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You sat there in boredom, looking at the stars passing by you. It's the first time you're in space, even. Though the more you looked, the less you cared. Rick continued drinking, burping out of nowhere.
"Where are we going now?" You broke the silence.
"We're heading to a certain planet that probably Morty might end up bumping into."
You sat there, crossing your arms. "I hope this will be safe."
"Probably not."
Well, there's your answer. You really weren't comfortable with dangerous tasks, it wasn't your cup of tea. But looking how much he cared about this Morty kid really meant something to you, so you didn't say much about it.
It was silence and Rick landed in a planet without a word, and he opened the doors to let you and himself out. He jumped out, looking around and holding a mechanic.
"What's that?"
"A tracking device, so whenever I find Morty it can track his identity down. This will be quick, so don't expect a lot of walking. Stay here and I'll go see if this device picked anything up." He walked off, and you watched him leave.
It wasn't long until he disappeared to somewhere else, and boy was this boring and unnecessary to be in. You crossed your arms and leaned on the ship gently, taking in this new view. All the plants are purple instead of green, neon blue glows at the end of it's leafs, it was actually pretty to look at. Despite it's darkness, you felt like you got sucked into some book of a 5 year old. You looked down, and saw something on a glowing flower. You kneeled down to it, squinting at the object. It was an eye patch, probably someone lost it while venturing around here. You picked it up, examining it's details. You tried to see anything wrong with it, but it was too dark to see. You didn't care at that point, but just in case, you placed it in your pocket for future use.
You heard twigs cracking and leafs moving, and you instantly turned to see what it was, but instead, it was just Rick.
"Did you find him?"
"Nope, nothing here. What about you? Saw anything suspicious?"
You still had that eye patch, but you were anxious to tell Rick about it because you think he'll just talk smart ass at you again.
You shook your head.
"Well alright, guess we have no choice but to go to the world of Ricks."
It sounded dangerous, but to you, it actually sounds interesting and exciting. You wonder if any other Rick knows you, and willing to befriend the other you in the near future.
"Where is that?" You asked.
"I have to use a portal- URP- gun to get there. But first let's head home, we can't leave the ship here."
The doors to the ship opened, and you hopped in the ship with Rick, setting off to space again and back to your home Earth.

You still wondered who's eye patch that was from that purple-and-neon-blue planet.
Maybe it is a clue? Or someone who was clumsy?

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