Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:


To this response, Gerard nodded.  “Yes.”

I lifted an eyebrow, trying to decipher if he was just joking around or if he was genuinely serious.  But he maintained an indifferent facial expression, and even smiled a little.  He was actually being serious, which put that much more weight on the situation.  This would be the turning point of our relationship, and that idea gave me a small rush of some sort of tingling feeling. 

“What’s so hard to believe about that?” he half laughed. 

I shrugged.  “I don’t know, you just don’t really seem like a romantic-date type of guy.  Because personally, I don’t find the idea of a candle lit dinner and roses romantic.”

Gerard’s smile widened and he lowered his head as he continued applying glittery glue onto the border of my graduation cap.  “I know, I can tell.  When I say ‘date’, I mean that I want to officially take you out somewhere.  And not just to help you.”

I watched as he swiftly added a decorative border around the perimeter.  It was turning out to be quite a beautiful cap, thanks to Gerard’s assistance.  “What do you have in mind?”

He glanced up at me for a second before returning his focus to his work.  “Well, that would spoil the surprise, wouldn’t it?”

I almost emitted a half-hearted groan, but I wasn’t entirely surprised that he was trying to keep his plans a secret.  To be honest, it was sweet that he actually took the time to plan out an evening, specifically for taking me out. 

“Alright.  So when were you planning on having this date?” I asked after watching him work for another minute or so. 

“Tonight.  Probably around seven.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise, which also caused butterflies to immediately start fluttering around in my stomach.  I was expecting a little more time to get used to the idea that he was wanting to even take me out in the first place. 

But before I could comment on any of it, or give a reason why it should be tomorrow or how I needed a little time to wrap my head this , he looked up from his work and met my gaze with such a calming expression that the nerves died down almost as quickly as they started up.  I sighed, feeling like any doubts left my body.

“Is that okay?”

I blinked, dismissing the rush of nerves, feeling my cheeks heat up a little.  “What?”

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, noting my obvious change in demeanor.  “Is tonight around seven okay?”

I nodded.  “Yeah, that sounds great.”

Gerard sat back in his chair and broke into a huge smile.  “You know, Scar, your cheeks match your hair right now.” He tilted his head slightly to the side and teased, ”Do I make you nervous?”

That made it even worse.

He chuckled and stood from his chair, wiping his hands on his jeans, all while maintaining eye contact.  “I love how much I can make you blush, Scar.”

He slowly walked past me and towards the kitchen, but not before pausing by my side.  He leaned down, staying only an inch away from me, his lips right next to my ear.  I could feel his lips barely brush against it.

“Do I make you nervous, Scar?  Do I make you blush?” he teasingly whispered.

I put my elbow on the table and put my hand over my eyes, trying to hold back a laugh.  “Keep up the taunting and I’ll make other plans tonight.”

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