Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I heard three knocks on the door downstairs, followed by my mom calling out, "I'll get it!"

I turned my attention back to my laptop in front of me, where a page of guitar tabs and chords for a Green Day song was listed. My guitar was in my lap, with the neck strap fastened around me and a pick in my grasp. I began strumming but stopped immediately when a familiar voice echoed through the halls.

I took the strap off and gently laid the guitar on the bed before I went to my window to make sure it was really Gerard. Sure enough, a black car was parked in front of the house. I looked back at my bed before shaking my head and going over to the door to head downstairs.

As I trudged down the stairs, Gerard's relatively cheerful greeting to my mother bounced off of the walls.

I heard him ask politely, "Is Scarlette home?"

"Hi, Gerard," I said, going over to stand next to my mom. "Mom, this is my friend, Gerard."

I looked to her for a response but her face was tight, like she was trying to keep her expression hidden. "Nice to meet you, Gerard," she said stiffly, before looking at me for a moment and walking away.

I bit my lip worriedly and turned back to the black haired boy on my doorstep. "What's up?"

"Are you free, early tomorrow morning?" He leaned against the doorframe and smiled. I noticed he had black sunglasses perched on top of his hair and he kept playing with his car keys.

I nodded and raised an eyebrow. "And what mystery do you have planned this time?"

A smirk played on Gerard's lips. "Guess you'll have to wait and see, huh?" I rolled my eyes as he continued, "Hey do you have a cell phone?"

I nodded and recited the number for him to save in his phone. He grinned and said, "I'll call you tomorrow morning."

"Okay. See you then," I waved before gently closing the door.

For a good minute, I just smiled dumbly at the door, before realizing I left my guitar out and my laptop on. Sighing, I turned around to head up the stairs but stopped when I saw my dad staring at me from the kitchen doorway, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Good morning," I finally said, attempting to smile a little.

He gave a small nod and took a large sip from the mug. "Who's Gerard?"

I pressed my lips together and picked at a loose thread on my jacket sleeve. "Like I told mom, he's a friend."

"Are you sure about that?"

I narrowed my eyes a little and replied, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He gave a half shrug and gripped his cup tighter. "Scar, I just don't want you to get attached to someone, and then have something happen to you two. Especially after everything you went through."

"Dad, he's just a friend. Nothing's going to happen," I said, getting tired of the conversation. Not wanting a full blown argument to start, I pushed past him and back up the stairs. I heard him exhale heavily behind me but I ignored it and closed my bedroom door once I was inside.


"Hello?" I answered the phone groggily, sitting up in bed and looking at the digital clock on my nightstand. 5:00 AM.

"Hey, Scar!" Gerard's voice was way too cheery for 5:00 AM. "Did I wake you?"

"Oh, not at all! I always get up at 5 AM during spring break," I retorted sarcastically, flopping back onto my pillow.

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