Chapter Three

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This is dedicated to EliyDiaz because she leaves me comments that make my day. I love her now omg favoritest person everr <333

Annnnnywhore let's read the story, hmm?


He's actually going to come over my house! I can't believe it. I need to get ready...I need Harry.

"HAZZA STYLES!" I yelled from my room. He soon walked in with a smile and sat down on my bed.

Harry and I have always been close. I mean, Edward and I are close, but I tell Harry everything.

"What's up baby bro?" He smiled.

"Liam's coming over tonight and I don't know what I should do!" I sighed, falling into Harry's lap. He just giggled (very manly of course...) and sighed.

"You know how much Niall likes Edward?" I just nodded, wondering why he had anything to do with it.

"Well, just be yourself. You saw how E was today! Cool. Calm. Collective. Remember it," and with that, Harry kissed me on the cheek and left my room.

Soon I was dressed in my not-so-normal clothing. I had a black 'Killers' shirt on with teal skinny jeans and converse. My hair wasn't gelled completely but just so it was up in a small quiff.

A knock at the door disturbed my reading and I got up, opening it to see Liam dressed in a green t-shirt and black skinny jeans, his white TOMS looking like he borrowed Louis'.

"H-hey Liam," Dammit my fucking stutter. Only when I'm nervous do I get like this. Stop it Marcel, Cool, Calm, Collective. Do what Hazza says.

"Hey Marcel. You look really cute. Go to school like that more often," he smiled, giving me a hug and walking inside.

I closed the door and followed him, leading the brown haired boy to my room to study.


Ten minutes until my date with Louis: or at least I think it's a date. I couldn't tell with the way he winked at me or gave me his number with the 'xx' kisses shit on it.

My outfit was simple: a grey hoodie (because it was cold), black skinny jeans and white converse. I couldn't wait to see Louis.

To: Louis

From: Harry

I'm ready. Text me your address so I can pick you up. xxHazza

To: Harry

From: Louis

Can't wait to see you ;) xxLou

His address was plugged into my phone and I was on my way to where he told me to be, only to find it was an old, abandoned shack.

This couldn't be his house...


We've been studying for about an hour now and I'm starting to get a little bored. I mean, every second I'm falling harder for the irrisistable nerd. He's just so...adorkable.

Yeah that was tooootally gay...

"So you wanna take a break from studying?" Marcel blushed a little. Damn he's attractive.

"Sure, I mean, I am a little hungry...if you don't mind,"

"Oh! Not at all, no! We'll just look for something downstairs?"

I nodded and followed the younger boy down the stairs into the kitchen.

"So chips, cookies, chicken nuggets?"

"Chicken actually sounds pretty good..."

Marcel smiled and bounced over to the oven, turning it on and popping the nuggets in.

I went over to wash my hands as Marcel giggled.

"What?" I turned around, rubbing my hands together.

"Clean freak?"

"A little, why?"

"It's...cute," he smirked and turned back to the oven.

I decided to be playful and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and whispering seductively into his ear.

"What's cooking babe?"

"Payne..." He mumbled, lowly moaning. I smirked and turned him around, lightly breathing on his lips.

I loved how he was slightly smaller than me, so I could kiss the top of his head or maybe his nose. Everything about this moment was perfect.

"Kiss me," he breathed. My lips met his in a perfect sync. It was lust, love, want, all in one perfect kiss.

"Is this bothering you?"


"Germs. Swapping saliva?" He giggled.

"Not with you baby," I continued kissing him until we were on the couch, him straddling me, the chicken long forgotten.


I winced at the sudden pain of the lighter against my skin. I continued from my wrist, searing the seventeen fresh cuts I made.

She hit me. She fucking cornered me and threw a picture frame at me, then slapped me.

Why? Because she was drunk, and I was gay.

Ever since my father left us, my mother has done nothing but drink and abuse me. I won't let her touch the girls, my sisters. I have only two, because the older ones ran away.

Emma is the oldest out of what I have left. She's seven and growing tall. I love her with all my heart because she understands me the most.

Once she came in on me cutting and asked me in the most innocent way what I was doing. I told her it was a relief and if she ever did it that she'd be in trouble. I felt bad but I didn't need her cutting at a young age, just because her big brother did.

Charlotte was the younger of the two sisters I had. Her blonde hair had resembled much of my horrid fathers, so I dyed it red for her.

I always love how she's the most cheerful person. Even in a thunder storm, she looks for the sun, moon, and stars. I swore that if my mother ever laid a finger on her, I'd leave with both of them.

When I saw my phone light up that's when I stopped. It was probably Harry. That boy...

I cleaned up my cuts and burns and threw on a black sweatshirt, red skinny jeans and black TOMS. I let my checkered suspenders hang from my jeans as I walked out into the winter's cool air.

"Hop in babe," Harry smirked as I winced to the touch of his arm on my fresh cuts. Covering it up with a smile we soon drove down to the pizza shop with hands entwined the whole time.











P.S. I'm also on my phone so...yeah, SOWWY! <3

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