Chapter Six

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as i said...shit's about to go down


ily don't hate me bbys <333 


onward my bitches :)



As much as I usually loved school, today I did not particularly want to go. I was fine in Marcel's arms util his alarm clock blared out 'These Things I've Done' by Sleeping With Sirens. (song on side) I sort of jumped up and hit his chin with my head, causing him to bolt awake too.

"Sorry babe," I frowned, rubbing my head. I turned around to kiss his chin as I pulled away from his tight grasp and rolled onto the floor with a loud 'umff'. 

"Marcelllllllllll!" I whined.

"What?" He groaned, getting up to find his shirt in his closet.

"Can we ditch today?" He spun around on his heels and glared at me wide eyed.

"D-Ditch? I'd never," He looked at the ground, shirt gripped tightly in his hands.

"Yes you would babe," I smirked, getting up and kissing his shocked face.

"Maybe, but only today," I jumped up and shrieked.

"YAY! I promise you nothing bad will happen. We'll just walk to the park or something," I beamed. Marcel just shrugged, pulling his shirt over his messy, ungelled curls. 

Just the way I liked it.


"Hey Ni!" Edward shouted from across the lunchroom. I smiled and made my way towards the punk as he cleared a spot at the nearby table for us. 

"You didn't have to do that, Bear..."

"But for you I did," He smiles lightly and takes a bite of his sandwich. I do the same and soon we're joined by Harry and Louis who look a little out of it. Louis sits down and stares into his food smiling as Harry fixes his messy hair and tries to look innocent.

"Well now we know who got it on in the janitor's closet!" Edward barked out a laugh as I blushed intensly. Louis' head snapped up and shook rapidly. 

"No no no no no! NO! None of that! We just-"

"Had a little fun then it got a little intense. No sex. Promise on our mum's life," Harry finished, leaving Louis' face as red as his apple. 

"I was just messing with ya little bro," Edward winked at Harry, leaving Harry to blush awkwardly as he bit into his salad. 

"Hey so where's Liam and Marcel?" Louis spoke up. We all looked around frantically then looked at eachother. 

"No way," I shook my head.

"Liam wouldn't," Louis looked around - still scared.

"Same with Marcey," Harry looked at me in disbelief.

"Guys," Edward spoke up and all of us caught his stare, "Marcel and Liam ditched school," 


I've only been here for a month and I finally realize:

•I'm in love with Harry Fucking Styles

•You don't touch Niall's chicken sandwich - epecially if he puts barbeque sauce on it

•Edward is like a terrifying teddy bear

•Marcel is the cutest geek you'll ever meet - I guarentee you

•Liam is not as innocent as he looks

I mean  that's pretty good if I might say so myself. 

So right now, after I finally realize those few things, we're frantically calling Liam and Marcel's phones to find out where and why did they ditch school. 

In my opinion they'd be the last people to NEVER EVER NEVER EVER IN NEVER EVER NEVER do that. 

e v e r . 

Anyway as I'm walking down the hallway I realize that I see Harry with some girl. I think to myself,

'Oh he's probably asking her if she's seen Liam and Marcel.'

'Extreamly closely.'

'To her face.'

'With his lips.'

'F u c k'

"H-hazza?" He breaks away from the tall blonde and pushes her back, looking at me with wide eyes.


"NO! Don't even try to explain. I've seen everything!" I yelled, trying to run away until his arm grabs he and pulls me into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

Boobear it wasnt me it was h-" 

"So you're in love with him? UGH I hate you Styles!!!" The blonde screams and storms away. I continue to cry into Harry's chest until I realize what I'm doing and rip away, running down the halls and out of school, back home to cry in my bedroom.

and my razor makes five fresh cuts:







Sorry again for the long wait but I've been reslly depressed and ugh

ILY all for 800+ reads <3

P.S. I'm not asking you guys for much but if you could please vote it would mean allot! I feel like a don't get any feedback and it would make me really happy and mebbe faster updates!! <3 

ily all bye :3

V O T E 

C O M M E N T 




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