Chapter 1

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Before this chapter, we just want to say that THIS ISN’T ENCOURAGING SUICIDE OKAY? Any of the reasons Scarlette gives for her decision is purely for the purpose of the plot line. Suicide is NOT the answer. Life is a gift. Don’t waste it.

Chapter 1

Enough is enough. It seemed the only place I belonged in this world was on this roof, my feet inches from the edge. It was ironic that my last moments are going to be spent in the place I most despised. First day of spring break, and the last day of my life.


“Oh shit, Noah, what did they do to you?” I asked in despair, as I crouched down beside my brother. He was knocked down against the lockers, a steady stream of crimson blood flowing from his nose. I never could wrap my head around why they do this to him. Noah might be the sweetest and most caring guy I know. So what, he’s gay? Why does that make him inferior?

He chuckled weakly, his head lolling from side to side. “I should punch them for being straight, huh?” I tried to laugh, to make it all seem better than it was, but all that came out was a choked sound. “Oh come on, Scar. This isn’t so bad. They’ve done worse.”

“But it’s not fair! You do nothing to them, and--” But I had no time to finish my sentence as I heard a loud laugh and a shout of, “Look, perfect opportunity to beat the shit out of both of them!”

I turned my head as Noah mumbled, “Crap, Scarlette, what did you get yourself into?”

I was first faced by a pair of legs underneath worn down grey jeans. My gaze travelled up to the person’s smirking, cocky face. Not only was there one boy who I couldn’t take on, but two more were behind him, undoubtedly ready to back him up.

The next 10 minutes of that day were a flurry of insults and pain. I just sat there, cowering with my arms covering my head. I didn’t feel bad or shocked for myself; I would be surprised if it didn’t happen. I did feel bad for Noah though, who just had to sit there with his injury, watching his sister get hurt. I know he thought it was his fault, but it wasn’t anyone’s fault except for the close minded idiots who didn’t want to accept the fact that someone dared to be different.

~End of Flashback~

I always think that I’ll start crying when I think back on my life until this point. I had every right to. I could fucking bawl my eyes out and some people would understand. You know, they should make a movie out of my life. Up until the tragic end, where people cry into their popcorn and sodas, as the words Based on A True Story come up on the big screen. They’d clutch whoever they were watching the movie with, and if they were alone, they’d silently thank God that this wasn’t them.

Maybe I’m exaggerating things, but it’s natural. Whenever someone has a problem, the world ends for them until it’s fixed. For me, the only way to fix it is by…jumping.

At moments, it seemed like things were starting to look up. I mean, after I found out I was adopted, I easily located my parents. It wasn’t that I was unhappy with my foster family, but it felt like they were unhappy with me. And after finding out who my biological parents were, I found their names somewhere else too: the obituaries.

That’s when I realized that it was going to be a rollercoaster of a life for me. And perhaps, this was the final drop.

I looked over the ledge again. People had gathered now. Crap. Someone must’ve seen me. There were two police cars, and double the number of actual policemen. One of them was saying something into a bullhorn. It sounded like, “Please come down.”

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