by walking.”

He smirked and swirled the contents of his thermos with his left hand as he drove with his right. “So your solution is to go to the hospital and visit Gerard instead.”

“Of course.”

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. Once he swallowed, he replied, “I don’t blame you. Just try not to get in a habit of ditching school to visit Gerard. He wouldn’t want that.”

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